How to get over fear of jogging in front of people?



  • KatManx
    KatManx Posts: 168 Member
    Don't care what people think about you, the majority of them won't be looking anyway, and those few that are, just jealous that you have decided to change your life for the better, so middle finger to them and just run girl :)
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I'm not even going to apologize for saying this. Your mom is horrible and has clearly scarred you. You said that you're over what she has said to you. This is probably easier said than done, but just try to think of other people as your mom. Don't pay any attention to what you THINK they're saying about you. I don't think that anyone who is out running for the sake of their health will mock a chubby (you said it) person for trying to get in shape. They will probably be proud of you. I know that I am whenever I see an overweight person running, even just walking. I wouldn't jog in the woods anyway. That just sounds too scary. Please stop doing that and don't run in the early morning or late at night just to avoid people. Being out on the streets at night by yourself is dangerous. You're putting your life in danger jogging through the woods and possibly in odd hours of the day just because you're afraid of what people MIGHT think of you. Is it worth it? Good luck you to. :smile:

    ETA this link that I couldn't find before:
  • dorisbunker39
    dorisbunker39 Posts: 80 Member
    My other half said I look stupid when I run but once I did it for a few weeks, I did not care. Sometimes I now dare to dance in public...not professional or anything I mean while I run! A few little hops and skips there and a sway of the hips and I am on my runners high xxx
  • StripedSmoker
    StripedSmoker Posts: 104 Member
    I just... tried it! I went out and jogged, I looked so stupid with my red face and heavy breathing, but I tried it (remember 'yolo'? Sometime this slogan is actually right). And when I met people in the streets I didn't care- The fear is only there before, once you start it's all gone, for some weird and great reason. :) So my tip is (another slogan, this time of a company) : Just do it :)
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    I'd love to be able to say something that'll help. I've read so many of these threads and posted my own, but still whenever I went for a run I've just not had the balls to do it.

    Until last week, something clicked, and I just got on and did it. Weighed in this morning at 256lbs, so hardly the fittest haha :D

    Don't stress if even after reading this it doesn't seem doable, eventually a penny will drop and you'll be amazing :)
  • Run past them. Seriously. And literally.

    When I'm out running the same kids shout things like "go! go! go!" (not in a heckling way) but I just keep running because at the end of the day, who's body is going to be the healthy one that's functioning properly? Certainly not theirs.

    First understand that you're doing your body and your mind the biggest favour you can by merely exercising. Next, accept that people will judge, criticise and ultimately, be jealous because they wish they could be "that girl you see out running all the time" because unless they're in your position, they'll never understand the amount of ambition, will power and confidence it takes to exercise in public. Lastly, and most importantly, just don't give a flying ****. You're doing this for you, not them. Take pride in the fact that you can run in public. Even the most confident people in the world can't even think about doing this. Believe me.
  • I totally understand where you are coming from. I was the same way when I originally started running. What inspired me was seeing someone jogging down the street, in the rain. The person was by no means a marathon runner - and anyone jogging in the rain doesn't look that great - and I thought if she is willing to do this, in this weather - and I'm worried people will laugh? Then I realized - who's laughing? People in their cars? People sitting in their homes watching TV?

    So I started running - outside rather than hiding inside. I eventually ran a 10K which was such an amazing feeling! And I always thought to myself - maybe, just maybe, someone saw me running and looking somewhat unflattering and thought to themselves, if she can do it so can I!

    I must thank you for this post. I have found myself struggling with this again and being unwilling to be out there, have my neighbours (yes I'm Cndn!) see me - I hide in my basement to work out. It's time to get over this...

    And I agree with most posts on here - this is about you. You have to do what's right for you. If you spend too much time worrying about what others will think, 10 yrs will go by and you will still not be out there. And where will these people be? Who knows and who cares really!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    First off, I DID NOT write this. Kudos to the writer but I don't know who it is. Found it on MFP and it needs to be kept alive. Changed my whole outlook.


    Hey, Fat Girl.

    Yes, you....

    Makes me tear up every time.

