Belly overhang near goal weight :(



  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I'm just a bit taller at 5'3" and I gotta get to around 135 for my belly to be flat(ish). But that's because I tend to carry the extra weight in my butt and thighs. Which I don't complain about cuz I have an awesome butt ;) lol But anyway, try looking up ab exercises online. Pick two that work different areas of your stomach, and memorize them. Just do a little of that every day in addition to walking, and that tummy should start to go away! But walking isn't going to do much for your belly.

    Stomach exercises will tone your muscles but you cannot spot reduce fat. It just has to be lost all over until the stomach is gone. If its loose skin, that will never go away.
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member
    I adjusted my goal weight many times... Focus on what you want to look like more then the number on the scale... Great work on the cutting of the weight..
  • rockon77
    rockon77 Posts: 31 Member
    This must be the day for starting threads looking for advice and then rejecting all of the good suggestions. :noway:

    Oh wait, that's everyday.

    I never rejected good suggestions. I love the ideas. Must be the day people like to attack others!
  • Leaping_Lemur
    Leaping_Lemur Posts: 121 Member
    I don't know my BF%. I don't own any equipment that could tell me that percentage.

    If you have a tape measure, you can calculate your body fat percentage here:

    I checked mine with calipers this weekend, and the tape measure method only differs from the calipers by 1%.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    According to charts at 5 ' you should be 100 pounds. and add 5 pounds of weight for every inch over. But that does not account for fram size.

    I'm 5.5.5" and when I was just right I was 125 to 130 and I have a medium frame so I think it was right for me.

    lol No thanks! I will never, ever be that tiny. My mom is 5'1" and around 110 lbs. She is a toothpick! I never want to look like that. I like looking much healthier. Everyone always comments on how tiny she looks. My healthy weight is between 98 lbs - 132 lbs. I would rather be near 120 - 130 lbs than 100 lbs.

    OK, then you are going to have to learn to live with a fat stomach. Be well and happy.
  • rockon77
    rockon77 Posts: 31 Member
    I don't know my BF%. I don't own any equipment that could tell me that percentage.

    If you have a tape measure, you can calculate your body fat percentage here:

    I checked mine with calipers this weekend, and the tape measure method only differs from the calipers by 1%.

    Thanks, I'll try doing this tonight when I get my tape measure.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I started well over 200 lbs at 5"1' (female). I am 140 lbs now. My goal is 130 lbs. I still have a belly overhang that I thought would be gone by this weight. Maybe it will be gone around 130 lbs or even 120 lbs? Ugh...

    Does anyone know at my height at around what weight I would get a flatter stomach? I know everyone varies and such, but I just mean in general for the average person. I don't have any loose skin as I have been losing weight at a consistent pace.

    You need to gain muscle and give your skin time to adjust to your new weight.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I'm just a bit taller at 5'3" and I gotta get to around 135 for my belly to be flat(ish). But that's because I tend to carry the extra weight in my butt and thighs. Which I don't complain about cuz I have an awesome butt ;) lol But anyway, try looking up ab exercises online. Pick two that work different areas of your stomach, and memorize them. Just do a little of that every day in addition to walking, and that tummy should start to go away! But walking isn't going to do much for your belly.

    Walking will be just fine for getting rid of the fat over the abdomen. Getting rid of fat is eating less than you burn. Period.
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    You said that you don't ever want to be as skinny as 110 lbs - but you might not get to have your cake and eat it, too. Unfortunately, you'll likely have to be a bit smaller before you get rid of that stomach fat.

    OR, you could focus on strength training. If you lower your body fat percentage, you could be at a higher weight and have a flatter stomach.

    Here's a link to my blog. I am 5'0" and I took monthly progress photos as I lost the weight (from 165 lbs starting to 111 lbs at the last progress pic).

    Since I didn't have much muscle mass starting out, it might give you a good idea of what to expect as far as what your belly might look like if you lose the weight without building much muscle. Of course, every body is different.

    Personally, I hope to re-arrange my schedule so that I can prioritize more lifting and build more muscle. I hope that will help my tummy, too. Mine doesn't overhang anymore, but it's pretty soft.

