james Duncan

hey, has anyone herd of the james duncan diet? if you have do you know if it's worth a try? :smile:


  • kateminx
    kateminx Posts: 62 Member
    I've just completed day one! Ill let you know how I get on - my start weight is 126 Ibs so doubt ill lose the 14 Ib they claim but hoping to lose the 5Ib I put on since January. Am only doing as a kick start not a lifestyle change and will be upping exercise once the 7 days is done to maintain and return to healthy eating :)
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    Does he make cake?
  • kateminx
    kateminx Posts: 62 Member
    No but I do - that's the problem ;).
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    It looks like a typical, unhealthy, unsustainable crash diet. Whatever you lose will come back and you'll feel like hell for the time you're on it.
  • kateminx
    kateminx Posts: 62 Member
    Not disputing this, but I read the reviews, saw it as a good kick start to beat the plateau and will stop if there are any adverse effects. Already know of a few people, personally, who have tried it and are in the same situation I am - close to the ideal goal weight, but just need a little push to meet it.

    I will be maintaining my healthy eating and am continuing to exercise so I don't waste muscle - so believe that I am doing this with realism rather than thinking its going to stay off as if by magic.
  • coldwishes
    coldwishes Posts: 49
    It looks like a typical, unhealthy, unsustainable crash diet. Whatever you lose will come back and you'll feel like hell for the time you're on it.
  • I did this diet 4 weeks ago and lost a stone and felt great after I completed it. Personally I didn't put any of the weight back on after so it isn't 'just another one of them diets' When I finished this diet I didn't want to eat crap and the smell of maccy d's made me feel sick!! I did the diet again last week and lost another 12lbs!! in total I have lost 2 1/2 stone in 4 weeks!!
    I was a size 14-16 5 weeks ago and now I am a size 10!! I have never been one to stick to diets but who can't give up just one week of bad eating habits to complete this and have great results?!?! The ones who aren't really serious or really ready to give up their bad eating habits and their fat a**e clothes!!!
  • I have done this diet three times and I've lost about 30 pounds doing one week on two weeks off, it works a treat doing my final round this week to get to 10 stone:-)
  • jaduncan
    jaduncan Posts: 1 Member
    I'd personally say it's excellent, but I may be biased. ;)
  • Countdown230
    Countdown230 Posts: 1 Member
    Yesterday was my first day on the diet and I didn't follow it to a T (I had more fruit than possibly is suggested) having said that when I stepped on the scales this morning the number said I was three pounds down. Obviously I don't weigh three pounds less but I have three pounds fewer toxins in my body which feels great. Can't wait to really push myself and see how much I can do in one week.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    I'd personally say it's excellent, but I may be biased. ;)

    So, you are the famous James Duncan?
  • littlelauras
    littlelauras Posts: 14 Member
    I did it, on and off, a few months ago. Every time I lost weight, a few pounds at least. I don't think I ever completed a full week as it's so restrictive, but it definitely helped to kick me back into the zone/helped me adjust to eating less. I don't think it's very healthy at all but you'll definitely lose weight.
  • I'm on day 6 of this diet and haven't weighed myself today, but as of yesterday morning I'd lost 8lbs. I've tried this diet before and only lasted 3 days but this time I've found it much easier to stick to. I'm 5ft 5in and weighed 11st 10lbs to start. My plan is to do the next 2 weeks eating healthy & start a couch to 5k and then go back on the diet for another week - the week before my holiday to hopefully get another good few pounds off!
  • Hi I decided to try this diet on Monday just gone and was really excited from seeing everyone's Weightloss. I'm following it to the letter and on day three pm I've only lost 2lbs since Monday :/ I'm combining it with the 30 day shred dvd too has anyone got any tips for me or does the Weightloss happen more towards the end of the week? I'm looking bloated too! Thanks x
  • I am starting this diet tomorrow, I hope I lose 7lb or more
  • Hi All,

    Today I am starting the James Duncan Diet.

    I have been meaning to give this a go for a while now but have continuously put it off. I have become quite a fitness/ health fanatic over the past 6 months and I exercise for an hour a day plus weight training. I also eat very healthily (Max Cals 1400 a day) - I do have a cheat meal on Sundays.

