help me please :(

just got back on track doing some serious workouts, and trying to eat well
but for 2 days i feel like very tired and my legs are just weak!!!
though i drink coffee every day , i don't know why is this happeneing to me!!!
i feel general weakness, can anyone help me please?!
is there anything i should take to boost my energy??
( am i being slugish? or is it real weakness?? i actually tried to workout after my morning coffee and i just looked at workouts and it felt so hard and long and my legs felt like tons :'( )


  • manoozo
    manoozo Posts: 156 Member
    help please :(
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    Are you getting enough protein? Enough water? Enough carbs?
  • AmandaAnne307
    AmandaAnne307 Posts: 113 Member
    From your diary it looks like you are eating next to nothing - add that to intense workouts and I'm sure you would feel weak. You are starving yourself and then working out like crazy.

    Try eating you minimal calories (you have that set at 1800) everyday and see what happens.
  • manoozo
    manoozo Posts: 156 Member
    i'm afraid i don't get enough protein, i do get some carbs :(
    but the meal plan is just so expensive ,and i can't aford much protein these days
    isn't there any other solution ??:embarassed:
  • AmandaAnne307
    AmandaAnne307 Posts: 113 Member
    I'll say this again:

    From your diary it looks like you are eating next to nothing - add that to intense workouts and I'm sure you would feel weak. You are starving yourself and then working out like crazy.

    Try eating your minimal calories (you have that set at 1800) everyday and see what happens
  • deenaspell
    deenaspell Posts: 227 Member
    What are you eating? Are you pushing yourself too hard? Make sure you aren't eating too much sugar and carbs. That can usually zap energy - at least with me.
  • RunningGranny
    Are you getting enough protein? Enough water? Enough carbs?

    AGREED! Protein, water, carbs... these are very important. How we feel is closely tied to what we consume. Try adding some protein powder shakes to your day, along with more veggies and fruit.
  • RunningGranny
    i'm afraid i don't get enough protein, i do get some carbs :(
    but the meal plan is just so expensive ,and i can't aford much protein these days
    isn't there any other solution ??:embarassed:
    What meal plan are you referring too? Prepacked meal plan?
  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member
    i'm afraid i don't get enough protein, i do get some carbs :(
    but the meal plan is just so expensive ,and i can't aford much protein these days
    isn't there any other solution ??:embarassed:

    As for Protein, Wal-Mart sells a small canister called EAS Protein for 9.88, it contains around 20 grams of Protein and comes in Vanilla or Chocolate. I am not saying this is the best by all means, but seeing that you are getting next to nothing and your $$ is short, I would go this route for now. Also, Pinto Beans boiled and mashed (refried beans), as well as peanut butter are just a couple other VERY affordable means of Protein.

    Not trying to sound harsh, and PLEASE forgive me if I do, but if YOU want it bad enough, YOU CAN make it happen. YOU'VE GOT THIS!!
  • BelleVegan77
    BelleVegan77 Posts: 70 Member
    Vegan is an option. It isn't for everyone I know but I love it! Protien suggestion have you tried making your own hummus. LOL I must be craving hummus I keep suggesting this to people. Need a quick snack idea? HUMMUS. Need more protien? HUMMUS can't decide what color to paint you house... LOL but it is really easy and so yummers!

    You have to eat to diet. It is just one of those weird facts of life. If you don't don't lose.

    Also try some healthy fat. It doesn't have to be expensive. Bulk flax seed can be very reasonable and you can buy just what you need. A tsp makes a huge difference.