    Good luck to you!
  • misti777
    misti777 Posts: 217 Member
    I am 5'2 and at my lowest weight, 147 pounds, I still had my belly hanging over just a little. I imagine it would have gone away if I had reached 135 pounds.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I'm 5'7" and 130lbs. I have a little muffin top at 21% body fat. A lot depends on how your body distributes fat and what your body fat percentage is.

    When getting close to your goal weight, it is time to change your goals from pounds to bodyfat percentage. That is the fine tuning of a fitness plan.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    According to charts at 5 ' you should be 100 pounds. and add 5 pounds of weight for every inch over. But that does not account for fram size.

    I'm 5.5.5" and when I was just right I was 125 to 130 and I have a medium frame so I think it was right for me.

    lol No thanks! I will never, ever be that tiny. My mom is 5'1" and around 110 lbs. She is a toothpick! I never want to look like that. I like looking much healthier. Everyone always comments on how tiny she looks. My healthy weight is between 98 lbs - 132 lbs. I would rather be near 120 - 130 lbs than 100 lbs.

    OK, then you are going to have to learn to live with a fat stomach. Be well and happy.

    First---Charts are NOT a good way to determine what the scale should say ( and the scale shouldn't be the main indicator of getting fit either). Second--when someone such as the OP determines that an unrealistic weight is given as an "ideal" from a chart isn't a healthy weight for them--don't go hatin'!

    OP--you have done a fantastic job with walking your weight right off!! I will bet if you start looking at different ways that you can easily do some body weight exercises at home--you will find something that you really like--and do it! And you don't have to give up walking--just build some muscle to help you burn that fat!

    Also--any form of measuring BF% will not be too accurate--so please keep that in mind as you measure. It can an indicator...but your BF% may be higher or lower than what your measurements indicate. However--you should start taking measurements prior to working out-as you will be able to see results of inches lost if/when the scale tells you you're not losing!
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Thanks for the advice so far. I don't know my BF%. I don't own any equipment that could tell me that percentage. My exercise is all walking. I walk around 8 to 10 miles a day. I know I should do strength training or whatever, but I really don't have the money and interest in that. I like simple forms of exercise because that way, I know I will stick with it.

    It really is not that expensive to strength train. I am extremely poor and actually in poverty but I have invested in some dumbbells, videos, and other equipment. You can build your dumbbell collection as you gain strength so the initial investment would probably be like 20-40 dollars if you just started using weights. There are some cords that go up to heavy duty and they are pretty inexpensive as well. On amazon they are around $30-50 for a set with light- heavy exercise bands. You can get equipment as you can afford it, which is what I do. I am waiting and saving until I have enough money for a Bosu trainer.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    This must be the day for starting threads looking for advice and then rejecting all of the good suggestions. :noway:

    Oh wait, that's everyday.

    I never rejected good suggestions. I love the ideas. Must be the day people like to attack others!
    I know I should do strength training or whatever, but I really don't have the money and interest in that. I like simple forms of exercise because that way, I know I will stick with it.
  • rockon77
    rockon77 Posts: 31 Member
    This must be the day for starting threads looking for advice and then rejecting all of the good suggestions. :noway:

    Oh wait, that's everyday.

    I never rejected good suggestions. I love the ideas. Must be the day people like to attack others!
    I know I should do strength training or whatever, but I really don't have the money and interest in that. I like simple forms of exercise because that way, I know I will stick with it.

    That wasn't a rejection of anyone's ideas. That was my way of telling everyone why I HAVEN'T been strength training. I've already reported your post. I suggest stop bothering me.
  • rockon77
    rockon77 Posts: 31 Member
    According to charts at 5 ' you should be 100 pounds. and add 5 pounds of weight for every inch over. But that does not account for fram size.

    I'm 5.5.5" and when I was just right I was 125 to 130 and I have a medium frame so I think it was right for me.

    lol No thanks! I will never, ever be that tiny. My mom is 5'1" and around 110 lbs. She is a toothpick! I never want to look like that. I like looking much healthier. Everyone always comments on how tiny she looks. My healthy weight is between 98 lbs - 132 lbs. I would rather be near 120 - 130 lbs than 100 lbs.

