Some advice please


I've been dieting for the past 10 weeks and I'm delighted to say I've lost 18lbs. :happy:

My weight loss plateau'ed about 5 weeks ago so I added in half an hour of aerobic exercise, 4 times a week and the weight started to come off again, although slowly. (less than 1lb per week)

My weight has plateau'ed again (in fact I'm pretty sure I'll have put on 1lb this week) so I'm about to start to do more intense metafit style exercise to try to boost the weight loss.

I'm eating around 1200 calories per day. I'm 5'4 and obese (13 stones)

Am I doing the right thing? I don't mind losing weight slowly....and the exercise should become a good habit in my life if I keep it up over the next few months but it is disheartening when the weight isn't going down and I'm trying really hard.

Any advice would be gratefully received,




  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Advice ? Log all your food / drink and make your diary visible.

    I would be wary of adding on more exercise ( = stress ) alone, you might want to consider a couple of weeks doing something like 5:2 intermittent "fasting" or a couple of weeks of low carb eating to see if they work well for you.

    If you were to add a 400 calorie a day exercise regime then 100 calories more fat in your diet wouldn't harm to supplement the energy from your fat stores, but at 13 stone you can fuel plenty of calories from reserves.
  • That's my settings changed...I've been logging fairly consistently. Not logged exercise though. Was thinking about changing my diet regime but I was hoping to find a solution that will be a lifestyle change rather than a diet, iykwim.

  • GyspyMel
    GyspyMel Posts: 2 Member
    what is the 5:2 plan
  • Some of my friends have been on it,,,,basically you eat 'normally' 5 days a week....and under 600 calories the other 2. I'm not sure what advantage that would have long term?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    what is the 5:2 plan

    5 days of sensible eating around TDEE / maintenance, 2 days restricted to 500 cals (f) or 600 cals (m).

    It's a kind of evolution of intermittent fasting. Most people can stick to something 2 days a week and work / socialise around it. It gives you a ~20% calorie deficit. - many report losing ~ 1 pound per week.

    "Long term" you've lost the weight and can go to 6:1 or just eat the same each day, there may be some health advantages to the intermittent calorie / carb reduction, which is why the Breast Cancer researchers advocate something similar for weight loss.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    That's my settings changed...I've been logging fairly consistently. Not logged exercise though. Was thinking about changing my diet regime but I was hoping to find a solution that will be a lifestyle change rather than a diet, iykwim.

    Your "diet" is simply the food you eat. I think you need a lifestyle change for sure, ie change the food you're eating.

    I don't mean to be rude, it comes naturally, but in your diary I see a lot of low fat crap and things like white bread, crisps, more carbs for breakfast than I eat in a day, margarine, junk cheese, crap instant coffee mixes etc etc. As McEnroe would say, "you cannot be serious".

    I suggest you look to reduce the carbohydrate content of your diet and increase the fats significantly. A 1 egg omelette with mushrooms or cheese is a good breakfast, rather than 60 grams of sugar in various forms. Don't buy any more low fat / healthy / diet options.

    Good luck.
  • kittiesandfarts
    kittiesandfarts Posts: 101 Member
    I suggest drinking lots of water. And throw in a cheat day here and there if you haven't already. It could be that your body is in a bit of a starvation mode. Try eating back the calories you burn while exercising. As long as your net calories are good, you'll keep losing weight. It's important to get all those calories, especially if you start a more rigorous exercise routine. Best of luck!
  • [/quote]

    I suggest you look to reduce the carbohydrate content of your diet and increase the fats significantly. A 1 egg omelette with mushrooms or cheese is a good breakfast, rather than 60 grams of sugar in various forms. Don't buy any more low fat / healthy / diet options.


    Thanks for the advice...I can handle 'rude' as long as it's constructive. :wink:
    I'm more than happy to make changes....I thought that my normal breakfast (since starting to diet) of fruit and low fat yogurt was a low calorie, healthy choice. The weetabix/ banana/ milk breakfast was to try to increase my calorie intake without eating too much 'crap' and because I'd forgotten to buy yogurt.
    What's the advantage of the omelette for breakfast...thought I was doing a good thing eating my '5-a-day'.

    My normal lunch is 2 slices of ham plus salad and pickled onion/beetroot/gherkins. The low fat cheese triangles was just to use it up before the sell by. Is that an OK lunch or how could it be improved?

    Dinners have to suit the family....and have to be cooked by my oh so its tricky to find things that work for us all. All the dinners are based on slimming world suggestions. I'll admit to using more jars of sauces etc than I'd like but convenience is a major factor.


    PS Surely I'm allowed my mocha a day? :sad:
  • So this morning I made some cheese omelette 'muffins'.
    Had 2 for breakfast and have to say they taste pretty good. Bought mushrooms and peppers and will make a batch to take to work each day.

    That kept me satisfied till lunch (with just a coffee at 10.30am)

    Lunch is a large bowl of homemade lentil soup with 1/6 tin of cream of tomato soup added. This was a left over from yesterday. I'm sure my 'rude' friend will have something to say about that as a choice!

