Skinny me tea?



  • ssavage76
    ssavage76 Posts: 15 Member
    This made my day.

    Thank you!:laugh:
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Why won't the poop tea just die?
  • Hello!
    my cousin did this detox and it definetely worked, she lost 6 kilos within something like 1-2 months time, but i think that if you go back to your normal routine and habits after succesfully using the tea, it is obvious and inevitable that you're going to put weight back on!

    she hasn't put weight back on but this is because though she has stopped the tea, she has not stopped eating healthy!

    i'm pretty sure the tea has something in it which actually suppresses your appetite, causing you to eat less, and for it to have its full effects, no you do not eat the same foods as normal.. there are certain things you're not supposed to eat in order for it to work!

    so i would say that if you need that push start to losing your weight, the tea is great it definetely works, but once you see those results from the tea, maintain the results by exercising regularly and eating healthy!
    hope this helps
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    my cousin did this detox and it definetely worked, she lost 6 kilos within something like 1-2 months time, but i think that if you go back to your normal routine and habits after succesfully using the tea, it is obvious and inevitable that you're going to put weight back on!

    she hasn't put weight back on but this is because though she has stopped the tea, she has not stopped eating healthy!

    i'm pretty sure the tea has something in it which actually suppresses your appetite, causing you to eat less, and for it to have its full effects, no you do not eat the same foods as normal.. there are certain things you're not supposed to eat in order for it to work!

    so i would say that if you need that push start to losing your weight, the tea is great it definetely works, but once you see those results from the tea, maintain the results by exercising regularly and eating healthy!
    hope this helps


    She's losing weight because of eating and exercising, 6 kgs in 2 months so very do able without tea. You basically just said that your self!
    it doesn't kick start anything it makes you crap your self!
    And Why would you take something that suppresses your appetite? surely that can't be good for you either?
    Just have some self control and eat to fit your cals/macros and you will have the same results.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    poop yourself tea = no good.

    poop yourself tea = not a permanent fix.

    eat a balanced diet. eat less than your TDEE, more than your BMR, work out. be patient.

    since this thread has returned, I'll just quote what I said the first time around since it still applies.

    Ill also quote this
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Any "skinny tea" , case in point, must of course be helped by the addition of diet and exercise .

    I once heard jack lalanne say "if exercise is king then nutrition is queen; put them together and uve got a kingdom"

    Either way, with many supplements, it's very tough to tell if it's the supplement that is working, or if it's a "placebo" effect

    oh just stop.

    this thread is no longer about any kind of stupid magic tea.

    it's now about Beyonce on a battlecat.

  • Hi,
    I originally bought the skinny me tea and colon cleans for detox reasons and found that the colon cleanse works great for me because I have chronic IBS and constipation. It is not harsh AT ALL for me (or other people with these ailments) compared to other laxatives. The tea for weight loss itself did nothing at all so forget that. BUT if you have IBS/Constipation the colon cleanse tea is awesome. :)
  • Basically, the SMT teatoxes are not going to cause you to lose this miraculous amount of weight without changing your lifestyle. However, these teatoxes are not intended to do such a thing - they're meant to be a supplemental program to a healthy & active lifestyle, and when used in conjunction with a diet that promotes easy, healthy digestion and that supports the removal of waste matter and toxins from your body (aka detoxification), as well as regular physical activity, the teas can absolutely aid the detoxification process, support cleansing of the body and its internal systems, and therefore can help improve your metabolism & increase your energy levels, which will result in weight loss.

    There are 2 parts to the teatox - the daily "SkinnyMe" tea & the colon cleanse tea to be drank every other day. The daily tea helps to raise your energy levels & metabolism and helps to suppress appetite. These things can help someone who's trying to lose weight kickstart their weight loss journey or help break through a plateau. The teatox can also be used for someone who wants to maintain their weight, but wants increased overall wellbeing. The colon cleanse tea does just that - cleanses your colon! And yes, it does contain senna which is an herbal laxative. As mentioned before, abusing laxatives can mess up your digestive system, but ONLY if you abuse them! The colon cleanse tea is only meant to be drank every other day for a period of 14 or 28 days, not every day forever, and it is not recommended to perform more than 2 SMT teatox packs back to back for this reason.