    OK, then you are going to have to learn to live with a fat stomach. Be well and happy.

    First---Charts are NOT a good way to determine what the scale should say ( and the scale shouldn't be the main indicator of getting fit either). Second--when someone such as the OP determines that an unrealistic weight is given as an "ideal" from a chart isn't a healthy weight for them--don't go hatin'!

    OP--you have done a fantastic job with walking your weight right off!! I will bet if you start looking at different ways that you can easily do some body weight exercises at home--you will find something that you really like--and do it! And you don't have to give up walking--just build some muscle to help you burn that fat!

    Also--any form of measuring BF% will not be too accurate--so please keep that in mind as you measure. It can an indicator...but your BF% may be higher or lower than what your measurements indicate. However--you should start taking measurements prior to working out-as you will be able to see results of inches lost if/when the scale tells you you're not losing!

    Great advice, thank you! :)
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I'm 5'7" and 130lbs. I have a little muffin top at 21% body fat. A lot depends on how your body distributes fat and what your body fat percentage is.

    When getting close to your goal weight, it is time to change your goals from pounds to bodyfat percentage. That is the fine tuning of a fitness plan.

    I think you have some body issues as well. My sister is 5'4" and 130 lbs and has no muffin top and she has a pretty normal activity level. Sometimes it is heavier but most of the time it is pretty normal. She is not a big weight lifter or anything. I looked on Mybodygallery as well and I just do not see people at your weight with a muffin top.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I'm just a bit taller at 5'3" and I gotta get to around 135 for my belly to be flat(ish). But that's because I tend to carry the extra weight in my butt and thighs. Which I don't complain about cuz I have an awesome butt ;) lol But anyway, try looking up ab exercises online. Pick two that work different areas of your stomach, and memorize them. Just do a little of that every day in addition to walking, and that tummy should start to go away! But walking isn't going to do much for your belly.

    That would be spot reducing. You can do ab exercises all day long, but your body will burn fat from whatever part it wants. You could do 10,000 crunches, but if you have fat on your arms your body wants, it'll burn it from there first.

    OP, don't worry about the scale, worry about the tape measure. You may need to lose very little weight, but actually just need to drop BF%. If you do resistance training to maintain muscle mass, you'll notice the scale will drop slower as inches drop off. This is because you're only losing fat, not fat and muscle.

    To help you get to a flatter stomach:

    Calorie deficit + work (cardio AND compound movement strength training) + patience = lowered BF% and your goal.

    You'll notice one thing about individuals on here with nice midsections, they(we) do very little to no isolated ab routines.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I'm 5'7" and 130lbs. I have a little muffin top at 21% body fat. A lot depends on how your body distributes fat and what your body fat percentage is.

    When getting close to your goal weight, it is time to change your goals from pounds to bodyfat percentage. That is the fine tuning of a fitness plan.

    I think you have some body issues as well. My sister is 5'4" and 130 lbs and has no muffin top and she has a pretty normal activity level. Sometimes it is heavier but most of the time it is pretty normal. She is not a big weight lifter or anything. I looked on Mybodygallery as well and I just do not see people at your weight with a muffin top.

    A lot of it will depend on your build. I'm built like a Popsicle stick, pretty much straight up and down so I don't carry any extra weight for boobs or butt and a little bit extra around the middle is a spare tire that hangs over my pants. My friend can weigh 10 lbs more than I do and have a great figure because she has big boobs, some junk in the trunk and a tiny waist. We are exactly the same height but totally carry weight in different places. You have to evaluate for yourself when you look in the mirror and think everything is great. Some people want to be able to cut string on their hip bones and some like a little meat on their bones. It's all your choice.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    This must be the day for starting threads looking for advice and then rejecting all of the good suggestions. :noway:

    Oh wait, that's everyday.

    I never rejected good suggestions. I love the ideas. Must be the day people like to attack others!
    I know I should do strength training or whatever, but I really don't have the money and interest in that. I like simple forms of exercise because that way, I know I will stick with it.

    That wasn't a rejection of anyone's ideas. That was my way of telling everyone why I HAVEN'T been strength training. I've already reported your post. I suggest stop bothering me.

    Reported? Really?