Low Carb Dieting



  • I limit to about 20/ day.
    Everyone's body responds differently - I must limit carbs to lose weight becasue I have major insulin issues. Strictly low-cal with daily exercise didn't work for me, but low carb does. You have to figure out which route is best for you - with me, even eating complex and unrefined carbs caused weight gain.

    Low-carb can cause issues if you don't research first - you must take a good multivitamin and multimineral, stick to whole foods, and avoid artificial sweeteners as best you can for full effectiveness.

    What my day looks like foodwise:
    More often than not, I will reheat dinner leftovers for breakfast. When I don't, I might make a salad with some lettuce, tomatoes, protein, cheese, and a full-fat dressing (walnut oil and balsamic vinegar makes a good one). Or bacon and eggs (not my favorite). Maybe a ham and cheese omelet. Or I'll cut up a chicken breast and fry it and put some full-fat sauce on it.

    Lunch and dinner are much the same - to be successful it helps to make all of your own meals. Eating out is tricky, but if I do, I go for the salad without croutons or order a burger with no bun.

    Devilled eggs are a good snack - a spoon of coconut oil is also good - or macadamia nuts -

    Anyway, that's what really strict low carb looks like in my world.
  • nsj240
    nsj240 Posts: 12 Member
    Also, wanted to mention that I am on hypothyroid medication, so I am being treated.
    I know I have hormone problems pretty bad, I'm losing my hair and cant lose weight...I feel trapped!!
    But, Honestly if I can just get healthy, feel better and can get some of this weight off then I'll be happy.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Your diet looks decent to be honest. maybe too light.....
    Do you exercise any?

    I had a friend, that was 5'10", was 220 lbs, and wanted to lose weight......so the first thing I told him was he had to cut out all sodas....only water, skim milk (he didn't drink coffee)....
    The other thing......NO TRIPS TO THE VENDING MACHINE

    You bring a banana, an apple, orange.....some fruit.
    You start eating Veggies (which he hated)....but he did.
    Started eating chicken breast (mostly, because he hated fish)

    By the end of summer he was down to 180 lbs, by eating right and working out with me, and also riding his bike.
    He dropped 20 lbs alone by dropping sodas and junk food.

    One other thing you could try, and I have been doing for a month now....is intermittent fasting......I do leangains style.....could be something worth trying...that is up to you though.

    Do you keep track of your food on a daily basis??
    So you know how many calories you are getting and what your macro break down is?
  • spottedkathy
    spottedkathy Posts: 196 Member
    There are plenty of people that say terrible things about limiting your carbs but then end up limiting something else. Regardless, as long as you are getting the nutrients you need is all that matters. I stick around 30 net carbs daily if I can. I have had great success with this. Just make sure the carbs you are eating are simple carbs (i.e. spinach, strawberries, broccoli, egg whites).
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Just make sure the carbs you are eating are simple carbs (i.e. spinach, strawberries, broccoli, egg whites).

    If you are doing no exercise that involves a fair amount of muscle use (i.e. lifting weights)
    Then I will concur with this.......but I would still encourage adding in one complex carb a day.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I try my best to do under 100g, but I read that 150g is maintenance so I don't panic if I'm still under 150g. I used to eat 300+g so I'm doing pretty damn good if I eat between 50g and 150g.

    I also don't panic if I have a full out cardio session that night. You need carbs to fuel your cardio, if I'm lifting then I make sure I have lots of protein that day and the day after. Carbs are important, you just have to learn how to balance them.
  • nsj240
    nsj240 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks MityMax96...
    Yes, I run and walk several times per week and I downloaded runtastic on my iphone so I can track my steps and I'm now starting to be more active at work making time to do some walking/stairs (office job), stopped using elevators at all, I even take my works 130 stairs over our front parking lot which is a simple walk into the building. I honestly love being active. I love to lift as well but stopped my gym membership when I really didnt have as much time and it was taking away from my family time to be able to go and work around things. However, I am purchasing a Bowflex PR100 also have a treadmill in my home, so I hope to be able to incorporate some much missed lifting in my life as well - which I know the muscle will help me burn more fat and look better.

