50 Something Gramma would love some help with MFP

Just started with MFP a couple of days ago. I really should weigh myself so I know where I am actually starting. I have about 60 to 70 pounds to shed and after watching my brother do it with MFP I decided big sister really should listen to her younger brother.
I have always found that to have friends to lean on during the good and bad times really helps. I will admit I don't need any advice after 30+ years of weight watching I know what to do I just choose for the most part not to do it. Just need help to keep me motivated and will be willing to help motivate anyone that wants a fabulous cheerleader on their side.


  • I'm a 50 Something Gramma too ... friend request is on it's way :flowerforyou:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    you can do this!
  • nornyb
    nornyb Posts: 224 Member
    I am great at support and motivation, feel free to add me.
  • Quieau
    Quieau Posts: 428 Member
    I'm a 50-something grandma and I have to admit, I didn't know nearly as much about weight loss and nutrition as I thought I did when I joined here a month ago! I had done Weight Watchers and several other programs, but it wasn't until MFP that I learned about the macros, the minimum caloric intake, the importance of exercise, etc. I recommend a LOT of reading!

    I have learned so much in the one month I've been here (and lost about 40 lb too) ... ! I've made lots of new friends of all ages and sizes as well. But there's always room for another, so feel free to add me if you wish!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I am 50, have 5 grandbabies and one on the way, joining mfp a little over 3 yrs ago was the best thing I have done in a long time, I have lost 115 lbs and feel like I have my life back, feel free to add me, we can always use more friends and motivation to stick with it
  • You're just a youngster! Once you get into the MFP routine, you'll find it becomes second nature. It did for me and I reached my goal weight in just over 3 months. Now I'm focusing on maintaining it.
    MFP beats Weightwatchers, Slimmers World and all those others hands down. Just make sure you're totally honest and log absolutely everything, and you'll get there.
    Add me if you want a UK grandpa on your friends list.
  • You guys can add me, as well! I'm also 50-something, with seven grandkids. No lie! Anyway, I'd love to have more friends on here in my similar circumstances.
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    I am gonna be just over 50 in 8 days. I have 8 grandchildren !! Any of you are more than welcome to send me a request.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I echo david1406, you are just a youngster, if you would like a UK based granddad add me
  • BrownKibbe
    BrownKibbe Posts: 17 Member
    I'm a late bloomer so not a Grandma yet but 48 years old with 2 daughters, 13 and 15. I have about 85 lbs to lose and nothing's worked so far so trying again with MFP, Fitbit Flex bracelet and all of you nice folks!

    I don't know that I'll post to the feed but if you add me as friend and then message me or post on forums, I will support and motivate as best I can!

    Kristi B.
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    I've learned lots from being here, too, and feel using MFP is something I can sustain. I've let up a bit over the summer, not gained, though, and I'm ready to get rid of the rest of my 70lb. I'm 57, with five daughters between my DH and myself, but no grand kids!
    I can always use friends here. Sending a request!
  • crose0056
    crose0056 Posts: 105 Member
    I am 56yo started MFP the end of March. Two weeks ago I added fitbit flex, just for walking purpose. The program really has made me look at what I was eating and have lost, slowly the weight. I decided to add some exercising to really up the game. I love it all. Look forward to logging in my foods and syncing my fitbit. I am currently working 2- 12hour shifts a day, but find the time to go for a good walk (30 to 60min) the days I don't work. I have loved eating fresh fruit daily and surfing the web for delicious low calorie dishes. This has turned out to be my occupation 5 days a week. To put me first. Just start reading, cooking and walking. The results will amaze you.
  • I totally understand...I just joined too and I as well am needing some motivation, help, etc. I really need to lose about 20 pounds or so, but my main thing is I struggle with will power over snacks like cookies, etc. MYP COMMUNITY PLEASE SUPPORT AND MOTIVATE ME
  • How wonderful to meet all of you so soon. Looking forward to getting to know all of you.