Beehiveof8 Posts: 85 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
That about sums it up.

It's a dreaded PLATEAU.

Help! I'm so tired of seeing the same number on my scale. I'm so very close to passing a mile stone too! ARGH! I've tried shocking my body. Gained a couple pounds from that, started losing it and thought it would continue through that mile stone number but... nope. My scale is stubbornly hanging onto that one place. I tried adjust my exercise and calorie intake. Maybe I need to give it more time, but I just got off a stuck number not too long ago, and not looking to get stuck again. I've been doing WATP... 3 to 5 miles every day, some days with weights, some days not. I take one day a week as a "free" day... no exercising, and a treat for me. The other day I switched it up to a circuit training dvd with Jillian Michaels, and was SO SORE the next day I couldn't even hardly walk, never mind exercise. Anyway... all said and done, the scale won't budge. I'm so frustrated! I know we all have been there. I need some reassurance and suggestions.



  • Have you been taking your measurements? When I first started, this is all I lost. Still not cool when the scale won't budge, but if you can focus on the's less discouraging. :glasses:
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Completely change your routine. It has helped me thru them
  • Beehiveof8
    Beehiveof8 Posts: 85 Member
    So, by completely changing my routine, you mean do a totally different exercise? Like power thru the circuit training.... Gasp! I will try that.

    Fit Joani... LOVE the slogan by JM in your siggy. :D Just heard say that the other day on TBL.
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    AHOY MATEY!!!! lol. Sorry couldn't resist. Anyways, like the previous poster stated have you checked your measurements? That is a good way to really see where you are at. Cause remember the annoying phrase "muscle weighs more then fat". It is true however. If you are doing circuit training that will build up the muscle. So take your measurements if you aren't Also, look at your sodium intake and make sure you are pushing the water. :)
  • Beehiveof8
    Beehiveof8 Posts: 85 Member
    So, by completely changing my routine, you mean do a totally different exercise? Like power thru the circuit training.... Gasp! I will try that.

    Fit Joani... LOVE the slogan by JM in your siggy. :D Just heard say that the other day on TBL.

    Kristi, no, I haven't taken measurements. I guess I am lazy about that! I can tell by how my clothes feel how things are going. My dh said to me the other day while I was changing "Honey, you have really trimmed down". Woot! I have lost a couple sizes, but ARGHHHHH still to the plateau. I guess I will just shake things up a bit and see what happens.

    Amber.... well, I'm wondering about the water. Now that I think about it, I may not be drinking enough. Thanks for the suggestion matey! hhehehehe
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    I feel your pain. I am stuck at the same place as well... Dropped 18 pounds like it was nothing and then stuck. I have looked at what I am eating and increased my exercise. I was told to change things up as far as exercise and I can say I do feel better and my clothes fit much better. The suggestion of measuring yourself is a great idea. I may have to do the same. I will certianly be following this thread to see if there are other ideas out there. Good Luck!!!
  • I lost 15 inches in my first two weeks. And the scale didn't budge. But those measurements kept me going to week 3. It's a pain, but it's worth it.
  • erin_brianne
    erin_brianne Posts: 10 Member
    I think one time when I saw JM on PBS she said you have to change up your routines every couple of weeks or your muscles basically get used to what you're doing. (Not explaining as well as her, obviously.) HTH's!
  • Beehiveof8
    Beehiveof8 Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks Erin! Guess its back to the circuit dvd... ouch ouch ouch
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    Get off the scale and move to measurements, you are working with weights which adds muscle which weighs more. You are done with the scale, buy smaller clothes or a size down and make that your goal. Keep up the good work!

  • Irish_Gal_74
    Irish_Gal_74 Posts: 5 Member
    Are you constantly eating the same foods? Remember variety is the spice of life! Switch up your foods as well. Still stay healthy, but try something new. I lost 87 pounds on the Weight Watchers plan several years ago. I was told to take out something I couldn't fit into and leave it out. Try it on from time to time to see your progress. I did that with a pair of pants. Once I fit into them, I went to Target and bought a pair of Levi Strauss jeans...size 11. They looked so tiny when I bought them, but eventually I fit into those as well and then they got big! I went from a size 20 to a size 8. Currently, I'm in a size 18. :cry: I can't wait to be a size 8 again!
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