Hello! Just introducing myself...


I'm Tamika. I just found out about the My Fitness Pal app. I've been on my weight loss journey consistently for a little over a year now. My main thing is I lived with fear of giving myself diabetes or some other condition at an early age. I'm 29, by the way. Instead of living with that fear, I figured I'd do something about it. Since then, I've been eating cleaner most of the time by preparing my own meals at home. Also, I've been making better choices while eating out. My downfall is still with sweets though.

So far, I've lost 56 pounds, a little over 12% body fat and several inches. I no longer have to shop for plus size clothing and I'm smaller than the largest size in the stores who primarily cater to non plus size women!!!! I'm so excited about that and the fact that I feel so much lighter and better. :-)

I"m nearing the end of my weight loss phase and will start focusing on maintaining. The next phase of my journey is to tone my body some more. Hopefully, I gain some MFP friends here with similar objectives so we can keep each other motivated and encouraged.



  • MandyLion76
    MandyLion76 Posts: 45 Member
    Welcome! I'm pretty new too. This place is awesome! I'm on here more than FB now. Lols.
    Congrats on your amazing loss! Keep up the great work!
  • Quix82
    Quix82 Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome Tamika! Awesome progress so far :)
  • TruckersWifeTruckersLife
    Hello Tamika you have done really well I still have a bit to go before I reach my goal but I am slowly getting there you are welcome to add me I log on here everyday anyone is welcome to add me
  • taylor45135
    hello my friend whos account is lau47675 he would love someone to work out with and reminisce on old times ;)