    As far as food tracking goes, I dont keep track on a DAILY basis but I do most of the time, I especially dont if its pretty well similar to what I'v eaten before and I know that I'm not going over what I should be. I have my calories set at 1400 right now, I find it hard some days to even reach that. I felt 1200 was to low especially if I were exercising a lot. But I'm fine with my calories bouncing from 1200-1500, I try to always keep it in between this. Before I really started to eat better several months ago I was eating from 1700-2000 calories a day and maintaining fine with moderate exercise, so I'm dropping my calories some and exercising more and see where that goes. I'm nervous to drop to much, but once again I'm so confused on how I should be eating exactly!
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    Also, wanted to mention that I am on hypothyroid medication, so I am being treated.
    I know I have hormone problems pretty bad, I'm losing my hair and cant lose weight...I feel trapped!!
    But, Honestly if I can just get healthy, feel better and can get some of this weight off then I'll be happy.

    Eating very low carb has helped people with hypothyroid and I have PCOS (hormone issues out the yang) and it has helped me tremendously! It is really good. Also, there are a bunch of resources on how to stay low carb and work out if that is one of your goals. Carbs are a quick fuel source and for certain goals that is good. But for the average person there is no medical need and it can cause medical harm in some cases to eat a larger amount of carbs. So do your own research and find what works for you! I personally can't handle more than 60-75 g of carbs per day no matter what.
  • What I tried and what really worked for me (Before I started my new regime) was carb cycling. I would go through low carb days (typically 1-2 days in a row) then cycle to moderate carb intake back to low and have a cheat MEAL (NOT DAY) with high carb intake. This would typically include pizza or whatever else I was craving that week ...mmmm ice cream.... I always planned that meal very carefully. I also do weight lifting and rarely do cardio unless I have to. When I was doing this I was loosing about 2-3lbs a week. BUT again every body is different and I would do some research before you jump right in. The tricky part is keeping your cals up while lowering your carbs. I do believe carbs are the devil though.... good luck!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Thanks MityMax96...
    Yes, I run and walk several times per week and I downloaded runtastic on my iphone so I can track my steps and I'm now starting to be more active at work making time to do some walking/stairs (office job), stopped using elevators at all, I even take my works 130 stairs over our front parking lot which is a simple walk into the building. I honestly love being active. I love to lift as well but stopped my gym membership when I really didnt have as much time and it was taking away from my family time to be able to go and work around things. However, I am purchasing a Bowflex PR100 also have a treadmill in my home, so I hope to be able to incorporate some much missed lifting in my life as well - which I know the muscle will help me burn more fat and look better.

    Great, sounds like you are on the right trac. Stick with it. It does take time.
    As far as food tracking goes, I dont keep track on a DAILY basis but I do most of the time, I especially dont if its pretty well similar to what I'v eaten before and I know that I'm not going over what I should be. I have my calories set at 1400 right now, I find it hard some days to even reach that. I felt 1200 was to low especially if I were exercising a lot. But I'm fine with my calories bouncing from 1200-1500, I try to always keep it in between this. Before I really started to eat better several months ago I was eating from 1700-2000 calories a day and maintaining fine with moderate exercise, so I'm dropping my calories some and exercising more and see where that goes. I'm nervous to drop to much, but once again I'm so confused on how I should be eating exactly!

    I would encourage you to use your diary here on the site so you can track not only your Calories. But also your macros.

    Then you can see if you need to up one macro or drop another. :wink:
    1200 sounds low to me.....
    But remember, Rome wasn't built in a day....
    You didn't put on the weight overnight, and you will not lose it overnight.
    It is a long-haul thing you have to do.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    What I tried and what really worked for me (Before I started my new regime) was carb cycling. I would go through low carb days (typically 1-2 days in a row) then cycle to moderate carb intake back to low

    I am doing something along these lines as well.
  • AbbsyBabbsy
    AbbsyBabbsy Posts: 184 Member
    Wow thanks for the replies.
    I'm a 25year old female, I have hypothyroidism and cant seem to lose ANY weight. I eat good, but have not yet made it to eating completely clean and I notice I eat a lot of carbs. I do eat vegetables, fruits, some red lean meat, chicken, occasional fish, but I also still eat crap sometimes to. I am on day 14 of quitting mt dew, I was drinking anywhere from 2-4cans per day and haven't touched one and dont plan to ever again.

    For instance my meals today will go something like this..
    Boiled egg, oatmeal, activia yogurt w/fiber.