    The source...
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    wait...there's people? I'm usually too busy running away from zombies to notice or care if about other people are around me.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Hi! I kind of have the fear of jogging in front of people in public. I walk all the way to the woods to do my running LOL
    Id rather just do it locally instead of going ALLL the way to the woods(its time consuming)
    Im chubby (obviously) so I fear being mocked or laughed at by passer-byers
    I also live in an area where a majority of my old classmates live (Im kind of already over this though)
    And my mother is rather... rude? She mocks me from time to time (which im also over this)
    Im just overall shy and somewhat insecure
    Id join a gym but im poor (wahhhh)
    Im thinking of just jogging before the sun comes up, so no one can see me, ahaha.
    Anyone have any wise words?
    Or tell me if you've gotten over this fear or how you do it?

    The way to get over the fear is just to do it. Maybe start slowly and pick times where you will see less people but no matter, get out there and just do it.

    On my drive to work each morning there is a woman who has recently starting walking. She is very obese. The young lady I drive to school and I look for her every morning and give her a honk and wave. We are inspired by her. A few days the schedules were off and we missed seeing the walker and I was concerned she fell off the wagon...but No we saw her a few days later and we cheered.

    There will be people who say stupid **** to you. There will be people who doubt that you can do it or will keep doing it. There will be people who mock.........BUT MOST PEOPLE WILL EITHER NOT NOTICE AT ALL OR BE INSPIRED!
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hi! I kind of have the fear of jogging in front of people in public. I walk all the way to the woods to do my running LOL
    Id rather just do it locally instead of going ALLL the way to the woods(its time consuming)
    Im chubby (obviously) so I fear being mocked or laughed at by passer-byers
    I also live in an area where a majority of my old classmates live (Im kind of already over this though)
    And my mother is rather... rude? She mocks me from time to time (which im also over this)
    Im just overall shy and somewhat insecure
    Id join a gym but im poor (wahhhh)
    Im thinking of just jogging before the sun comes up, so no one can see me, ahaha.
    Anyone have any wise words?
    Or tell me if you've gotten over this fear or how you do it?
    I totally understand you. but the only thing you can do is Just Do It. people will be rude or supportive - ain't nothing you can do about that. the important thing is to get out and do.

    and - hugs. your mom should treat you nicer! I'm sorry she is being mean to you - that is very damaging.
  • LizRodmell
    LizRodmell Posts: 70 Member
    First off, I DID NOT write this. Kudos to the writer but I don't know who it is. Found it on MFP and it needs to be kept alive. Changed my whole outlook.


    Hey, Fat Girl.

    Yes, you. The one feigning to not see me when we cross paths on

    the running track. The one not even wearing sports gear, breathing heavy. You’re
    slow, you breathe hard and your efforts at moving forward make you

    You cling shyly to the furthest corridor, sometimes making larger

    loops on the gravel ring by the track just so you’re not on it. You sweat
    so much that your hair is all wet. You rarely stay for more than 20 minutes at a
    time, and you look exhausted when you leave to go back home. You never talk to

    anyone. I’ve got something I’d like to say to you.

    You are awesome.

    If you’d look me in the eye only for an instant, you would notice

    the reverence and respect I have for you. The adventure you have started
    is tremendous; it leads to a better health, to renewed confidence and to a brand
    new kind of freedom. The gifts you will receive from running will far exceed the

    gigantic effort it takes you to show up here, to face your fears and to bravely
    set yourself in motion, in front of others.

    You have already begun your transformation. You no longer accept

    this physical state of numbness and passivity. You have taken a
    difficult decision, but one that holds so much promise. Every hard breath you
    take is actually a tad easier than the one before, and every step is ever

    so slightly lighter. Each push forward leaves the former person you were in your
    wake, creating room for an improved version, one that is stronger, healthier and
    forward-looking, one who knows that anything is possible.