    Anyway I have recently hit a plateau in my weight loss, which is depressing beyond words. More like suicidal. I need something to kick me back into gear and this is it! (Plus I'm off on Holiday in three weeks!)

    I'm not sure if anyone is starting this diet soon but I have started today and so will be posting my journal here. Hopefully it will encourage others and also myself to persist!

    Advice/ help/ support would be greatly appreciated. I am planning on exercising three times during this diet (one hour interval training) I doubt I will have the energy for much more than that.

    P.S Does anyone know if you can add tomatoes to the salad??

    Height 5.6
    Current weight 139 lbs
    Goal Weight 119 lbs
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    How about one of you one post wonder thread necromancers post the week's menu here so we can all have a look? Because I'm not haring off to google it and help boost its search engine stat.
  • This is the menu - (I will also post a day by update of my progress)

    Day 1
    Breakfast: 1 slice dry toast with 1 gilled tomato OR tinned tomatoes
    Lunch: Fresh fruit - any amount
    Dinner: 2 hard boiled eggs, Salad & grapefruit

    Day 2
    Breakfast: Grapefruit & 1 boiled egg
    Lunch: Grilled chicken with tomatoes & Toast
    Dinner: Grilled steak & Salad

    Day 3
    Breakfast: Grapefruit & 1 boiled egg
    Lunch: Fresh fruit - any amount
    Dinner: 2 grilled lamb chops, Salad & grapefruit

    Day 4
    Breakfast: 1 slice dry toast
    Lunch: Fresh fruit - any amount
    Dinner: 2 hard boiled eggs, Salad & grapefruit

    Day 5
    Breakfast: 1 slice dry toast
    Lunch: Fresh fruit - any amount
    Dinner: Fresh fish, Salad

    Day 6
    Breakfast: 1 glass grapefruit juice
    Lunch: Fresh fruit - any amount
    Dinner: Grilled chicken, Carrots & grapefruit

    Day 7
    Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, Grilled or tinned tomatoes
    Lunch: 2 poached eggs, Spinach
    Dinner: Grilled steak, Salad
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    This is the menu - (I will also post a day by update of my progress)

    Day 1
    Breakfast: 1 slice dry toast with 1 gilled tomato OR tinned tomatoes
    Lunch: Fresh fruit - any amount
    Dinner: 2 hard boiled eggs, Salad & grapefruit

    Day 2
    Breakfast: Grapefruit & 1 boiled egg
    Lunch: Grilled chicken with tomatoes & Toast
    Dinner: Grilled steak & Salad

    Day 3
    Breakfast: Grapefruit & 1 boiled egg
    Lunch: Fresh fruit - any amount
    Dinner: 2 grilled lamb chops, Salad & grapefruit

    Day 4
    Breakfast: 1 slice dry toast
    Lunch: Fresh fruit - any amount
    Dinner: 2 hard boiled eggs, Salad & grapefruit

    Day 5
    Breakfast: 1 slice dry toast
    Lunch: Fresh fruit - any amount
    Dinner: Fresh fish, Salad

    Day 6
    Breakfast: 1 glass grapefruit juice
    Lunch: Fresh fruit - any amount
    Dinner: Grilled chicken, Carrots & grapefruit

    Day 7
    Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, Grilled or tinned tomatoes
    Lunch: 2 poached eggs, Spinach
    Dinner: Grilled steak, Salad

    Thank you. Looks an awful lot like the sort of diet that used to come as a folded up little page in a box of those old Dexatrim diet pills, though. 800 calories, maybe? And no weighed portion size suggestions, so it could be anywhere from 600 to 6000 depending on what one's idea of a proper size grilled steak is?
  • Precisely that bit was a little frustrating for me too as there aren't any proper portions. However I have done some research and spoken to other people that have done it. I am pretty sensible with portions any how so I will keep breakfast and dinner to my normal portion sizes.

    However I will not be holding back on the all fruit lunches. Will post a thorough break down of food tomorrow.