Calories are NOT equal



  • Alix68
    Alix68 Posts: 31 Member
    What disappoints me about this site is the way people are so nasty in these threads! The lady here makes a perfectly reasonable point that healthy food is healthy which is surely hard to argue with. Of course you need good sources of vitamins and minerals, along with your calories and fresh vegetables, salads and some fruit are universally understood to be good ways to get those.
    You may have a different opinion, which should be respected, but note that her post ends with 'What do you think?' - a clear invitation for polite, reasoned and civilized debate which seems singularly lacking.
    When I lived in south America I ate only fresh meat, fish, local and recently picked veg and maybe a bit too much fruit for the 'recommended' sugar intake, and I had perfect skin, shiny hair, a great figure and was fit without doing any training or dieting. Since being back in Europe with the great Mediterranean diet, this has not been the case, so without any scientific sources and purely from experience I totally agree with the original post.
    What you eat is entirely your own affair. It's just a topic of conversation, not a ***** fight! :tongue:
  • ruejacobs
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    I absolutely agree.

    But it's not just who looks better. It's also about who is healthier. Somehow on this web site healthy =healthy weight. But you can be in healthy weight and exercise regularly but have problems with digestion, or high cholesterol, or other problems that were results of bad diet.

    Not all calories are equal. Not all slim people have healthy diets either.

    This Glam-girl is right.

    I once was 95 lbs soaking wet. With a metabolism that would not quit. I could consume entire pizzas (2 at a time, large) eat whole boxes of donuts, and drink 2 two liters of soda daily. And I could not gain an ounce. Not a single curve emerged on my body and I stayed that way until I was well into my thirties. I ate nothing but junk, junk, junk. For breakfast a box of Lucky Charms with half a gallon of milk, followed by a medium bag of Cheetos and so on...and I was thin as a stick even after giving birth to three children.

    That crap catches up with you, eventually.
    The party, so to speak, ended for me when I was in my mid thirties and noticed a figure emerging. That figure just kept emerging, too, and becoming more...convex, shall we say; until I modified my eating habits. Once I changed my diet, I noticed I felt much better.

    Sure it could all be attributed to psychosomatic effects, but I'll take what I can get in the way of positive reinforcement when it comes to losing weight.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    I absolutely agree.

    But it's not just who looks better. It's also about who is healthier. Somehow on this web site healthy =healthy weight. But you can be in healthy weight and exercise regularly but have problems with digestion, or high cholesterol, or other problems that were results of bad diet.

    Not all calories are equal. Not all slim people have healthy diets either.

    Well, then it is simple, really. Give us a measure of how "healthy" is determined.

    Hey. I demanded that first. :angry:

    Not that anyone ever gives it. It always comes down to handwavey 'take it on faith/my say-so' crap or my favorite "Well you'll see when you're 70." copout.

    Miss chell! I do believe I RESEMBLE that remark (and I feel strangely flattered it is your favorite!). Handwavey, not so much. Prescient? Oh, just maybe. But that would be mumbo jumbo.
    Thanks for making me smile.
  • kaltas65
    kaltas65 Posts: 2 Member
    I totally agree with you however, for a lot of people this is the first step, you cant just change life long habits over night, at least people are working at reducing how much of that stuff they eat by counting their calories, and that is a GOOD thing. When you start to lose weight you will subtly make other changes, so one step at a time and I say good on everyone for taking the first step.
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    I like tacos.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    I absolutely agree.

    But it's not just who looks better. It's also about who is healthier. Somehow on this web site healthy =healthy weight. But you can be in healthy weight and exercise regularly but have problems with digestion, or high cholesterol, or other problems that were results of bad diet.

    Not all calories are equal. Not all slim people have healthy diets either.

    Well, then it is simple, really. Give us a measure of how "healthy" is determined.

    Hey. I demanded that first. :angry:

    Not that anyone ever gives it. It always comes down to handwavey 'take it on faith/my say-so' crap or my favorite "Well you'll see when you're 70." copout.

    Miss chell! I do believe I RESEMBLE that remark (and I feel strangely flattered it is your favorite!). Handwavey, not so much. Prescient? Oh, just maybe. But that would be mumbo jumbo.
    Thanks for making me smile.

    I mean, I'm consistent, lol. No one can claim I switch up my stances; I even use the same phrases.

    But shh, you can't be here. You have the potential to know too much about my actual eating habits and might start telling people that I temper my junk food with fruits and vegetables and stuff.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    I absolutely agree.

    But it's not just who looks better. It's also about who is healthier. Somehow on this web site healthy =healthy weight. But you can be in healthy weight and exercise regularly but have problems with digestion, or high cholesterol, or other problems that were results of bad diet.

    Not all calories are equal. Not all slim people have healthy diets either.

    Please describe how you determine who is and who isn't healthy. If you lack a manner in which to quantify 'healthy' then your assertion is kind of lacking legs on which to stand.