    You’re a hero to me. And, if you’d take off the blaring headphones

    and put your head up for more than a second or two, you would notice that the
    other runners you cross, the ones that probably make you feel so inadequate,
    stare in awe at your determination. They, of all people, know best where you are

    coming from. They heard the resolutions of so many others, who vowed to pick up
    running and improve their health, “starting next week”. Yet, it is YOU who runs
    alongside, who digs from deep inside to find the strength to come here, and to

    come back again.

    You are a runner, and no one can take that away from you. You

    are relentlessly moving forward. You are stronger than even you think, and you
    are about to be amazed by what you can do. One day, very soon, maybe tomorrow,
    you’ll step outside and marvel at your capabilities. You will not believe your

    own body, you will realize that you can do this. And a new horizon will open up
    for you. You are a true inspiration.

    I bow to you.

    This is amazing! it is exactly how i felt when i started. i am not in the position of the person overlooking. I have so much respect for those that run when larger. It is Hard, You do just want to quite and give up! but you are amazing for pushing through! i say this because i have done it! i have been there, huffing, panting, not perfect form and i raise my hat to anyone undertaking it.

    It does get easier with time and you just dont care what people think anymore. let people look, who cares what they think! at the end of the day you are doing something positive for you! to hell with everyone else! hold your head high and jogg hunny!

    Smile at people you pass, thank them if they move aside for you, more people then not can respect what your doing rather then to mock you (and those that do mock or normally insure themselves anyway)
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    I can relate to OP. I was like someone who posted before me. On Saturdays, I began by walking to the nearby high school track. For a few Saturdays, I did the walk/run interval thing to build up my endurance. Then, I found myself bored going in the same circle. So, I began getting out in my neighborhood as soon as is was just light enough outside. I found that most people are still indoors. Those that are outside are exercising as well. I found it to be a great time for running. You get to see the sunrise and the neighborhood is typically still peaceful. Like others have said before, work on letting go of what others think. Mean people are going to be mean, we can't change that. You're doing this for you - to hell with anyone who is negative toward you for trying to self-improve. :flowerforyou:
  • alisam567
    alisam567 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! I kind of have the fear of jogging in front of people in public. I walk all the way to the woods to do my running LOL
    Id rather just do it locally instead of going ALLL the way to the woods(its time consuming)
    Im chubby (obviously) so I fear being mocked or laughed at by passer-byers
    I also live in an area where a majority of my old classmates live (Im kind of already over this though)
    And my mother is rather... rude? She mocks me from time to time (which im also over this)
    Im just overall shy and somewhat insecure
    Id join a gym but im poor (wahhhh)
    Im thinking of just jogging before the sun comes up, so no one can see me, ahaha.
    Anyone have any wise words?
    Or tell me if you've gotten over this fear or how you do it?

    I get it! I put off going running for that reason alone! until one day I had finished a run! 30 mins non stop - red faced and sweaty - but I did it! I DID it! on the road - in public. no one shouted or looked! Now I run 3/4 times a week and have started to enter races. Do you know what I do? Instead of worrying what other people think of me - rightly or wrongly... when I am running along the road and see people strolling with their dog, or driving past me - I get an overwhelming sense of smug superiority! I know that 9/10 of those people will never have been running let alone be able to run the same distance in the time. I keep it to myself and smile all the way home feeling amazing that I can do it!! If I see anyone running who looks like a beginner/tired/struggling/slow (I am very slow) I give them a big grin and say good morning/afternoon. they are amazing! I know and you know how hard it is to get out there and run - seek out your fellow runners and give them a big grin - they will be as impressed with you as you are with them! As for those in the cars, who you feel might be looking and judging I say 'judge right back' you are the one running! They are just sat watching you! Who is the winner??
  • danarandallreed
    danarandallreed Posts: 132 Member
    Great post, great replies. I am inspired.
  • I struggle with the same insecurities.. however, I've gotten to the point where this is what I think:

    1.. WHY do you care what the person on the street thinks? So WHAT if they laugh?.. Know why? - If they are that rude, shallow and IGNORANT.. they're not someone who should matter to you anyway. You don't know them.. they don't know you.. and obviously, if you're out there huffing and puffing, picking them up and putting them down, pounding the pavement.. you're doing something THEY'RE NOT.

