Is Insanity too difficult if you are very overweight?



  • lelaspeaks
    lelaspeaks Posts: 163 Member
    Don't let your ego hinder your fitness. Do your best and be proud that you're doing anything at all.
  • Applegondi69
    Applegondi69 Posts: 54 Member
    I am overweight and it's intense however, I was somewhat intimidated at first but I took my time and have successfully finished into my third week. Yay! Just Do it!
  • nklunk
    nklunk Posts: 149 Member
    You can do whatever you put your mind to. My firend did it with me and she cant bend on leg very much because she was in a crash and it broke the whole bottom of her leg and she was overweight. We both put our heads together and modified the workout...she eventually got to where she could do more. I just started my 4th round and I still have to take breaks. Good luck!!
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    I completed the first 3 weeks of Insanity before getting kidney stones and had to stop. At that time, I weighed 247 lbs. Was it hard? Abso-freaking-loutely. But was it doable? Yes. The 45 minutes video took me about 60 minutes to get through because I had to pause it. BUT if you do decide to start it, what you have to remember is GO AT YOUR OWN PACE. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT try to go as fast as Shaun T., or you WILL hurt yourself. And just because you can't do a workout doesn't mean your weak or "too fat" to do it. You'll build up to it. Also, pay attention to the people in the video - they are struggling too. In some of them, even Shaun T. has to stop and he created the damn videos!! I say give it a try.

    I haven't gone back to doing Insanity yet (it's been about 6 months since the kidney stones), but I'm planning on starting it up again in March when I finish my current program that I'm doing. And I honestly can't wait to start it again because I'm in better shape than I was before (currently down to 222 lbs and a lot more muscles) and I really want to compare my numbers!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Insanity is just that... insanity! If you choose to try it, keep at it and don't give up because you get out of breath.. just give yourself a few moments then keep going. I think this workout is for people who are used to fitness and pushing themselves hard... those who are incredibly overweight with knee problems or who are not used to workout tapes should probably stick to their daily exercise regime for a couple of months then look at trying this. An injury can really set you back in your fitness efforts :(

    I am 175 lbs, female, smoker and I get through this but I am used to having a hard fitness regime and I am not trying to lose too much weight.

    (Sorry if this post came off as negative - wasn't intended that way but its my personal opinion to abstain if you are over my weight and new to fitness)
  • bodyblunder
    bodyblunder Posts: 3 Member
    I know this is an old post so I'm not sure if you ever started the Insanity program, but I finished the Insanity program in October. However, it wasn't the first time I tried the program. I think I started it 3 times. The most important thing for me was to get my muscles into shape to start this program so I could keep up and keep from injuring myself. I have weak ankles and problems with my knees and feet. I actually used another Beachbody program called Slim in 6 to gear myself up to start the Insanity program the 3rd time. The experience was completely different and I made waaaay better progress. It was still very hard but in the end I was the strongest I have ever been in my life and my body was thanking me. I've found that if you change it up you don't get as bored doing the workouts.

    Good luck!
  • Shannasantry
    Shannasantry Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with the majority of the people! Just do it to the best of YOUR ability and if you need a break take it but don't quit! Just keep in mind through the workout, You will see results if you don't give up!!!! I myself started taking a zumba class once a week and was worried I wouldn't be able to do the whole hour without a break and for the first 2 sessions I couldn't! But now I can do the whole hour without a break as long as I remember to breath and drink lots of fluids! I still have a long, long way to go before I can do all the moves right and at the speed of the instructor but I know if I keep going I will get there! :)
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    I think its best to start with easier exercises first..
    Walking 4 miles
    Zumba at your own pace
    30 minute spin classes again at your own pace

    Then you graduate to insanity, p90x , body pump, hour spin..

    ^^^ This. If you've never worked out, I dont recommend starting at such an advanced cardio workout. I recommend building up your stamina. However, if you wont get discouraged by the fact you may only be able to complete a fraction of the workout (in the beginning weeks), then I say give it a try at your own pace.

    Ultimately, you have to select a workout that you will be motivated to do. If you dont mind not being able to keep up (if you've never worked out before, only be able to do a small fraction of the workout each day), then I say give it a try. Over time, your endurance will increase.

    Good Luck.

    P.S. I just noticed that the original post was made 6 months ago. What did you decide to do?
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I've never done Insanity, as my apartment is tiny tiny and I have no room to do dvds at home. But what everyone is saying is true - push yourself, do as much as you can, and listen to your body enough to know when you need to stop before injuring yourself. I do classes at my gym, and I push myself pretty hard...but there are parts I just am not capable of yet. Like dips...I've tried, but it's impossible for me right now. So I do an alternative move while everyone else does them. As I lose more weight, bodyweight exercises will be easier for me and I can follow along with the class.
  • Try Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. It is a 3 month commitment-then progress to Insanity. This way you are building up muscles (especially the ones that you didn't even knew existed) and will be able to be more successful with the latter program. BR is a half hour version of Insanity or P90X. Very challenging- I love it! Good Luck!
  • :smile: I couldn't have said it better myself!!!