My journey begins again...

I joined this site several years ago, in the hopes of losing 25 lbs. Admittedly, I never kept up with it, didnt exercise and the weight stayed on. On the bright side, I haven't gained any extra weight. So, I want to start again! This time I am determined to do it!

I have lost weight before I joined MFP, while on Weight Watchers. In fact, I was down to my ideal weight, and stayed that way for a few years. I even had two children in 3 years, and managed to lose the baby weight (15lbs each pregnancy), within two months after they were born.

Sadly, I gained back 25 of the 40lbs I had lost on Weight Watchers, mainly because I was a stress eater, and not motivated to exercise. I had suffered through some really significant lows in my life, and the weight piled back on. :cry:

Now I am totally disgusted by myself. I am 5ft 6in and 185 lbs (ouch!),the second highest weight I have ever been in my life. The highest being 200lbs before I started weight watchers. I despise looking in the mirror; I despise the way my clothes feel and look; and I despise having my picture taken. If only I had the money to join WW again...

My goal is that by Christmas, I will be happy enough with myself, to actually want to take a family picture for our Christmas cards.

My journey starts today!

It would be wonderful to have the support here. So, for anyone who may want to, please feel free to add me as your friend. :smile:


  • joannadalina
    joannadalina Posts: 112 Member
    Hang in there!

    I am in a similar boat. Lost 20lbs with MFP last year (went through a bad breakup and went workout crazy). After I lost 20lbs I got into a new relationship and shocker, gained the 20lbs back!

    I am just now starting back working out and logging my food. I run using RunKeeper and do my best to eat less. Haven't fully committed to the eating healthy aspect, but I've nailed down the eating less part. Working on the eating healthy!

    Just keep pushing yourself and you will make it :) I also am not a big fan of photos but would like to lose 15 - 20lbs by Christmas! My parents are coming in from out of town and would like to hear my very honest mother tell me, "You look skinny!" haha!
  • dhm580
    dhm580 Posts: 1 Member
    I am also in the same boat. I lost 2 and a half stone and felt good, I have maintained the weight but now feel like I am 'used' to the way I look and starting to feel big again, even though at the time of losing it I felt great. To make things worse I work for a food company who always has samples laying about, a lot of cake. I need to learn to say no. There can only be so much cake one person can eat anyway but I really need someone to slap me on the wrist if they see me eating something bad.

    Fingers crossed for you!!
  • Islandgirl74
    Islandgirl74 Posts: 170 Member
    Thanks for your reply! I appreciate it.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Every journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The hardest part is not the getting started, though that is admittedly the hardest part of getting out of the house and exercising. The hardest part of any journey is the monotony at the middle when you are no longer losing weight rapidly and you are not yet to where you can say, just a couple more pounds to go. It's a great site with great people. Post a lot, find a couple friends to help keep you motivated and you will do fine. I'd give you the pep talk about don't hate yourself for how you look now but I'm sure you have already given yourself that talk a hundred times. :-)
  • I also just started with MFP after a couple years in the dump. I lost 50 lbs and then put on 60 plus...any who lets stick together :) I'm back to following a Mediterranean diet as well as exercise. My weight is 180.6
  • You can do it. Just keep your goals simple at first and keep yourself motivated.
  • joannadalina
    joannadalina Posts: 112 Member
    Yes I completely agree. I set small achievable goals (like lost 1lb a week or set a monthly goal) that way when you achieve it you feel good. Then for the next goal set it a little harder. Don't forget to reward yourself when you achieve major goals!

    When I lose my first 20lbs I am treating myself to tattoo number 3 :)

    Best of luck!
  • After reading several of the replies to your original post, it appears we are all in the same boat. (So to speak.) Before I made a major career change (5) years ago, I had lost over 50 pounds. Now (5) years later I have put it all back on. I had hip surgery and now I'm starting over. I so want to make this work, I want to wear those lovely clothes in my closet. Start small, stay focused, and make your goals real.
  • Friend me if you need support. I am just getting back to it so I need help as well.
  • iFeelBrandNew
    iFeelBrandNew Posts: 263 Member
    same here... i didnt go out with my boyfriends family this past saturday because i couldnt fit anything anymore in my closet. i lost 70 and have gained back half of it. i just updated my weight on here this morning. it was difficult listing that i no longer weigh 160- that im back up to 195.

    lets do this.
  • Islandgirl74
    Islandgirl74 Posts: 170 Member
    You guys are awesome. Thanks so much!

    Keep your chin up ifeelbrandnew! I know exactly how you feel. I was tough entering my weight, when I knew I once weigh so much less.

    Lovescoffee. ..hope your hip is feeling better. Keep on keepin' on!
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    MFP, can seriously damage your health. I joined last Thursday. Today, I checked my BMR on another app, and my estimated BMR is 300 calories more than MFP estimated.
    My next point of action is to find out why my daily protein intake has been calculated lower than the daily carbohydrate allowance. My daily carbohydrate allowance at the moment is 230g. This is the same as the daily estimated amount for someone on 2000 calories a day. My protein should be in ratio to my carbohydrate intake, thus 45g a day.
    When, I joined on Thursday, I was very enthusiastic, when I learned to record individual food items, and watch the numbers, adding up. As reality is a big part of my daily life, I am going to stick to a minimum of 1800 calories a day, for a month, as I feel if I had any less, my body would be deprived of vital nutrition, minerals, sustinance, water, etc. Don't take me wrong, but living on less than the recommended daily guideline of 2000 calories, set out by the UK government, is dangerous, and will affect your health. I need to be able to function, during the day, and not suffer with health problems later in life, as a result of following a ridiculous low BMR set out by the MFP.
  • dgbush0208
    dgbush0208 Posts: 31 Member
    Same for me as all the others who responded. It is very important (at least for me) to have support from people who common goals and/or issues. Friend me!