    2.. You're working on your chubby, and if someone is standing their in anything other than awe and respect of you.. they should be working on their ignorance.

    3.. At the end of the day.. ignoring them, and battling through - huffing and puffing, and running through that first lactic acid burn when you think .. no.. you SWEAR that your legs are going to fall off starting at your shins.. and your lungs are going to burst right along with your heart as it pounds out of your chest.. the sense of victory and accomplishment FAR OUTWEIGH the possible ill mannered ignorance of others.

    4.. Like many of the PP's have said.. all of that snickering, laughing, jesting.. is imagined or feared.. it's not taking place anywhere except for in our insecure subconscious. And if it is.. see 1-3. :)

    When I first started my journey (or adventure) in January of this year.. I weighed just shy of 250 lbs.. with every pound that came off, I gained a little more confidence.. but still, in the dark corners of my mind, I'm still the incredibly overweight girl who was running down the street barely a block at a time without stopping and hacking up a lung and grasping my chest because I thought I would surely have a heart attack.. there are days that I STILL do that.. admittedly, I have gotten lazy over the last 3 weeks.. and I'm searching so hard to get back in the swing of things.. I have to stop making excuses and just do it.. so... you keep on keeping on.. and ignore your insecurities.. and the rudeness, unsupportive comments from others (even Mom!)... You have already taken the first steps, and made huge advancements.. We're cheering you on!!! :):drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • pammyb44
    pammyb44 Posts: 1 Member
    I totally suck at running...I've never enjoyed it and I doubted that there would ever be a day that I would consider myself a runner. I started C25K a few weeks ago (started week 3 today) and I wanted to run outside cause the treadmill does half the work for you...and it just feels different in the fresh air. So I started and at first I thought oh what will people think, etc but then I got over it and just walked out the door and started. And you know what? I found people encouraging! I would run past other people who were running the other way and they would give a big smile and say good morning/evening and keep going. No one was judging me, but me. And if they were, then they were not the kind of people that I would value the opinion of anyway. I don't know them and I might never see them again so who cares. What I do care about is the people that were running and running well and it was so encouraging to see them smiling and knowing that one day I WILL be there.

    I actually went in the rain on Saturday and really enjoyed it! Yep...I enjoyed a run and in the rain at that. It was me and the birds and the rain. It was so refreshing and the neighbours that saw me and my hubby were impressed that I was that dedicated to me to go out in the downpour. And I am proud of me too! That's the big thing. Now I know I might be slow but I will get there. I will be a runner. Today I start the 3 minute run intervals (which I can't seem to wrap my head around being able to run that long but I am going to try my hardest). I haven't given up on it yet so I'm mentally preparing today ;)

    It's funny I used the same principle for putting a bathing suit on and going lane swimming...Nike has it right...just do it. Then you realize it's not near as bad as you were making it in your head. We can change our mindsets. Take that negative thought and turn it into a positive one and next thing you know you are running or public swimming...who knows maybe one day I'll be that person running down the street in short shorts and a bra top LOL.
  • Just brace yourself and go out and run. Pretty soon you'll self-identify as a runner and you won't be self-conscious about it anymore because you're a runner, it's what you do. The fear/embarrassment just kind of melts away once you start doing it.
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    don't be afraid! I jog on main street in my neighborhood and I've never had anyone make fun of me as I jiggle on past... instead I've had more people wave, and be encouraging... the older residents in the neighborhood are the biggest supporters usually... I even got a high five once from a couple of teenage girls... just put your headphones in and get to it... you'd be suprised at how supportive the walking/running community is and those who want to drive by and gawk well who cares, what are the odds you'd ever see them and know who they were...
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    Really great replies! So true that you need to work on your perspective and self confidence, but that can take a long time to get past, and can be an ongoing struggle. Battling all of the internal stuff is the work of a lifetime.

    It may sound silly, but if you can find a way to invest in some really good, supportive running clothes that make you feel like a superhero, it can go a long way to get you started. I swear, when I used to be very self-conscious, a good sports bra and compression running tights made a world of difference.