Is My HRM accurate?

Ok I got a Cheap ($30) Wrist Watch HRM from Walmrt today and have just tested it. I have no clue how HRM's work so I'm gonna Post the data for all to see so those who DO know can give their opinions. I'm also gona give my opinions after I post the data

OK. So for sitting on my butt reading & singing to boys I burned 31cals in 36min. My HR was about 84 the entire time. When I left & got up my hr shot up to 106. I ran up & down the stairs about 3 time and my HR was 107. & I was up to 57Cals Burned. I did 50 Jumping jacks & my HR was 126 and Cals 64. Now as I've been writing this my HR is down to 90 and I have a total of 139 Cals burned. For those of you who are seasoned with HRM's... does this data sound close to accurate.


  • angieskia
    angieskia Posts: 152 Member
    ok so I Guess since it was consistenly at 84 I can accept that. I don't know what a Resting Heart Rate would be. I DID NOT believe just by standing up & Walking out of the room that it would Jump up to 106. Also I would have Expected my HR to have risen a little after Jogging up and down the stairs. I guess I can believe it jumping up to 120's after jumping jacks because I don't really know anything about it. What is Hard for me to believe is that I burned 70Cals Just By sitting and typing Data.
    This is a watch where you have to consistently check heart rate for Cals Burned to be accurate. So I'm wondering If I Had Not rechecked my HR after the reading of 126 and left the calorie timer running for 1 HOUR would I have a ridiculous # of Calories?
  • fxst78
    fxst78 Posts: 221 Member
    Everyone is going to be different but that sounds fairly accurate.

    You have to be very carefull here though. The calories burnt are the total calories your body is burning to you can't just enter them in as exercise on MFP.

    When you were sitting around you burnt approx 30cal in 30 min so therefore you know that you burn approx 1 cal per minute just being alive.

    So any exercise calories you want to enter into your diary must be the amount burnt MINUS the amount you would have burnt anyway.

    So if you run around for an hour and it says you have burnt 400 calories, then you need to subtract 60 before you log it.

    (This is assuming you have entered sedentry as your lifestyle)
  • John8188
    I wouldn't post the cals I burned doing light anything. Sitting or just cleaning. That is kind of everyday stuff. Almost free cals. I only post the stuff I do that is like working out...riding a bike or going for a long walk. Maybe cleaning if I was doing yard work. If you burn 100 or so cals a day that you don't count, you will lose more weight without trying.
  • angieskia
    angieskia Posts: 152 Member
    I completely understand your thinking John. I wasn't planning to add those in the exercise Log That was just to test the HRM to see if it was working correctly. You're Awesome Fxst!!! I'm glad you told me that. I was initially gonna log the exercise as I usually do. Tonight I will do Calisthenics but I wanted to make sure the HRM was working correctly before I started. It's the gym equipment I don't trust. I don't se how I can burn so many MORE calories on the Bike than I do on elliptical or treadmill
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Hey Angie

    Sounds pretty accurate.

    80's is about right for doing light stuff. It would be as low as 60 - 70 at rest. And as high as (200 minus your age) at full pelt!! (maximum heart rate) so 172 for you. Any more than that and you should calm down!! :heart:

    But yeah, good point by fxst :bigsmile: MFP have already deducted your average resting calories, so deduct them from your exercise.

    Let us know how they compare to the MFP execise one's hun :flowerforyou: