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Binge Eating Disorder/Vegetarian



  • Guys, just because there's EATING DISORDER in the title of a diagnosis, does not mean it's a restricting disorder. Jesus. Learn your facts before you jump on the OMG EATING DISORDER NO ALLOWED GO AWAY train.
  • Thanks superkeats- I'm going to add you. And Taragirl- Vegetarians don't eat meat, and honestly, I have never heard of ANY binge eaters binging on meat..... so how does that not make sense....bingers usually binge on salty and sugary foods....

    Well i certainly do, I can eat a lot of chicken, sausages and burgers binge eating is everything, some people binge on vegetables. I also suffer and in a big way, logging does help but you have to have the motivation to stop or find the cause so you can stop.
  • krisbychiken
    krisbychiken Posts: 72 Member
    I guess I should have been more specific...! Yes I do have BED-Binge Eating Disorder- but the difference between BED and other eating disorders is that people with BED don't ever try to to find others to binge with them or support their binging....people with BED are ashamed of their binges...in my experience I have never come across threads that say "I have BED, let's binge 5,000 calories together every day for the rest of the week!" No...it's all about finding support to or through recovery!

    These people are ridiculous...I have this problem and I'm here to try to change that. I've been here for two years and have been pretty successful so far, but am up and down with my weight as well. Clearly you are here for support to STOP, not to recruit or commend binge eating. Don't listen to these guys, these message boards have gotten ridiculous and I'm appalled by the responses. Feel free to add me and good luck on your journey! It's definitely a tough thing to break and I hope you find more supportive people along the way!
  • Good words, K! It doesn't matter if you are vegan, vegetarian, or carnivore, etc. You can still develop ANY type of eating disorder. Reaching out for support to others who have the same thing as you is the next step in aiding recovery. Many people who suffer from anyone one of these disorders or any other behavioral health issue often feel alone and some are drowned by silence and stigma of those others that classify themselves as "normal". Screw normal!
  • Honestly, it's not like she is posting a thread asking for someone to support her in her eating disorder ways. She has just mentioned that she happens to struggle with it. Maybe she needs some support with her fitness, which, believe it or not, does help when it comes to eating disorders because personal fitness is both mentally and physically clarifying.

    Aren't we all here for support and friends that are helpful? Why are we focusing on the negative eating disorder, and not on the positive- the fact that she's staying away from triggering foods, and trying to get/keep healthy?

    You have my support.
  • Not to mention that my "homework" for therapy was to write down every single thing that I eat....interesting how this website helps you do that! It seems like many of you are quick to jump to conclusions/judge when I bet you have little understanding of what BED is in the first place.

    Good for you. I'm glad I randomly stumbled upon your post yesterday :)
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    Trogalicious - What's your problem?

    September - I am currently a BED (with purging tendencies) sufferer and currently trying to recover for the first time. Feel free to use me as support or just to read off my logs!
    I don't have a problem and I can certainly hope that the OP is indeed here for recovery. When you look at the title of a thread and it STARTS with Eating Disorder, I'm not sure how there can be much of a good response. Either way, it's effectively frowned upon to talk about ED's here. Not my rules, just a point to be made. While OP may be in recovery (and best hopes for that, as well as wishes) you have to understand that not everyone is in the same boat.

    OP: Maybe try changing the title of your next forum post to not include "Eating Disorder"...?

    I have never heard of people with ED's not being allowed or discouraged from posting on the forums here. You would be surprised how may people with EDs use this site for support and for recovery. It makes much more sense for them to be on a supportive and healthy website like this than on an all ED website which would most likely have triggers and unhealthy support and tips. I myself am in recovery from an eating disorder and so are quite a few people on my friends list. Its unfortunate that people like you are so unwelcoming to others, and I am really ashamed of some of the comments I've seen on these forums from people (not meaning you, other people on other posts are often very rude and make fun of people when they ask a serious question.)

    Feel free to add me for support!! I am pescetarian (mostly vegetarian diet with the exception of eating fish every once in awhile)
    My diary is also public if you wish to view it for any meal ideas :)
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    You can join the emotional eating group.

