Craving Junk Food

For the last week (on my re-start), I've been really good about what I eat and my calorie intake but, for some reason, I'm screwing myself over by craving junk food! (Chocolate, potato chips, etc.) I really don't want to fail again and gain my weight back.

Any ideas to curb cravings? Anyone else feel the same?

I'm in desperate need of some extra support and motivation...

Thank you for your time!



  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    Black coffee. It curbs my appetite. Also, try green tea and anything with protein as snack.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    If you're craving something, make an allowance in your calories for a serving of it.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Log it, eat it, enjoy it.

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    If you're craving something, make an allowance in your calories for a serving of it.

    This. There is no reason to deny yourself the things you enjoy. You just need to learn to enjoy them in moderation.
  • SkinnyMel78
    SkinnyMel78 Posts: 434 Member
    If you're craving something, make an allowance in your calories for a serving of it.

    this^^^ and drink lots of water!!
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    If you're craving something, make an allowance in your calories for a serving of it.

  • GymPoet
    GymPoet Posts: 107 Member
    For the last week ...I've been really good
    Try not to think of eating as "good' or "bad". Dispel this by planning to have some, but control the portion size. I like mlroyals suggestion of drinking water to help with that.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    If you're craving something, make an allowance in your calories for a serving of it.

    This ^^

    If you deny things like this, especially if you enjoy them, then your attempt at weight loss is more likely to be unsustainable. Go for a long walk and use the calories gained to treat yourself.
  • If you are craving chips, eat a serving of baked chips and make an allowance for it in your daily caloric intake. Me personally, I know that I have these cravings that "all of a sudden" hit me. Which is why, I work out.. MOST days, and don't eat back all of my that I have room... in case of a crazy craving. But... you need to give in to that craving.. just work around it, within your limits, so that you don't go on a binge. Everything in moderation. Also, I do give myself a cheat meal a week and a cheat day a month, this way, I don't feel so guilty when I have that... donut, chip, cookie, etc......And the cravings don't come as often by doing that.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Buy some "fun size" candy bars, you know, the ones you hated getting as a kid because they're about a bite and a half's worth. :P They usually run around 50-80 calories. With Halloween approaching, you can find them everywhere!
  • niniagrn
    niniagrn Posts: 22 Member
    You are not in that boat alone!! I read somewhere that the only way to stop the cravings, is to not feed them. So whenever I get that craving I reach for fruits or nuts (I stop bring chips and cupcakes in the house and refuse to buy them from the vending machine at work; cost too much). I've been doing this for about three weeks now and I must admit that my cravings have decreased. I'm not going to lie, there are times when fruit and nuts won't cut it, so I will go buy the 25 cents bag of chips. I hope that helps :)
  • I worry about making room for those calories and treating myself because I fear I won't be able to stop...

    Makes me sound like a weak person but, it's something I fear...

    JADEPH0EN1X Posts: 162 Member
    For the last week ...I've been really good
    Try not to think of eating as "good' or "bad". Dispel this by planning to have some, but control the portion size. I like mlroyals suggestion of drinking water to help with that.

    I used to go by the " good & bad " foods but now agree there is no such thing . If I crave something I allow myself to have a small bit of whatever it is so I have had the taste so don't feel deprived !
  • I find that when I eat stuff with vinegar, I don't tend to crave the junky stuff. 4 bean salad,tuna with dills,etc.

    I also just discoved kale chips. I tried and tried to love kale, but had nothing that would work.
    It is a little tricky to make, only because their is a fine line between not cooked enough, and burnt.
    But the light, krispy texture, when perfected, is wonderful. I brushed with coconut oil, seasoned with Mrs. Dash, and coriander
    Original recipe makes 6 servings .( make a small amount first, until you get the hang of it)
    1 bunch kale
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1 teaspoon seasoned salt

    1.Preheat an oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Line a non insulated cookie sheet with parchment paper.
    2.With a knife or kitchen shears carefully remove the leaves from the thick stems and tear into bite size pieces. Wash and thoroughly dry kale with a salad spinner. Drizzle kale with olive oil and sprinkle with seasoning salt.
    3.Bake until the edges brown but are not burnt, 10 to 15 minutes.
  • I find that when I eat stuff with vinegar, I don't tend to crave the junky stuff. 4 bean salad,tuna with dills,etc.

    I also just discoved kale chips. I tried and tried to love kale, but had nothing that would work.
    It is a little tricky to make, only because their is a fine line between not cooked enough, and burnt.
    But the light, krispy texture, when perfected, is wonderful. I brushed with coconut oil, seasoned with Mrs. Dash, and coriander
    Original recipe makes 6 servings .( make a small amount first, until you get the hang of it)
    1 bunch kale
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1 teaspoon seasoned salt

    1.Preheat an oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Line a non insulated cookie sheet with parchment paper.
    2.With a knife or kitchen shears carefully remove the leaves from the thick stems and tear into bite size pieces. Wash and thoroughly dry kale with a salad spinner. Drizzle kale with olive oil and sprinkle with seasoning salt.
    3.Bake until the edges brown but are not burnt, 10 to 15 minutes.

    I LOVE kale chips! I use that exact recipe! I haven't made some in a while, maybe that's what I'm really craving...?
  • sdionnemoore
    sdionnemoore Posts: 45 Member
    I have learned to make room for chips in my calorie count. An ounce of my fave BBQ Kettle cooked is normally 140 calories. Very doable. I also indulge in 5 Dark chocolate Hershey Kisses, which equal 100 calories, on most days. I don't chew them, but let them melt in my mouth and, you know what, it totally satisfies my craving. My other "secret" is the mini-size ice-cream bars. I currently have Blue Bunny 'Lil Drums. They have a light sprinkling of nuts on top and a drizzle of chocolate coating in a sugar cone. Vanilla runs 110 per bar, chocolate 130. Again, very doable. Cadbury, Magnum, and a couple of other brands also do the mini ice cream bars. Give them a try.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I usually try to fight off cravings for high calorie foods by telling myself I can have them if I wait until the weekend. Sometimes I find that by the time weekend comes, I don't even want it anymore. But if I do, I have it. Not a crazy binge, but often it will put me over on calories for that day. But then I'm good for a while.
  • I am so sorry, I have to disagree with all the people who say just eat it. From my own personal experience, if I am craving something and eat it, I just crave more. Instead of having things that make you feel guilty, you can make a chocolate protein shake or sometimes I will put cocoa powder in the blender with some frozen fruit and a little sweetener to make sorbet. Everyone is different, so if eating something you crave helps & you don't eat more, do it. Otherwise try to find a healthy option. =)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I worry about making room for those calories and treating myself because I fear I won't be able to stop...

    Makes me sound like a weak person but, it's something I fear...


    This is a valid concern. Many people have trigger foods that they are best to just avoid. Only you can determine if you can handle these foods in moderation or not.
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    Buy some "fun size" candy bars, you know, the ones you hated getting as a kid because they're about a bite and a half's worth. :P They usually run around 50-80 calories. With Halloween approaching, you can find them everywhere!
    How many calories for the whole bag? Just kidding... But for people who might not be able to resist the temptation, having a supply of these handy is probably not a great solution.