    I'm not interested in pointless discussion. It's common knowledge that unhealthy eating habits cause health problems. If you think that healthy weight in combination with junk food is ok for you, that's your life and your health.

    So you've got nothing?

    I find your questions and behavior to be ridiculous and childish, and refuse to waste my time explaining common knowledge.

    your ticker says you still want to lose 11kg.

    if you'd open your mind, you might discover that a lot of things you believe to be true without any evidence, aren't actually true.

    ...and many of the things you are disputing, actually are true and have evidence to support them.

    that new information might make your efforts to lose those last 11kg a bit faster and a bit more enjoyable.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I find your questions and behavior to be ridiculous and childish, and refuse to waste my time explaining common knowledge.

    Simply saying "it's common knowledge" over and over isn't very convincing. Just sayin.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    Pizza is not in fact unhealthy. It's thin fresh bread, good protein from mozzarella, fresh tomatoes, basil, mushrooms. It's pretty healthy actually. Of course if a person is healthy enough to eat it, for instance is not allergic to the ingredients.

    Of course I'm talking about a fresh made pizza, not the frozen crap.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    What disappoints me about this site is the way people are so nasty in these threads! The lady here makes a perfectly reasonable point that healthy food is healthy which is surely hard to argue with. Of course you need good sources of vitamins and minerals, along with your calories and fresh vegetables, salads and some fruit are universally understood to be good ways to get those.
    You may have a different opinion, which should be respected, but note that her post ends with 'What do you think?' - a clear invitation for polite, reasoned and civilized debate which seems singularly lacking.
    When I lived in south America I ate only fresh meat, fish, local and recently picked veg and maybe a bit too much fruit for the 'recommended' sugar intake, and I had perfect skin, shiny hair, a great figure and was fit without doing any training or dieting. Since being back in Europe with the great Mediterranean diet, this has not been the case, so without any scientific sources and purely from experience I totally agree with the original post.
    What you eat is entirely your own affair. It's just a topic of conversation, not a ***** fight! :tongue:

    Look at it a different way:

    What disappoints me about this site is the way people are so nasty in these threads! The lady here in the OP is trying to shame the eating habits of others by implying they're making poor choices that will ruin their health, despite all evidence to the contrary. Of course you need to eat "healthy" foods if you want to have the kind of success she has.

    See how silly this is? This entire thread is the OP proclaiming the superiority of her food choices because they are more "healthy".
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    What you eat is entirely your own affair. It's just a topic of conversation, not a ***** fight! :tongue:

    Most here would agree. Unfortunately OP directly criticized diaries she had seen, so of course people are going to defend their choices. Furthermore people on high horses are targets on MFP. Shaming of any sort - body or food - is rapidly attacked.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I have been surprised to find so many people staying under their calorie goal, yet when you see what they eat is shocks me. Yes, they stayed under, BUT they ate crap! Fast food, processed foods, white breads, and soda.

    This site is great for calorie counting and nutrition data, but it doesn't teach how to eat to fuel your body the best way possible. You body is not going to burn/use those crap calories the same way healthy foods will. When you eat healthy, your body burns it fast and uses pretty much every bit of that food, but when you eat processed, high sodium and fat foods, you will more then likely store some of that food into fat. Proof? Give a person the same number of calories but one eats all the healthy/clean foods while the other eats the junk. Whose body looks better? Also, it's not just weight gain that's affected, it's your hair and skin health too.

    When you eat healthy, you feel healthy :)

    What do YOU think?

    I absolutely agree.

    But it's not just who looks better. It's also about who is healthier. Somehow on this web site healthy =healthy weight. But you can be in healthy weight and exercise regularly but have problems with digestion, or high cholesterol, or other problems that were results of bad diet.

    Not all calories are equal. Not all slim people have healthy diets either.

    This Glam-girl is right.

    I once was 95 lbs soaking wet. With a metabolism that would not quit. I could consume entire pizzas (2 at a time, large) eat whole boxes of donuts, and drink 2 two liters of soda daily. And I could not gain an ounce. Not a single curve emerged on my body and I stayed that way until I was well into my thirties. I ate nothing but junk, junk, junk. For breakfast a box of Lucky Charms with half a gallon of milk, followed by a medium bag of Cheetos and so on...and I was thin as a stick even after giving birth to three children.

    That crap catches up with you, eventually.
    The party, so to speak, ended for me when I was in my mid thirties and noticed a figure emerging. That figure just kept emerging, too, and becoming more...convex, shall we say; until I modified my eating habits. Once I changed my diet, I noticed I felt much better.

