100+ lbs to lose & 1 year



  • I am at the same starting point. I have lost 20 pounds before joining here this week. I am 283 rightI now. I want to get down to around 135.
  • I am looking to lose 100 lbs and could definitely use some friends so we can support one another.
  • I'm wanting to lose 100+ lbs as well. I'm 268 right now and I'd like to be 150 ish. Feel free to add :). I don't have a set date. I'm just aiming to eat better and exercise and I figure the weight will drop off accordingly.
  • okay - so I don't have to lose 100+ pounds (I'm 175/have to lose about 55pounds) - but I could really lose the support and I think that this seems like a very mentally healthy group. I don't know about you guys - but I'm mostly certain I have binge eating disorder :/ Anyone else? Feel free to add me and best of luck to everyone :)
  • Nharah
    Nharah Posts: 42 Member
    I am also in the need to lose 100 lbs group. My first goal is to lose 30 by the time my husbeast gets back from Afghanistan around New Years. I would love any support that is out there! Feel free to add me!
  • LJL162
    LJL162 Posts: 13 Member
    I also need to lose 100+ lbs – about 165 would be nice :smile: , I started at 280 lbs (127.5 kilo) and over a year have lost 50 lbs (23 kilo) my goal is about the 165 lbs (75 kilo) mark. MFP has definitely been great for me…….makes me think about my choices. I am happy to loose the weight slowly making adjustments and changes as I go…………this time when it comes off I want it to stay off but would love any extra support so please feel free to add me.
  • maddiejaymes
    maddiejaymes Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I am going to lose close to 200 pounds: 181 pounds is what I have to lose to get to a semi-goal weight, and that is still 30 pounds away from my "healthy weight" so I have a long way to go. Anyone can add me if they want to. I usually do really well with weight loss the first 2-3 months/25-30 pounds then I hit a plateau and give up and gain it all back +more. This time I am determined to do it right and maintain.Good luck to everyone :happy:
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    I know how you feel. Just know that with some lifestyle changes, you can lose weight and keep it off! Start with exercise 5 days/week, whether it's just walking around you block to start out with, or more. Don't burn yourself out. Eat plenty of lean protein and veggies. I'm turning 30 next year and looking forward to being in the best shape of my life!
  • DHogan80
    DHogan80 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm not far off what you would like to lose. I'm looking at losing about 90 in 2 years for my brother's wedding in Europe. Any help would be awesome... Please
  • kikigigi1234
    kikigigi1234 Posts: 9 Member
    hi I also have 100lbs to lose seems daunting but we can do it :) xx
  • mberner2
    mberner2 Posts: 15 Member
    Daily logger, with public diary. I have another 200+ lbs to lose, and almost 70 already gone.

    6'2 and 430, so I'll be here awhile!

    Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • Down 68 lbs. so far-another 50 to go!!! Anyone please feel free to add me!!
  • I've been working on losing over 100 lbs. Down 45 lbs. so far. :happy: Only 90 -100 to go! Undecided on my goal weight...lol Just working on losing right now. :smile:

    Anyone can add me.

    We CAN do this!!!
  • I am also looking to lose 100 pounds! Would love to chat with new people. Feel free to add me!
  • I have a 100lbs to lose too and I am hoping to lose it within a year. Motivation has been a struggle but I am determine too
  • 100 lbs for me too! I don't have a time frame, I just don't want to give up ;)

    Would appreciate all the help I can get!
  • MdotSole
    MdotSole Posts: 56 Member
    I know you can do it! Please add me, I'd love to support you in your journey. I'm proud of you already!!! ????
  • Hi, I'm just starting out again too and have about 100 lbs to lose. :-( I need all the motivation I can get.
  • I have close to 100 lbs to lose and would love to have friends that have the same goal or have already accomplished this goal . Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Hi! I also have 100 pounds to lose! Feel free to add me as a friend!
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