    However, if used correctly, the SMT & the colon cleanse tea help to rid your body of the waste matters & toxins that have been building up for years from eating unhealthy, processed, nutrition-less foods, exposure to pollution & heavy metals, as well as from countless other things that harm the body. Also, the teatox helps to promote healthy digestion so that when you do change your lifestyle and begin to eat healthily, your stomach & intestines can properly absorb all of the nutrients you are ingesting. How can your digestive system function properly (absorb all of the nutrients, minerals, water, phytonutrients, enzymes, etc. from food & rid your body of all the extra waste that it doesn't need) if it is clogged up with undigested matter and toxins? IT CAN'T! Not to mention your body spends a massive amount of energy on digestion, and if the digestive tract is clogged, your body needs to expend even more energy on digestion, which leaves the body little energy to spend on running the essential processes your cells need to thrive & perform their individual functions throughout the body. When this is the case, you feel sluggish, tired, fatigued, foggy, & bloated. But when your digestive system runs smoothly, your body has more energy to expend on cell renewal, repair, & revitalization throughout your entire body, as well as energy to spend on getting rid of the body's unnecessary fat stores, resulting in weight loss & reduced bloating. You will feel & look SO much better - your skin & eyes will clear up, your hair, skin, & nails will be vibrant, healthy, and strong, you will have tons of energy, a clearer & calmer mind, increased memory, a higher sex drive, decreased bloating, and an overall tightening of the body resulting in more muscle tone and a leaner look. But remember, these benefits can be achieved simply by detoxing through a healthy diet & regular exercise - the SMT teatox only aids & improves the detoxification process.

    To address the concerns that once you end the teatox you'll gain any or all of the weight that you lost while cleansing - as long as you continue to eat a healthy, whole, natural diet that promotes detoxification & get regular exercise, you will not gain any weight. In fact, many people use this teatox as a way to jumpstart weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Yes, while detoxing, most of the weight that you lose will be water weight and not fat, but the teatox will raise your metabolism (and keep it raised after completion) so that when you are done with the 14 or 28 day period your body won't just begin to pile on weight. Also, through cleansing the colon, you'll have also lost weight in the form of the waste matter that may have been built up in your digestive tract, which won't come back unless you end the teatox and then expose yourself to a bunch of toxins by eating a *kitten* diet or consuming lots of unhealthy things (drugs, alcohol, tobacco, too much caffeine, etc.).

    I've completed a 28-day teatox to jumpstart my health & wellness journey and to help me begin to lose 20 pounds. The teatox definitely made me have increased energy levels, a suppressed appetite, a better sense of overall wellbeing, and completely got rid of any bloating I may have had. I lost 7 pounds and have not regained any weight, and in fact have continued to lose weight, as well maintaining my increased energy! I didn't have any problems with the teatox and think that if you're interested, you should definitely try it! SMT has cool tumblr & instagram pages where you can get healthy eating & exercise inspo, as well as before & after success stories of people who have tried the teatoxes, so you can judge for yourself whether this is a successful program worth trying or not. Remember, you know your body better than anyone & only you can determine if something is going to be helpful to you & make you feel good or if it isn't going to beneficial to you - listen to your intuition!

    And BTW, the teas are made using high quality, organic, whole, natural ingredients so you are not putting anything bad or harmful into your body and the teatox packs are very inexpensive for teas that contain such high quality ingredients. However, if you don't want to pay for the teatox and/or wait for it to be shipped, you could try something similar on your own by drinking Yogi 'Detox' tea once a day, a few cups of yerba mate and green tea every day, and Yogi 'get regular' tea every evening - this regimen uses a lot of the same ingredients and will definitely yield similar results.

    Thanks for reading! Best of luck & lots of love!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    ...WALL OF TEXT...

    the teas can absolutely aid the detoxification process, support cleansing of the body and its internal systems, and therefore can help improve your metabolism & increase your energy levels, which will result in weight loss.


    Detoxification eh? Please, tell me specifically, which toxins you're removing?
  • bridgew24
    bridgew24 Posts: 143 Member
    Put some laxatives in your green tea, save some money AND have better results!
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    I bet as soon as you come off the tea and stop doing colon cleanses you won't be able to poop normally, Take this from someone who use to take laxatives daily its not nice being able to go. Not to mention the damage it can cause.

    We will see ... As I said, I wasn't regular before taking the tea (to a point where it was very uncomfortable) so it won't be any different to before. The 'temporary' relief has been well worth it for me personally.

    ever heard of Purne juice?