    And a vegetarian can be a binge eater. You can binge on any type of food. If you are eating carrots to the point of feeling sick then it is still a problem.
  • missym13
    missym13 Posts: 16 Member
    How you explained it made sense to me. I find at night I want to eat more even after a full day of success. First off,I think you are doing phenomenally in the progress you have made. Now maybe you can figure out what changed for you,and what your triggers are in general. Take it from there...and one day and night at a time. stay here for support,even though some might not understand..I'm sure there will be someone here for you to connect with. Don't worry about those who think this site isnt geared towards your problem. You want to change the way you eat,right? So that's why we are all here ....good luck and continued success!!!!!:happy:
  • missym13
    missym13 Posts: 16 Member
  • missym13
    missym13 Posts: 16 Member
    I see you already found support...cool!:wink:
  • KokowithaK
    KokowithaK Posts: 88 Member
    Welcome to the site! I'm not sure why anyone would think posting about ED are considered taboo or unwelcome on this site. If anything, I'd encourage a lot of people with ED to utilize this site due to the caloric counting aspect. I guess it just makes sense for me to see people with food eating problems using a food counting site. :: shrug ::
  • I think we can all be binge eaters every now and then, we shouldn't deny it ! We have all subjected our selves to
    gluttony when we over eat! I think anyone that wants to be here to help themselves is on the right path if they want
    a healthier life style! I wouldn't rule anyone out or tell them this is not the place for them! I can say I don't need to be here
    because I've always been a fitness buff and a body builder with an eating disorder, Mine was not eating hardly a thing until
    dinner, and then I was ravished. Looking or thinking about food any other time actually mad me sick! Yes I have an eating disorder,
    but I have always been in great shape, until life events and a robbery that left my with a thyroid disorder changed all that, in fact
    it change my life completely to the point that I sometimes wonder who the hell I am! I'm hear to lose 10 lbs I put on. With everything that has happened I still managed to stop smoking, and believe me that's added pressure after many years! It proves to me though that I am not a quitter! I can move forward, just not as quickly as I would like to! I take several meds, 3 of them add weight to your frame, and boy did it hit me. I worked my butt off, but I also shed all of them The my boyfriend had a stroke and was told no more cigarettes. To support him I suggested the buddy system and 9 months later here we are! So please don't try to discourage anyone, they are here, so it must be important to them, support them, and acceptance is key! No one is ever alone as you can see by your being here too! Just sayin! Have a great day everyone! Anyone who wants to can add me for support! I will give you the attention you need, and in the meantime help myself by doing so!:flowerforyou:
  • Koko,
    As you can see by my writing below yours I am in full agreement with you! Who are we to be so judgmental when we are here too?
    I don't believe in and separating people from one other, this is what causes the feelings of inferiority, and makes one feel like they are on the outside looking in! We should only encourage anyone to reach the goal they have set for themselves buy supporting them with an added push in the direction they are heading! Lyn:flowerforyou:
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    This site really isn't a good place for people with eating disorders.

    This site is an excellent place for people who are recovering from eating disorders and who are trying, perhaps for the first time, to learn how to feed their bodies properly. I speak from experience. Like any tool, it has the potential to be abused; but in my experience MFP does far more good than harm.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Being a vegetarian, doesn't suit everyone. A vegetarian, is someone who doesn't eat meat, or fish. This, will also include any products, that may contain animal products. Gelatin, can be sourced from either Beef, or Pork, and is more often than not found in sweets. It is fairly rare, not to find gelatin, in sweets.
  • Elainye
    Elainye Posts: 16 Member
    Can't believe some off the negativity stemming off from here, I wish the OP well and hope anybody suffering from eating issues finds the support and encouragement on here to recover! Trust me, there's plenty of people around who are going through similar things and/or will offer their support on here :).
  • HI, i've been up & down with all kinds of eating disorders. I've been up & down on the roller coaster for 18years, from 45kg now to 88kg. And only now am i getting some sort of routine with food & satidfaction from it. Logging the food intake is very helpful. Especially the break down of whats in it.

    Currently in the process of cutting out dairy & fish (don't eat any other meat).
    Feel free to add me.

    WOW to all the nay sayer fools on here - "fitness site" so every one on here trying to lose weight should get off too?!?! Having been very thin to now very over weight, i've been judged on both sides of the fence & it's pathetic that's you'd even open & look at this topic if you've got nothing productive to add.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    Trogalicious - What's your problem?

    September - I am currently a BED (with purging tendencies) sufferer and currently trying to recover for the first time. Feel free to use me as support or just to read off my logs!
    I don't have a problem and I can certainly hope that the OP is indeed here for recovery. When you look at the title of a thread and it STARTS with Eating Disorder, I'm not sure how there can be much of a good response. Either way, it's effectively frowned upon to talk about ED's here. Not my rules, just a point to be made. While OP may be in recovery (and best hopes for that, as well as wishes) you have to understand that not everyone is in the same boat.

    OP: Maybe try changing the title of your next forum post to not include "Eating Disorder"...?

    The rules aren't to pretend ED's don't exist - but to not promote them. lol Content matters.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    Good luck with your recovery.

    Logging your foods should help. Let yourself be totally honest. I log everything that I eat and drink, even if it seems minor, like a single hard candy or a vitamin tab that had calories attached to it . It ~really~ helps me stay on track.

    I'm glad you're here for fitness.

    I don't think Trog meant any harm. The only one to get snippy was the OP. There's no way we, the general audience, could tell from the title about Binge Eating and first post what the OP was about.

    Think about it:
    Hi! New here...I have Binge Eating Disorder and others as well. Looking for some friends on here with BED and other eating disorders as well. Or, if you are vegetarian! I would love to see other people's diaries! Please add me! :)

    OP's first post - how could that be taken?

    NO mention of recovery. NO mention of purpose or goals (fitness or otherwise). Just: I have eating disorders, and if you have eating disorders too, let's be friends. It COULD be interpreted that way.

    I'm glad that's not her situation. I'm very glad OP is trying to get better and in therapy. But, that's not what she presented in her introduction. And then she got mad when asked to clarify her intent. Whatever. >_< Can't win.

    Feel better OP.