Over Sugars

What if I'm over my sugars the only thing that puts me over that I have usualy with sugar is my fruit......Please help


  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    general concensus here is to ingore that. MFP sets sugar limits really low for some reason.

    i took sugar out of my diary settings and replaced it with sodium. i have an apple and a glass of milk every day and those two things alone put me over 28g of sugar.

    my personal settings for carbs/fat/protein is 30%carbs, 30%fat, 40%protein (you can adjust your personal macro % settings). but on days i have a lot of fiber, i go WAY over my carb allowance, because MFP counts fiber in with your carb allowance, which i feel is something they need to correct. so, i like to keep an eye on how many net carbs i have in a day, but i don't look at sugar grams. as long as you're conscienscous about your sources of carbs/sugar, then i'd say you're fine. its nearly impossible not to go over MFP's sugar guidelines.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    If you do not have blood sugar issues, I wouldn't sweat going over on sugars because I agree with many other posters on MFP, the standard setting is very low. If you're concerned your sugars are too high due to too much fruit, start replacing a fruit with a non sugary veggie now and again.
  • Thanks so much for your reply greatly appreciated .....Any information is greatly appreciated....
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    @jckratt12's point about blood sugar is a good one. Sugars from fruit are no where near the concern that sugars from refined carbs are.

    If it's fruit, I don't sweat it unless the calories threaten to bump me too high for the day.
  • I was really frustrated with MFP's sugar limit, so I did a little research. I looked into the suggested daily limit of added sugar (~30g for me). I added the (approx) amounts of natural sugars in the daily recommended portions of other foods (fruits, vegetables, dairy, etc.). I came up with a total of ~100g, so I set my limit to 80g and keep an eye on "added sugars" (table sugar, maple syrup, honey, sugar in deserts, etc). I suspect that the sugar limit set by MFP is really for "added sugars", but unfortunately it includes natural sugars in the daily total.

    Hope this helps!

    The American Heart Association recommended limits for added sugars are:

    Women: 100 calories (=25g, ~6 tsp)
    Men: 150 calories (=37.5g, ~9tsp)

  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    All of these comments are spot on... Don't worry about the sugars if they are from fruit... Look into adjusting all of your preset macros and micros to something that works better for you!
  • my personal settings for carbs/fat/protein is 30%carbs, 30%fat, 40%protein (you can adjust your personal macro % settings).

    Where can I find this setting? I couldn't find it.
  • Symonep
    Symonep Posts: 181 Member
    Go to Goals on My Home page and hit the green button underneath and choose the custom setting and then change the percentages
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    my personal settings for carbs/fat/protein is 30%carbs, 30%fat, 40%protein (you can adjust your personal macro % settings).

    Where can I find this setting? I couldn't find it.

    i plugged those in myself. you can set your macro percentages to whatever you want.