??When to stop??

I consistently go over my calorie limit.
For example: today i consumed a delicious Heap of Lindt chocolate :tongue: (yummy!)

Its about 4pm my time.
Should I stop eating for the rest of today?
Should I consistently stop eating once I reach my limit regardless of the time?


  • AtlantisLoss
    AtlantisLoss Posts: 32 Member
    Good Idea.

    Where I go wrong is when I consumed unplanned food.
    When junk is offered in a social setting, i guess its hard to remember your diet plan.
    (especially because I don't want others to know im on a diet)
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    It's 4:12pm here too ;)

    I'm peckish and I've got some chopped up carrots and some aged tasty cheddar cheese. It fills me up til I get home to make dinner :)

    Don't try to deny yourself food if you're hungry, just have something that is a bit healthier instead of just the lindt chockies. And planning is key!
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    Good Idea.

    Where I go wrong is when I consumed unplanned food.
    When junk is offered in a social setting, i guess its hard to remember your diet plan.
    (especially because I don't want others to know im on a diet)

    I am very familiar with that feeling. However, I discovered that, in my case, I can get by without anyone noticing by eating a bit of everything I'm offered. People don't usually serve you a full chocolate or half a pizza. I used to blame the social events for my over-eating, but it turns out for me at least it was just an excuse.
    That being said when I do indulge in 5 chocolates instead of just politely having one, I consider that my meal. Don't think of it as a "snack". I log it for dinner and move on. Have some tomatoes and skim milk or whatever fits in my calories left for dinner. Worst case scenario - munch on a cucumber = 8 calories. :)
  • equestrianperson
    Its all about planning. I have the same problem with overeating at times...the past four years in college, I've rarely let myself get hungry. I feel like I'm always eating, to keep my stomach semi-full. In fact, over these four years (forgive me if I'm wrong), I've probably only heard my stomach growl about 10 times. I remember it happened last year, and it kind of scared me...I forgot that even happens! lol
    anyway, this morning, I ate...until I was satistifed...I still feel hungry, but I'm pretty sure its not hunger, its just that I feel I can eat more. I'm already planning my morning snack and lunch so I can have a plan and know exactly what to eat to stay in my calorie goal

    *TIP - try planning extra calories....for example...I tried to have some extra calories left over after dinner last night. I had about 80 left over. After dinner, I saw my boyfriend, and he suprised me with some dark chocolate. Because I planned, I was able to show gratitude and eat a piece (with self control!) knowing I had room for it :)
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    You should probably try to plan it better so that you get plenty of food and still stay within your goal. Try pre-logging the foods you are considering eating and if it turns out they are quite high-calorie but you know they won't fill you up, search for an alternative food that is filling and lower-cal. You can do this in the morning for the whole day, or on a meal-by-meal basis. This usually helps as you can avoid 'wasting' calories on an unfilling meal/snack because you didn't realise how high-cal it was.

    This is exactly correct. It is the only way I have a clue of where I stand throughout the day.
  • Jessica_D_Shadow
    Jessica_D_Shadow Posts: 138 Member
    I consistently go over my calorie limit.
    For example: today i consumed a delicious Heap of Lindt chocolate :tongue: (yummy!)

    Its about 4pm my time.
    Should I stop eating for the rest of today?
    Should I consistently stop eating once I reach my limit regardless of the time?

    I agree with pretty much all of the others here. Plan your meals, if you have a weakness to sweets take them out of your house and only buy ONE when you are feeling good about it. This way on the way to the store you have a moment to think, is this sweet really worth it?

    Another thing that really helped me was looking at my "BMR" - http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/. This calculates your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR); the number of calories you'd burn if you stayed in bed all day. It also uses the Harris-Benedict Formula to calculate how much you burn if you are an active person. This way, if you go over your goal and are still under your BMR, you know that you will still be in the process of losing weight. Might not be as fast but it's better than gaining.

    Best of Luck!
  • jaecamp1
    jaecamp1 Posts: 120 Member
    If I know there is a social event coming up where I will want to eat more than normal, I will save up some calories from other days in the week. I look at my weekly average instead of just per day. If I go way over without planning it, I do not worry about it. It will happen sometime. Just get back on track asap.