My Progress Pictures - 5 Months Later & 88lbs Lighter

I've been using MFP since April but this is my first time on the Message Boards so 'HI!'

My journey started in April when a close family member was going to undergo an open-heart surgery to fix a birth defect. It was a stressful time for the whole family and that was when I finally realized that it was totally NOT okay to let my body go on living in such an unhealthy state especially after being blessed with a naturally healthy and complete body.

I started at 273lbs and I remember clearly that it was the week after Easter Sunday that I started making better food choices. It was hard in the beginning as I slowly cut off eating my comfort food: carbs. I used to eat so much white rice, noodles, pasta and pot noodles haha. I also cut off everything sweet (drinks, cake and ice-cream) and started doing basic cardio like jogging/walking.

It's been 5 months and counting and if you asked me honestly, I still don't know how I lost all the weight but all I can say is that making small targets really help. Like instead of telling myself I have to lose 110lbs, I told myself I had to lose 2lbs each week and slowly but surely, the numbers added up.

I'm still 19lbs off my personal goal weight but just wanted to share my story with the hope that it will inspire anyone who needs it! It IS possible and looking back now, I don't know why I didn't do anything any sooner! God bless!



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