Converting my recipes is driving me crazy!!!

I am ready to pull my hair out!! Trying to convert my favorite recipes and completely forgetting to add serving size of entire can/bag/container to the database!! Figured it for my consumption, not for the whole. Don't have ingredients on hand and trying to find them online is confusing. Not sure if my calorie count is correct now. Guess I will just go to bed and worry about it later.


  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    Using the phone app helps a lot when cooking with commercial (canned, boxed, etc.) ingredients - so use the scanner if you have a smart phone. I don't usually log every single spice or seasoning (except salt) - they are a couple of calories per serving at most. Once you enter a recipe you never have to enter it again but you can always edit it if you forget something. If you've only been logging for a few days, it gets easier because the things you eat regularly will be easier to find on your recent and frequent pages. You don't need to add the recipes and upload them to the database, that takes way too long. Just get into the habit of logging first, you can get more precise as you get more familiar with it. :)
  • KimGainey
    KimGainey Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the info. dont have a smart phone (sigh) and was trying to see what my fav recipes would be. and doing it at midnight was not the best time! It is getting easier though!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm giving up on recipes at this point. I just have no idea how to figure out the serving size, or count how much of a serving I'm eating when I make something. It's a huge headache, and typically the whole crockpot/pan doesn't fit on my kitchen scale... and I'd have to remember to weigh it empty first anyway so I could remove that weight... I don't know how people do it, considering food never weighs the same when it's cooked anyway.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    Is it the serving size that's frustrating you?

    You could always enter all the ingredients before you start cooking, then see what the total is. Then divide that by 500 (estimate it) and that's how many servings you just made.

    See what I mean? For example, I'm making chicken soup, so enter in 1 onion, 1 pound of chicken breast, 2 carrots, 2 celery, 1 cup of rice, 1 T Italian seasoning. Let's say that 1500 calories, so after the soup is done, I get out three tupperwares right then and divide it up into 3 servings. Eat my serving and put away the rest for another day.

    So you don't have to worry about how much it weighs. Just get the total calories in the dish, enter the servings, and the app will calculate it. Then you can save the recipe.