    Now I'm at a loss...I'm scared to have some fruit because of all the sugar/carbs.

    Dinner is going to be Swedish meatballs with a sauce of tinned tomatoes/ chicken gravy and red onions served on cous cous.

    Guessing I'll struggle to eat my calories today.

    Need help!!!

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I would start to consider eating more and minimizing your deficits. Large deficits, especially when you don't have much more to lose, can hurt weight loss. Based on your stats, a more suitable goal would be around 1600-1700. This is total calories as it includes exercise as part of the calculations so you wouldnt eat back exercise calories. But with 40 lbs to a normal weight, then 1 lb per week is a good goal to aim for. Any more, and you are just adding more stress to the body. Below is a good article but 1200 calories isn't enough to fuel the body, especially when active. Also, depending how active you are with your child, your calories may be more like 1800-1900. I factored in a sedentary life.

    I would agree that reducing carbs would be beneficial, but only in the aspect as you can get more fats and protein which is more important to satiety and muscle retentions respectively. I would also suggest taking two of those aerobic days and making them weight training days. WT is much better for muscle retention which means you will have to lose less weight to get that ideal body.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    That's my settings changed...I've been logging fairly consistently. Not logged exercise though. Was thinking about changing my diet regime but I was hoping to find a solution that will be a lifestyle change rather than a diet, iykwim.


    You should probably be eating more if you dont log exercise and stick to 1200 cals...
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    That's my settings changed...I've been logging fairly consistently. Not logged exercise though. Was thinking about changing my diet regime but I was hoping to find a solution that will be a lifestyle change rather than a diet, iykwim.


    You should probably be eating more if you dont log exercise and stick to 1200 cals...

    100% this
  • You're not eating enough. Stop doing the exercise for a week and increase your calories to around 1400-1600. Though it seems counter-intuitive, your body needs change.

    - Increase your calories
    - Change your macros
    - Consider intermittent fasting, even something as simple as the Leangains protocol (16:8) might help.
    - Take a break from the calorie counting, just for two or three days
    - Take a break from working out
    - Zig zag calories
    - Are you drinking enough water? bodybuilding's calulator:

    Start taking your measurements with a measuring tape. You might not be losing weight, but you might be losing inches.

    tl;dr CHANGE! CHANGE! CHANGE! Plateaus are your body's way of signaling the need for change.

    I once read that those on the weight loss (or gain) boat should change their workouts every 4-6 weeks to prevent a plateau. Personally, I've made an intricately detailed planned which requires me to change exercises after every 5-7lb loss.
  • Thanks for the advice.

    My question is what should I eat? It might seem obvious but I genuinely have no idea how to make up the calories without snacking on the rubbish that got me here in the first place.

  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    No person over 30% body fat should eat as low as 1200 calories . It calls for metabolic damage and early weight plateau , and you most likely to fall off the wagon and get fed up very fast .
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Thanks for the advice.

    My question is what should I eat? It might seem obvious but I genuinely have no idea how to make up the calories without snacking on the rubbish that got me here in the first place.


    Eat around 0.8-1g protein per pound
    0.45g fats per pound
    The rest carbs

    Eat what you want just make sure you get in enough fiber and micro nutrients (vitamins and minerals)

  • Eat around 0.8-1g protein per pound
    0.45g fats per pound
    The rest carbs

    Eat what you want just make sure you get in enough fiber and micro nutrients (vitamins and minerals)

    Still being baffled by the science. :embarassed:
    Could you give me an example of a suitable lunch and family dinner?
  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member
    I would increase your calories to ~1500 and start doing heavy lifting. When I began to plateau, weight lifting was what broke it. As for eating more, any healthy snacks will fill up those extra calories you're not used to having. Slice a red bell pepper into thin strips and dip them in hummus, celery sticks dipped in peanut butter, yogurt with granola and blueberries... all good healthy snacks that will fill you up. Don't be afraid of calorie dense foods like avocado and nut butters, just make sure you stay within the recommended serving amount.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Eat around 0.8-1g protein per pound
    0.45g fats per pound
    The rest carbs

    Eat what you want just make sure you get in enough fiber and micro nutrients (vitamins and minerals)

    Still being baffled by the science. :embarassed:
    Could you give me an example of a suitable lunch and family dinner?

    Lunch - salad with lean meat, omelette, sandwiches, whatever....

    dinner - roast dinner, fish pie, chilli, lasagne, bolognese...

    i think you're over thinking it a little... just make sure you get plenty of lean protein, fruit & veg, and some carbs... the odd treat wont hurt you, and as for family dinners, just watch the portion sizes. theres nothing you 'cant eat' if you have a balanced diet
  • you have to remember the scales dont tell the whole story. How are you clothes fitting? and dont forget muscle weighs more than fat, so you maybe trading in fat for heavier muscle, the way your clothes fit is a good indicator of whats going on.