    Just something i found on the internet

    Laxative abuse can result in several of the same conditions as diuretic abuse, and more:
    laxative dependency
    electrolyte imbalance
    potassium deficiency
    painful cramps
    gastrointestinal bleeding
    increased risk of colon cancer
    bowel damage
    Melanosis Coli
    loss of protective mucus lining the intestines, causing infection
    kidney damage
    liver damage (rarely)

    That's all the Colon cleaning tea is organic or not its still a laxative, Just something to think about

    No, I havent heard of Purne Juice.

    Prune Juice I have.

    All I did was give my opinion to the OP, and my personal experience with the product in question. If I wanted a list of the consequences of laxative abuse (which I doubt 7 teabags causes) then I would google it myself. I don't understand why on these forums people feel the need to 'educate' people, who haven't requested it. Like the above post said it's nice to have something mild there for when you are clogged up :)

    The reason people feel the need to educate is because this is a health and fitness site that is here to promote a healthy way of life and taking laxatives for cleansing/ weight loss is not healthy and is actually dangerous especially for the young people coming on here and for people that are trying to recover from eating disorders.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Ironically, I found these yesterday.

    if you want a good cleanse, eat about 2 lbs of these.

    In all seriousness though, take pp advice about steering clear of that stuff
  • Featherweighttt
    Featherweighttt Posts: 23 Member
    poop yourself tea = no good.

    poop yourself tea = not a permanent fix.

    eat a balanced diet. eat less than your TDEE, more than your BMR, work out. be patient.

    Literally yes, i've heard so many girls shameful stories of actually losing control of their bowels because they don't understand what is actually in this 'tea' their drinking. Not only is it gross, it's overpriced and rather dangerous. Steer clear!
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
  • rtjenny
    rtjenny Posts: 51
    There are no shortcuts to losing weight or getting fit. Its self control, healthy eating and exercise. Teas, detoxes etc are all money making products. I don't get why folk want to try stuff that are just a short term solution.

    If you need to poop - eat foods with fibre.....if you need to pee - drink loads of water! Simple!
  • JBnyc99
    JBnyc99 Posts: 100 Member
    Ironically, I found these yesterday.

    if you want a good cleanse, eat about 2 lbs of these.

    In all seriousness though, take pp advice about steering clear of that stuff

    Oh dear lord,...that was brilliant. Been crying from laughing so hard.

  • Just thought I'd share, I personally haven't tried the skinny me tea, but was thinking about it. I've taken GNC completely body cleanse in the past and like it a lot more. I wouldn't say a cleanse is about losing weight, but kick starting a new diet or lifestyle. If your looking at a cleanse as a weight lost supplement your not going to find one. A Cleanse can actually be very beneficial right before dieting if you take the right kind. I took the GNC 14 Day complete body cleanse. And I like that it just doesn't effect the colon, it actually cleanses through the body (like the blood,liver, your digestive track as a whole)this get rid of bad toxins like excess sodium which causes bloating, and any other toxins you can get by eat unhealthy food. Most cleanses come with a clean diet nutritional plan, just to make sure your not putting any toxins in that your trying to get rid of. And as long as your not doing a harmful cleanse (Containing Senna- more than 500 mg) you should be perfectly fine.
    I also suggest only doing a cleanse at the most twice and year.
    If your looking for a cleanse or currently taking one I suggest adding a probiotic and multivitamin along with it.
  • If you really want to lose weight and feel better about yourself i suggest you try Limu. Its an all natural seaweed. You could get the Limu original, chocolate and vanilla shakes, or the bluefrog all NATURAL energy drink. Again everything is natural. I started drinking the Limu original and my skin has gotten clearer, my hair and nails started growing faster, and its just givin me a boost for the day. I also drink the shakes for a meal replacement. I LOVE IT!!!!!
  • I have been on the Skinny Me Teatox for about 7 days now, so half way through. I would hardly call it a "harsh laxative" as one person decribed - The tea hasn't done anything for me at colon cleansing whatsoever. I do feel like have lost some some weight but this is likely due to the fact that Ive cut out bread, dairy, meat, processed foods and alcohol. I have done several other cleanses that actually do work. My favorite is the Renew Life Total Body Cleanse - You can find it at Vitamin Shoppe for about half the price at it is a much more effective option from my experience. As for Skinny Me Tea, I would recommend just following their diet plan and saving your $60. Hope this helps!
  • yairpiso
    yairpiso Posts: 2
    if you use with responsibility it will help you clean your body from inside. laxative effect is not have to be bad thing. Doing it 3-4 times monthly will help your body get rid of toxic and support weight loss

    Read more about those weight loss tea's via