Weight gain...WHY???

Rather fed up is a huge understatement!!! for some reason unknown to me I seem to have gained 7 lbs in a week!! Check my diary... I hardly ever go over my goal and usually have a MFP deficit of around 1000. What the hell has happened???


  • It could be a myriad of reasons.
    Have you been measuring your body with a measuring tape? Or have you actually seen a change? It could be that you've not gained an inch.

    Have you not been drinking enough water? Could be water retention.

    Not getting enough sleep? I find when I get less than 5-6 hours a night I get/look/am incredibly bloated.

    Could it be a plateau?

    Do you have rest days?

    Do you weigh yourself in the mornings or evenings? This is a really simple and important one yet it's not one you often hear about. Make sure you measure yourself every single morning as soon as you wake up, after doing your morning routine (before breakfast!). I measure and weigh myself every Friday after I wake up, go to the loo, brush my teeth and wash my face. Oh, and measure yourself naked. The measuring scale weighs everything that's on it. This would include all the foods you ate throughout the day if you were to measure yourself at night.

    Having just looked through your diary it seems to me like you're cycling your calories too much. Are you eating back your exercise calories? If so, then stop. If not, then pick a consistent number like 1700 calories and stick to that every day for the next week or two and see how things go.

    Ultimately, I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. Actual weight is hard to gain. 7lbs in one week is most probably just water retention and nothing more. Consistency in terms of your caloric intake is what you need to get back to normal and to continue losing weight at a reliable pace.
  • I just had this frustration- I gained a few kgs and sat on them for 3 weeks without being able to lose any, however now I'm back down again and starting to loose weight again. I havent changed my eating at all during that time. Who knows how the human body works, sometimes you just have to wait it out. If your still up after a month I'd reevaluate.
  • joolsmitchell
    joolsmitchell Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks, I was wondering whether or not to eat my cals back, I will set a limit and stick to it to see how it goes. I weigh every friday morning before i eat or dress.. like yourself. I maybe don't drink enough water and this is something I need to work on. Sleep is sometimes an issue but I really cannot do much about that as its a problem I have with Fibroids pressing on my bladder, so I am up sometimes every two hours. Thanks for your advice.