Diabetes 2 and only Metormin

I need some feed back on this. I went to the doctor today for my physical. My Diabetes has been soo good! My morning readings have been from 79-100 for the past month or so.. When I eat dinner my readings have never been over 100. normally between 89-90 or so. If I eat something like really bad like CAKE ya it's 105 or so. before dinner readings are from 70-90 , I get shaky and tired sometimes and take a reading and ya it's low so i have to eat a carb.. I exercise ALOT! .. for instance this weekend A friend and I went to 5- 8 club ordered a juicy lucy and order of fries. I ate half my burger and most of my fries. I didn't have a pill with me but hey i was like 30 miles from home couldn't just drive home and get one. so we went for a walk at the lake afterwards. I got home about 2 hrs later and my reading was only 91. this is with out a pill! I told my nurse prat this and she just said ohh thats good .. Hello maybe I should stop a pill and just take one a day now! UGH .. just need some thoughts. my A1C results haven't came back yet. I had to ask the LPN to call me with those results. Maybe it's time i switch doctors! Do you think it's bad I just try to take one pill a day and Do you take it in the morning or at night?


  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Definitely get the A1C before your change docs or go off the pill. Glucophage is a nice drug because it helps with some of the insulin insensitivity with type II. I talked to my OB the other day because I was concerned about the safety with the baby, and he reiterated the efficacy of it and how it helps sensitivity.

    One time without a pill may or may not reflect it working as you could still have a steady state amount in your body. Depends on how long your been on the med, is it the slow release metformin, and your activity level.

    Talk to her about why she feels that the current amount you are on now would be better than a lower amount. Medical professionals sometimes need a little reminder.
  • MrsMohawk
    MrsMohawk Posts: 74 Member
    The problem is this women doesn't listen.. I talk to her and it's like talking to a brick wall. I think she gets a kick back .. I had to ask her about my Blood pressure med today. I have been taking lisinopril 10 mg once a day my blood pressure has been low . today they took it and it was only 99/72. I had to ask her if i could get a 5mg because it's been in the 60s and scared the hell out of me. I don't have confidence in my nurse pract at all anymore.
  • pinkledoodledoo
    pinkledoodledoo Posts: 290 Member
    I don't have confidence in my nurse pract at all anymore.

    That pretty much says it all. Get a 2nd opinion. If you like the new doc's bedside manner better, then switch.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Go to an endocronolgist (sp)...I have a great family doctor but the specialist knows things a NP doesn't
  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    I take metformin twice per day. I would check with your doctor about going to one pill a day. From what it sounds like your numbers are good and you are doing well. I'm curious what your A1c level is. Mine is at 6.1 but I'm hoping to get it down to 5.7 the next time I get checked.

    My doctor has instructed me to take only one pill a day if I can keep my blood sugars under 100. I'm close but not quite there yet.

    Feel free to add me if you want.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Metformin has a lasting affect, even if you miss a pill, doesn't mean your BG will shoot up after eating without taking it.
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    Please don't stop your Metformin or reduce the dose. It's important in the long run of Diabetes and secondary complications such as eye and kidney problems.
    Sounds like you might need to change Drs though. You need one that you can connect with when you have longterm conditions.
    Happy to answer any questions.
    Practice/Diabetes Nurse
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    my husband was on metformin 3x a day, and he was titered down from that to no times a day. the dr told him she wanted him to have two A1Cs come out good before allowing him to control on diet alone. so, maybe dr is just going to make you wait it out? she told us that so many people start out of the gate well because they get scared from the diabetes diagnosis, but then fall right back to their bad (in diabetic speak anyway) eating habits. she just wanted to make sure he made the change a permanent one.
  • MrsMohawk
    MrsMohawk Posts: 74 Member
    my husband was on metformin 3x a day, and he was titered down from that to no times a day. the dr told him she wanted him to have two A1Cs come out good before allowing him to control on diet alone. so, maybe dr is just going to make you wait it out? she told us that so many people start out of the gate well because they get scared from the diabetes diagnosis, but then fall right back to their bad (in diabetic speak anyway) eating habits. she just wanted to make sure he made the change a permanent one.
    I wish that was the case, I have talked to her about taking me off one pill and all she says is normally everyone is on it 2xs a day. I don't think she knows what she's doing! She's suppose to be the diabetic specialist. lol