    Sure it could all be attributed to psychosomatic effects, but I'll take what I can get in the way of positive reinforcement when it comes to losing weight.
    It couldn't have been from over-eating? How did you modify your diet, other than eating 'healthier'? Hmmm. Let me guess, by eating less?
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I politely disagree with the original post, you don't only have to eat healthy foods to have a bangin' body. IIFYM then eat it, the other nutrition which is normally not achieved through diet can be consumed as a multivitamin or if its certain micronutrients that are missing they can be taken as a supplement.

    The average person doesn't get the needed intake of micro and macro nutrients because of availability (cost, supply and demand and distance to purchase) and can always be supplemented but that is not to say that it's a good reason to eat fast foods or those without the micronutrients that we need it's more of an observation over the years as there have been huge changes to the food industry making fast food so convenient for the people with major time constraints (which in my city seems to be nearly everyone I know).

    Eat to fit the macros that you require and try and get as many micronutrients through the foods you consume and use a multi-vitamin to get the rest. I sometimes eat bread, even white bread, and that happens to be usually when I eat fast food or in a restaurant. Most of the time I am eating veggies and steak or chicken, I don't consume dairy or grains to regularly as I don't digest them well (horrible stomach cramps kind of deal) and I also limit my fruit intake but still manage to meet my macros and my micros are pretty well with the exception of vitamin D (as I apparently don't absorb it well).

    Pretty sure I sound like I am rambling but hopefully many can discern the point that the original statement is not solidly true but it is not false either.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Pizza is not in fact unhealthy. It's thin fresh bread, good protein from mozzarella, fresh tomatoes, basil, mushrooms. It's pretty healthy actually. Of course if a person is healthy enough to eat it, for instance is not allergic to the ingredients.

    Of course I'm talking about a fresh made pizza, not the frozen crap.

    What's different about the mushrooms, cheese and tomato on a frozen pizza?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Pizza is not in fact unhealthy. It's thin fresh bread, good protein from mozzarella, fresh tomatoes, basil, mushrooms. It's pretty healthy actually. Of course if a person is healthy enough to eat it, for instance is not allergic to the ingredients.

    Of course I'm talking about a fresh made pizza, not the frozen crap.

    What's different about the mushrooms, cheese and tomato on a frozen pizza?

    When you freeze food, it becomes unhealthy.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Pizza is not in fact unhealthy. It's thin fresh bread, good protein from mozzarella, fresh tomatoes, basil, mushrooms. It's pretty healthy actually. Of course if a person is healthy enough to eat it, for instance is not allergic to the ingredients.

    Of course I'm talking about a fresh made pizza, not the frozen crap.

    What's different about the mushrooms, cheese and tomato on a frozen pizza?

    When you freeze food, it becomes unhealthy.

    I heard the same thing about when you combine ingredients to make a burger
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member

    your ticker says you still want to lose 11kg.

    if you'd open your mind, you might discover that a lot of things you believe to be true without any evidence, aren't actually true.

    ...and many of the things you are disputing, actually are true and have evidence to support them.

    that new information might make your efforts to lose those last 11kg a bit faster and a bit more enjoyable.

    Thank you for your concern but I'm not struggling with my weight loss. I'm loosing weight while been monitored by doctors, and my diet was prescribed for me based on my health issues too.

    I actually really enjoy it because I have really good food, and lots of it, and dine out almost every day.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Pizza is not in fact unhealthy. It's thin fresh bread, good protein from mozzarella, fresh tomatoes, basil, mushrooms. It's pretty healthy actually. Of course if a person is healthy enough to eat it, for instance is not allergic to the ingredients.

    Of course I'm talking about a fresh made pizza, not the frozen crap.

    What's different about the mushrooms, cheese and tomato on a frozen pizza?

    When you freeze food, it becomes unhealthy.

    So Wendy's is healthy then? Always fresh, never frozen!
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member

    your ticker says you still want to lose 11kg.

    if you'd open your mind, you might discover that a lot of things you believe to be true without any evidence, aren't actually true.

    ...and many of the things you are disputing, actually are true and have evidence to support them.

    that new information might make your efforts to lose those last 11kg a bit faster and a bit more enjoyable.

    Thank you for your concern but I'm not struggling with my weight loss. I'm loosing weight while been monitored by doctors, and my diet was prescribed for me based on my health issues too.

    I actually really enjoy it because I have really good food, and lots of it, and dine out almost every day.
    you are loosing weight?

    I am a little worried, I thought we were trying to lose weight
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Pizza is not in fact unhealthy. It's thin fresh bread, good protein from mozzarella, fresh tomatoes, basil, mushrooms. It's pretty healthy actually. Of course if a person is healthy enough to eat it, for instance is not allergic to the ingredients.

    Of course I'm talking about a fresh made pizza, not the frozen crap.

    What's different about the mushrooms, cheese and tomato on a frozen pizza?

    When you freeze food, it becomes unhealthy.

    So Wendy's is healthy then? Always fresh, never frozen!

    Five Guys, too. Fresh potatoes, oil, and ground beef.

    Frozen green beans are bad and evil though.