Hi to tumblr/Striiv/runkeeper & of course, MFP users!

My name's Jessica, but most people call me Jade! I'm from Houston, Texas and I'm twenty-one years old. I'm engaged to my love of four years, a proud pet mom to a Boxer named Macky, and two Red-Eared Sliders named Donatello and Squirtle, and a born-again Christian. I'm currently at 190 lbs., 5'4'', and trying to make it down to 130 lbs. I'm not really new, but I've never had time to introduce myself to everyone (:

I'd love to get to know all of you guys! Feel free to say hi!


  • Hi Jessica. Nice to meet you! New here myself also and I'm about the same weight and height. Good luck in your weight lose journey! Lots of great inspirational stories here I find. It's also great to be able to track your food intake. It sure is an eye opener! Keep up the good work and I think baby steps and lifestyle changes is the way to go!
  • Hey there! Thank you, hon! Likewise (: It really is great--it makes you think twice about what you're putting into your body!