Please help me I'm confused!!

Ive been eating 1500 calories and have lost weight bout 9.6kg but now it's just stopped!! Been 3 months and it just won't drop!! I've been going to the gym last month now 3 times a week and I eat those calories back .. Is that where I'm going wrong ? Oh and I've been researching the bmr and tdee way of doing it but different sites give me different numbers so don't know what number to stick to so the weight can drop off :( any help would be fab my stats are .. I'm 29 weigh 69kg height 165 thanks in advance for any help .. Oh and I've been eating even more clean now than before so nothing to do with what I'm eating but yes with how much :(


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Open diaries are helpful.

    If you are in equilibrium take off a couple of hundred calories, ideally as carbs - 50g less carbohydrate per day.

    I wasn't clear if you were eating 1500 or 1500 plus exercise. If eating back I would eat back half to avoid errors inherent in the estimates of BMR and exercise rates.
  • blondie1471
    blondie1471 Posts: 32 Member
    It's public now :) I don't understand why the weight has stopped :((
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    look not that I know anything really, but what sort of exercise are you doing and how are you estimating the number you have burned?

    edited: the reason I am asking is that on Sunday you logged 917 Cals for exercise and that to me seems like an awful lot at first glance
  • PieraO
    PieraO Posts: 6 Member
    You are close to your goal weight. This means you will lose weight more slowly (you have less fat to lose) and usually the first month you start exercise you may not see any weight loss, even when you have more to lose (this is true for me). You are replacing some of the lost fat with muscle, which weighs more. It might be worth looking at your waist, chest and hip measurements to see if you are getting leaner. Also be careful about exercise calories - they are usually lower than you might think - and measure your food - it could be more than you think (if you are not doing it already).

    Keep going - the scale will start moving again eventually if you are in calorie deficit...
  • blondie1471
    blondie1471 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm leaner yes but shouldn't my weight have dropped ??? I just want to make sure I'm eating the right amout of calories for my bmr which I cannot find an acurate way to calculate online ..
  • blondie1471
    blondie1471 Posts: 32 Member
    I use a heart rate monitor so pretty accurate I think :) I burn about 400/500 at least
  • The more weight you lose, the less you'll lose if that makes sense?

    It's easier for a 18st man to lose fat/weight than it is for a 15st man.

    Also, don't look at 'weight' it's an inaccurate figure! Go on how you look/feel. Muscle mass weights a lot more than fat, so you may well be slimming down, but you won't be losing weight, as the weight fat you've lost will be circumvented with the weight you've gained from muscle.

    So stop worrying.

    Also, forget looking at BMR - that is also a joke - see my write up on it here:
  • blondie1471
    blondie1471 Posts: 32 Member
    So should I stick to 1500 and eat back exercise calories? It's just a pain that I haven't lost weight in 3 months
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I use a heart rate monitor so pretty accurate I think :) I burn about 400/500 at least

    What did you tell it abot yourself ? You are aware that it includes the cals you would burn sat on the sofa so there is some double counting ?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I looked at your diary, and managed to read it beyond the word "Gregg's" LOL.

    I don't do low fat high carb dieting, but I would have to say that 4 slices of bread and 3 coffees each with two sugars looks like the worst way to start the day I can imagine when trying to lose weight.

    Also you're logging has holes, in that the carbs and sugars in the coffee is zero despite the 8g of sugar..

    Try a 1 egg omelette with cheese or mushrooms for breakfast instead.
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    Maybe you should focus on weight lose rather then shaping your body and gaining muscle? muscles are very heavy..there are people who lost 100 lbs without exercise. try to diet first before you start to grow your muscle..
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Maybe you should focus on weight lose rather then shaping your body and gaining muscle? muscles are very heavy..there are people who lost 100 lbs without exercise. try to diet first before you start to grow your muscle..

    This is just WRONG on so many levels. If she loses weight without exercise, especiall y resistance training, she is not going to be happy with how soft she is.

    OP---the scale is a lying witch. Just because it isn't moving doesn't mean you are not making progress. Mine didn't move for most of 8 MONTHS, but my body changed in amazing ways.

    this is about what I looked like when I started this journey 18 months ago. In this picture I weighed about 195lbs ( I know I weighed no more than 199, and no less than 188)
    0120100909 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    here I am in the same shirt, at 195lbs ( I had ballooned up to 228lbs after the first pic was taken, then lost again) back in November.
    IMG00856-20121123-0837 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    And here I am, just 6 months ago, still about 194lbs, same shirt.
    march and april 2013 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    On the average week, I do 2 days of cardio, and 2 days of weight training. I use a combination of free weights, medicine balls, body weight and machines depending on the day.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Maybe I'm missing what those pictures are supposed to tell me ?

    Getting rid of 30 lbs of lard first would have been a viable strategy I feel.
  • blondie1471
    blondie1471 Posts: 32 Member
    Hahahah yeah thanks
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Maybe I'm missing what those pictures are supposed to tell me ?

    Getting rid of 30 lbs of lard first would have been a viable strategy I feel.

    the pictures are supposed to prove that the scale isn't everything. When you weight train you CAN weigh more, but look better. OP needs to remember that the scale is not the only indicator of progress.

    In the top pictures I wore a size 42DD bra, size 18 pants. In the bottom picture, I weigh just a few lbs less ( like maybe 5lbs) and I wear a size 38C bra, and size 12/14 pants. If I only used the scale to gauge progress, I would be absolutely gutted.