    Thank you all for your replys.. and It was just a thought of trying it but I'd be to scared to just stop one really.. I will go to the old man doctor at the clinic after I get my A1C results.. If they call me back! haha
  • tattedlady75
    tattedlady75 Posts: 185 Member
    I second the endocrinologist, they are trained specifically on diabetes. A NP or even a primary care only have a little bit of training. You need to be seeing a specialist. My dad has a great primary care and a great Endo and they communicate with each other with regards to testing and prescriptions that could interfere with his diabetes. Also, you should not be seeing or speaking with a nurse practioner about these things only an endocrinologist
  • MrsMohawk
    MrsMohawk Posts: 74 Member
    I second the endocrinologist, they are trained specifically on diabetes. A NP or even a primary care only have a little bit of training. You need to be seeing a specialist. My dad has a great primary care and a great Endo and they communicate with each other with regards to testing and prescriptions that could interfere with his diabetes. Also, you should not be seeing or speaking with a nurse practioner about these things only an endocrinologist
    I never knew about an endocrinologist before I would have to see if my clinic even has one of them . Thank you both..
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    Take your meds as prescribed and when your new readings come in, discuss with your doctor if you need to continue taking the dosage you are or if you can lower it and be weaned off the medication altogether.

    I take it too (2000/mg a day) because I am predisposed to be diabetic (family history and WAS overweight). With the lifestyle changes I've made in losing weight and eating properly my numbers are way down and my next visit is the end of this month and I am anticipating on having my dosage cut down by more than 1/2 (per my conversation with the endocrinologist)!!! Doing the happy dance!!!

    SO good for you getting out there and become healthier. This is a great NSV for you (& me!).

    Keep it up!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I don't have confidence in my nurse pract at all anymore.

    That pretty much says it all. Get a 2nd opinion. If you like the new doc's bedside manner better, then switch.

    Yeah if it's more than a one time thing I could understand why you would want to switch. Nothing wrong with switching. You pay way too much to not get the best care.
  • brian7506
    I take Metformin 500 mg 1 time a day at night with food. Like yourself my levels are usually under 100. I`m not sure if you could do that or not. Sounds like you need to speak to a 2nd Doc and see what they say.
  • MrsMohawk
    MrsMohawk Posts: 74 Member
    I take Metformin 500 mg 1 time a day at night with food. Like yourself my levels are usually under 100. I`m not sure if you could do that or not. Sounds like you need to speak to a 2nd Doc and see what they say.
    That's what I was wondering. Thank you, My friend did the same dose but now she's back on 2xs a day. I thought maybe I was wrong somewhere because my Nurse pract seems to think everyone is on it 2xs a day. haha But I will wait until I get my A1C and then I'm calling my Husbands Doctor!
  • brian7506
    I take Metformin 500 mg 1 time a day at night with food. Like yourself my levels are usually under 100. I`m not sure if you could do that or not. Sounds like you need to speak to a 2nd Doc and see what they say.
    That's what I was wondering. Thank you, My friend did the same dose but now she's back on 2xs a day. I thought maybe I was wrong somewhere because my Nurse pract seems to think everyone is on it 2xs a day. haha But I will wait until I get my A1C and then I'm calling my Husbands Doctor!
    Yep, I have other friends that only takes it 1 time a day to. One friend takes 2000 mg 1 time a day. I`m new to this and just diagnosed about 5 weeks ago. I`m getting my first A1C in the next couple of days. I know for me the Doc said with my levels staying between 70 and 130 everything is looking normal and for now don`t change a thing.
  • awelmore
    awelmore Posts: 13 Member
    I have had type 2 for 7 years. My A1c is currently 5.8 and I take 3 metformin (500mg) a day. I have found that I get the best results if I take them with meals. I would certainly try to find an endocrinologist who specializes in diabetes (mine has diabetes 2).

    Having given that advice, you still have to find what works best for you. Not everyone responds the same way to foods and meds and exercise. After all these years, I am still trying new foods and gauging how my BG does on them.
  • MrsMohawk
    MrsMohawk Posts: 74 Member
    I called for my A1C results this morning and it is 5.7. I looked at mayo.com and it says pre diabetic from 5.7-6.4 .. I wish my doctor would call me.