
I've recently been under quite a bit of stress and I've lost about 10lbs, which given how naturally petite I already am is not a good thing. I look as if I'm starving. We have family coming over nov. 26th, is is attainable to put on 10-12lbs by then? I have a naturally fast metabolism, I'm active, it's hard for me to gain weight.


  • Some poeple are just naturally very thin, they cant help it. Even if you ate a ton of food you wouldn't necessarily gain a lot of weight. You probely look fine and are just freaking out over nothing! Be happy you have the opposite problem that most people have.
  • Unfortunately no, my weight has dipped below 100lbs some of my clothes aren't fitting right. I go to the doctor next week but I need to make a change to my diet.
  • No. I've always been small and I suppose the combination of illness (I got sick a few times in succession) and stress just really wreaked havoc on my body.
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    ICE CREAM. I am not naturally thin. I cant have ice cream but YOU can. Please enjoy some of that ben and jerry's ice cream called phish food, For me.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
  • caroledevine
    caroledevine Posts: 1 Member
    Do it gradually, and don't rely on foods high in saturated or trans-fats to get there! You don't want to trade one dilemma for another. I'm glad you're feeling better!
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Easy--go to starbucks every day and eat one of those full fat coffee confections with added whipped cream, make sure it has a few shots of flavoring. Tthis will add at least 800 calories to your diet every day with no effort. Add a pastry for another 600-800 calories per day. Just do this as a snack in addition to your regular food. Those calories will add up quickly.
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Sorry to see that some people aren't taking your question very seriously. I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum (I look at a pizza and gain three pounds), but I still respect your question and goal. That said, I don't have experience intentionally gaining weight, but it sounds doable. My metabolism is slow and I'm not very active. If you eat like I used to - lots of pasta and starchy foods, desserts, fast food, etc. - you could probably gain that in a month. Now, I'm not sure if you could gain it that quickly eating healthy (or at least, less-bad) foods, and I think it would kind of defeat the purpose if you ate junk to reach a healthy weight.

    Being sick three times in a row is horrible! Stay healthy and good luck reaching your goal!
  • agdyl
    agdyl Posts: 246 Member
    Personally I would go for adding sources of fat that are better for you in terms of cardiovascular health - coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, nuts, eggs, fatty fish like salmon, etc. I know personally, adding a lot of these things but cutting out the other sources of fat in my diet resulted in a big improvement in my cholesterol levels over a short time. Not that you're necessarily worried about that, but there is no sense in trading one health issue for another if you're gorging sugar or fried foods, etc. to get those extra calories. Talk to your doctor about it when you see him/her but if you're making dietary changes you might as well make ones that make you feel better overall, not just to see the number you want to see on the scale.
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Personally I would go for adding sources of fat that are better for you in terms of cardiovascular health - coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, nuts, eggs, fatty fish like salmon, etc. I know personally, adding a lot of these things but cutting out the other sources of fat in my diet resulted in a big improvement in my cholesterol levels over a short time. Not that you're necessarily worried about that, but there is no sense in trading one health issue for another if you're gorging sugar or fried foods, etc. to get those extra calories. Talk to your doctor about it when you see him/her but if you're making dietary changes you might as well make ones that make you feel better overall, not just to see the number you want to see on the scale.

    This person is a genius. Avocados are perfect for this, although people seem to either love them or hate them. Peanut butter is another fairly healthy food that is high in calories, and easy to work into one's diet. Peanut butter and jelly, or PB and honey, or PB on apples are all good meals or snacks.

    When trying to lose weight, a lot of sources recommend paying attention to what one drinks. Many drinks average around 100 calories per cup. You could drink more juice to add on more calories, although a lot of juices have more sugar than actual benefits, so keep that in mind too.
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Sorry to see that some people aren't taking your question very seriously. I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum (I look at a pizza and gain three pounds), but I still respect your question and goal. That said, I don't have experience intentionally gaining weight, but it sounds doable. My metabolism is slow and I'm not very active. If you eat like I used to - lots of pasta and starchy foods, desserts, fast food, etc. - you could probably gain that in a month. Now, I'm not sure if you could gain it that quickly eating healthy (or at least, less-bad) foods, and I think it would kind of defeat the purpose if you ate junk to reach a healthy weight.

    Being sick three times in a row is horrible! Stay healthy and good luck reaching your goal!

    Huh. Who isn't taking her question seriously?

    The people who are saying that this is nothing to worry about, or to simply be glad that OP is thin instead of overweight are not taking this seriously.
  • I've increased my caloric intake, I'm also going next week to have my thyroid checked.
  • tonynguyen75
    tonynguyen75 Posts: 418 Member
    As an early 20's female, you are in the higher risk group of thyroid issues, so going to the doctor is the best thing you can do.

    However, your recent weight loss is obviously attributable to your recent ailment. How many calories do you regularly eat in a day? You say you have a high metabolism, it would be helpful to know how high it is.
  • wildchild06241
    wildchild06241 Posts: 130 Member
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Perhaps use plentiful amounts of olive oil (mixed with basil, chilli, garlic or anything that floats your boat) as dressings, to shallow fry food in or to roast veggies with, as others have said avocados and nuts are calorificly dense yet full of great nutrients, perhaps have a high fruit and nut content muesli for brekky covered in lashings of full fat yoghurt and honey. Good luck and also as others have mentioned if you're someone who finds it near impossible to gain weight or lose weight definitely see a doctor. xxx
  • I'm 24, I eat around 2100 calories per day, sometimes more I've been counting calories to try to gain weight but I seem to have made very little progress.. Usually I weigh around 105. My appointment is on Monday, the weight loss could be from being sick but I think I should definitely go just to make sure there is nothing more serious.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    You say you're active and eat 2100 cals a day, you may just be maintaining at that level as that's a maintanence level for most moderately active females xxx

    As you say you struggle to gain weight at this level, so perhaps increasing your cals by 500 extra a day (after your doc has given you the all clear) with cal dense food for example a 50g bag of dried fruit and nutss to snack on through out the day and adding 30ml of olive oil to your cooking would be enough to add extra cals without drastically altering your diet :) x
  • I'll try adding more calories. I cook with olive oil, sesame oil, and peanut oil. Most of the food we eat at home is either Mediterranean or north indian
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    add calorie dense foods, but that won't necessarily stuff you volume-wise. Peanut butter, full fat mayo, butter, oil up your salads. It's pretty easy to eat a few hundred extra calories when they don't take up so much room in your belly. Good luck :)
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    Adding a daily smoothie made with protein powder can also help with putting weight on. You can add in lots of extras to boost the calorie count -- fruit, oatmeal, yogurt, ice cream, peanut butter, honey.

    There are powders marketed as "weight gain" powders, but they're pretty much just protein powder with added sugar. I think it's better just to get a good-quality protein powder and then add in extras so you're getting more nutrition and not just sugar.