    Salad(Green leaf lettuce, shredded carrots, lwo fat cheese, chicken breast pieces, and italian salad dressing on side just to dip a little bit) (Sometimes I'll eat with a half of a whole grain tortilla with flax seed to)
    Some Mixed Nuts
    Grapes and Strawberries

    Healthy Choice meal (I work late today)...I found these to be one of the better 'lean' meals with less calories, sodium and carbs and they are actually good.

    I'm currently 193 and My ultimate goal is 130-140lbs, I am 5'2" but I am medium-large framed and this weight looks good on me. I'm honestly so confused with how to lose weight it is insane. When I was younger I just hardly ate and yes I lost weight but I was miserable, I want to make this a way of life and be happy its just hard trying to find what is going to work for my body.

    I can relate. My thyroid is fine, but I have PCOS. Our stats are about the same, too. I keep my carbs around 80. It's actually not that hard after a little while of doing it. You get used to the approximate amount of carbs a food has, and after a while it's less about eating certain foods as avoiding certain foods. Have you consulted a doctor about what you should be eating with your medical condition?
  • I am doing something along these lines as well.

    Well you look great! I'm trying this new supplement program now, so my carbs out now shot bc of the post workout drink and my shake meal replacement. :(
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I am doing something along these lines as well.

    Well you look great! I'm trying this new supplement program now, so my carbs out now shot bc of the post workout drink and my shake meal replacement. :(

    Best time to carb up if you just hit weights. :wink:
  • sebshaw8
    sebshaw8 Posts: 11 Member
    >>>I didn't say don't eat protein, I said don't eat too much protein. All of the fats that I listed are healthy fats. Dairy fats are healthy. >>>>Fat in meat is healthy.

    Really. I can't believe anyone in this day and age actually believes dairy fats are healthy , let alone believes that fats in meat are healthy. Saturated fat is your enemy!!!! The primary fat in red meat (sausage, bacon, hamburg, steak, etc) is mainly saturated,. In full fat dairy the primary fat is saturated. This is not a healthy fat.

    Listen to the guy who is suggesting boneless skinless chicken breast and low/nonfat cottage cheese, he knows about healthy fats. If you don't want to eat protein then don't but don't eat an excess of sat fat and then tell everyone it is healthy. Please think before you post.
    SASSYGIRLY30 Posts: 49 Member
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    There are plenty of people that say terrible things about limiting your carbs but then end up limiting something else. Regardless, as long as you are getting the nutrients you need is all that matters. I stick around 30 net carbs daily if I can. I have had great success with this. Just make sure the carbs you are eating are simple carbs (i.e. spinach, strawberries, broccoli, egg whites).

    Exactly!! Well said!!! :smile:
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    >>>I didn't say don't eat protein, I said don't eat too much protein. All of the fats that I listed are healthy fats. Dairy fats are healthy. >>>>Fat in meat is healthy.

    Really. I can't believe anyone in this day and age actually believes dairy fats are healthy , let alone believes that fats in meat are healthy. Saturated fat is your enemy!!!! The primary fat in red meat (sausage, bacon, hamburg, steak, etc) is mainly saturated,. In full fat dairy the primary fat is saturated. This is not a healthy fat.

    Listen to the guy who is suggesting boneless skinless chicken breast and low/nonfat cottage cheese, he knows about healthy fats. If you don't want to eat protein then don't but don't eat an excess of sat fat and then tell everyone it is healthy. Please think before you post.

    Saturated fat is not the enemy. It is a necessary fat. If you are using fat as fuel instead of carbs, fat does not get stored in the system either way. I am not saying eat pure saturated fat. But dairy fats and meat fats combined with other sources like avocados, coconut oils, etc. it is part of a healthy diet, especially when eating very low carb!
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    With 54lb to go achieving a deficit is the key. At some point some need to resort to lower carb levels to achieve a lower BF level, but not at the point you are at (not intended to be rude). Some do find a lower carb plan is beneficial, but it is not for everyone. Experiment and do what works for you. If the loss is slowing, look back at your diary and make darn sure you are being meticulous about your methods to measure your food quantities.

    Good luck.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I follow a ketogenic diet, so normally about 5% of my calories from carbs, 50% - 60% from fats and the remainder in protein. Under 20g a day for sure, many times less than that. All from vegetables and a small (4oz) glass of milk for dessert in the evening. I won't debate the theories surrounding dairy, suffice to say I am obesessed with milk and will never, ever give it up. :ohwell: