More then a little discouraged

I have been dieting & exercising since the middle of Sept. & today when I weighed myself I saw that I didn't even lose one single pound. Makes me wonder what all the exercising & sacrifice is for if I'm not even going to lose a single pound. I almost wanted to cry when I read the numbers on the scale. I don't mind cutting out certain foods that I like or all the exercising that I've been doing if it is actually working toward my goal of a thinner me, but come on not even one pound....(sigh). Very discouraging.


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    How much are you eating, you should open your diary and we might be able to give you some suggestions
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    If I could see your diary, maybe I could make some suggestions. How much are you exercising? Are you eating your exercise calories? Are you logging every single thing you eat? What sort of exercise are you doing--are you using a HRM to get better numbers of calories burned? If you're doing a lot of exercise, maybe you're replacing fat with muscle, are your clothes fitting better? It's hard to not see results, but keep at it, it'll happen!
  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    Are you clothes fitting any looser....the scale sometimes isn't the better to go by. Try measuring yourself...muscle weights more than fat so you are probably gaining muscle mass. Give it some more time you can do patient (which is really hard for me)

    Good luck!
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    Perhaps you aren't eating ENOUGH. If you eat too little, your body literally holds on to all your fat. Eating more, your body knows it can afford to lose some (and not die).

    Also, are you consistent with what time of day you weight yourself? I hear the best time is in the morning when you wake up and after you've gone to the bathroom.

    What kind of exercises have you been doing? I thought I "gained" but really I had lost FAT and gained MUSCLE from doing some weight training, so it was a GOOD thing, not a bad thing!! (Muscle burns more calories!)

    It has only been about 2 weeks of exercising and eating right if you started in the middle of September. Not many people would see results yet anyways, (I know I didn't) it is nothing to get discouraged about.

    What is your starting weight? Depending on how much you are trying to lose makes the amount of time it could take is EXTREMELY different. (You know how you always hear the last 10 lbs are hardest? they are!)

    I think opening up your food/exercise dairy would help others pinpoint how you can change it up to get results - you WILL get results!!!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I'm real sorry that you feel that way.
    I know for me to took me getting real honest with myself - weighing my food, journaling EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth for me to see where I really was at.
    Some times us as humans aren't very good at portion size.
    Also, I would suggest getting a heart rate monitor. Your personal calorie burn is going to be different than the preloaded calorie burn that is on here.

    Not saying that you aren't doing the above things.
    They are just suggestions.
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    I have been dieting & exercising since the middle of Sept. & today when I weighed myself I saw that I didn't even lose one single pound. Makes me wonder what all the exercising & sacrifice is for if I'm not even going to lose a single pound. I almost wanted to cry when I read the numbers on the scale. I don't mind cutting out certain foods that I like or all the exercising that I've been doing if it is actually working toward my goal of a thinner me, but come on not even one pound....(sigh). Very discouraging.

    I feel the same way. I've been at the same weight (fluctuating up and down about 3 pounds here and there) since Spetember 2009. It's frusturating knowin you're putting your all into this and coming back with no results. :( I'm actually going to see a specialist on Monday to rule out any medical issues...hyperthyroidism, for instance. You may want to look into that, if you're not seeing results. GOOD LUCK!!
  • hismuse
    hismuse Posts: 26 Member
    I have the same problem but now I know it's my hypothyroidism but also I'm trying to focus on more protein and knowing my portions.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Some times us as humans aren't very good at portion size.

    Very true! I got frustrated because I wasn't losing weight fast enough/enough and what I thought was 4 oz of chicken was really 8 oz! And what I thought was 3/4 of a cup of cereal was over a cup. When those little things add up, it leads to trouble! I carry measuring cups and a little food scale in my car so even at work I can divy up food in correct portions.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    It's been since august that i started...and i haven't lost a body isn't use to calorie budgeting or going to the gym 4 days a week. i suggest measuring once a month...that way you won't be depressed when you jump on the scale. i have faith that i will start to lose soon, i'm still eating healthy and going to the gym daily...even though i haven't lost a thing. be patient, it's only been 2 weeks.
  • pennimedrano
    Hey there dont feel bad :smile: Are you measuring yourself too? Mnay people tend to lose inches first than pounds ,and with the exercising you just may be making muscle and we all know that muscle wieghs too. :flowerforyou:
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    80% is nutrition and 20% is exercise. So many people think they need to kill themselves in the gym or working out. When 80% is food! How much how often and what kinds. All these things make a difference. PS so does water drink it up with brewed tea and stay away from sports drinks, diet pops, pops or empty liquid calories. Cant say more than that unless I see what your eating. I am a professional and my clients get results. It is mostly changing the way they ate
  • qwho
    qwho Posts: 157
    If you are weighing everything you eat, and sticking to it, you will lose. Do you know how many calories you are eating per day?
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    You've only been at it a couple of weeks, if you stick with it, the results WILL show up. I agree with the 80% diet comment, so really make sure you're accurate in that area. I'd suggest you ease up on the workouts a little if that will help you stick with the overall lifestyle.

    I'd also suggest trying to increase your fruit&veg intake...especially vegetables...and the starchy ones like potatoes or corn don't count! Choose green and fibrous veggies (green beans, broccoli, brussels sprouts, etc)..try to include a big serving of them in your meals as often as you can. You want to try and get things moving through your system, more whole/fresh/unprocessed foods will help you with that.
  • rebmcg
    rebmcg Posts: 29
    ;I agree with everyone about opening your diary. I had to suck it in and do it and I got many good comments. It also keeps me accountable. I hesitate to "binge" when I know it will be visibel.

    You have had great suggestions. The only other thing I can think of is alcohol. When I give up that glass of wine every night (yes even one) the scale moves in the right direction.

    Please stick with it!
  • sylviapet10706
    My diary is open for friends only. I guess I'd rather not share everything I eat & do with everyone.

    I think it has to do with what I'm eating, the different times during the day that I eat, & also not enough exercise. There are certain exercises I can't do due to back problems as well as problems with my knee. I mostly do the Treadmill, which isn't too bad on my leg & knee. Before that I was doing the stair climber & I would be in so much pain that I couldn't bring myself to workout again for 2 days afterward. So I traded in the stair climber for a used but in good condition Treadmill. Usually I try to do an hour at least. On days when my knee is hurting I can only do about 30 minutes. Thus far I've been working out three days a week, but I think that that isn't enough. I've decided to push myself a little bit more & try to exercise a few more days then just the three. Hopefully next time I weigh myself I will see that I've lost at least a pound or two. One can hope anyways...LOL

    BTW thank you all very much for your comments as well as your encouragement.