Logged in for 15 Days! 55 and would like friends :)

So I'm a sort of introverted kind of woman. I keep to myself most times. I've been doing MFP for 15 days now, as well as Blogilates (which kicks my *kitten*) for 9 days and doing something that is really hard for me, which is to ask for support.

So, that said, I'm a quirky, eccentric (by most "normal" people standards), very non-mainstream, open-minded person who has absolutely no idea how to make/have friends.

Strange I know, but in real life I have zero friends. For many, many years I was okay with that. But now my kids are adults and have moved out and I realize that sometimes you just need someone to talk to about life experiences with someone.

I am horrible at small talk. I am an analytical deep thinker. My nickname many time over the years has been "Dr. Spock". :)

So as hard as this is for me, and it is VERY hard, I am looking for fellow people in my age range to connect with and share support while we journey on this road to improving our bodies and our health.


  • Joanne_happygramma
    Hi there - totally understand the need to find people in our age bracket. Not that the young ones don't understand, but we are in a stage of our lives that we have different attitudes toward certain things. I just started MFP today (after watching my brother lose a lot of weight). I am an (almost) 58 year old grandmother and would like to find similar women to encourage and be encouraged on this site.
  • poohbear1958
    poohbear1958 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi Katya, I am also 55 and log in to MFP every day so feel free to add me for mutual support.
  • _Katya_
    _Katya_ Posts: 6 Member
    We are in a different phase of life than they are so, at times, it is difficult to find common ground. Welcome to MFP. I'm trying really hard to make it a habit :) Looking forward to the journey with like minded individuals :).
  • _Katya_
    _Katya_ Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks Poohbear!
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    Hi Katya! Welcome to MFP! I'm 55, my children are grown, although 2 still live at home. And I'm sometimes not very logical - my ex used to tell me I'd drive Mr. Spock insane. I don't think I'm *that* bad, but... :) Feel free to add me if you'd like. I log on every day and try to comment as much as possible.
  • leapsonbounds
    leapsonbounds Posts: 77 Member
    Hi Katya...two huge steps - starting MFP and reaching out. I'll send you a friend request. I'm almost 53 and have been doing this since July.
  • Daisyfk
    Daisyfk Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, welcome to MFP. It's been an awesome experience, losing weight on this app. So glad I got started. I'm a grandma too, age 56.