STUCK for 2 weeks (intermittent fasting)- Suggestions?



  • gracejr
    gracejr Posts: 21 Member
    If you are a kid, that BMR looks about right.

    How so?? I just plugged her info into several different BMR calculators and they all came up at about 1650 or so.
  • gracejr
    gracejr Posts: 21 Member
    Ok, don't get me wrong, I obviously LOVE to eat, otherwise I wouldn't be this overweight... I think the challenge now will be to keep my macros in check.

    Thanks for all the help!

    haha I hear you! I've been off the rail recently and just eating whatever. Amazing how quickly it can add up when you aren't paying attention!
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    Please enlighten us... tell me where the calculations got messed up.

    I didn't make it up, or use online calculators, it was the number given to me at my last doctor check-up a month ago...
    Weight: 209.5 lbs (Currently 195.5 lbs)
    BMR: 1755
    Lean Muscle Mass: 127.699 lbs
    Body Fat: 38.9% (Currently 35.2%)
    Fat lbs: 81.301 lbs

    I'm working off of the numbers in the most recent comments, BMR: 1650, TDEE around 2,000, and with everyone's help arrived at 1,700 calories per day.

    Why do these numbers seem off? Let me know!
  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    I'd say eat more food! In my experience, keeping my macros right is way easier than calculating calories.... for example, based on my macros, my goal is 1,300 calories... I eat a lot! and still lose the weight... So, as everybody said, you have to eat, gurl! Oh, the irony
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    I'd say eat more food! In my experience, keeping my macros right is way easier than calculating calories.... for example, based on my macros, my goal is 1,300 calories... I eat a lot! and still lose the weight... So, as everybody said, you have to eat, gurl! Oh, the irony

    At 1,000 calories I wasn't hungry, I have to push myself to eat 1,200... I can't get my macros right, but I am definitely NOT hungry...
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    You're not hungry because your metabolism has adjusted to the lower calorie intake. Try adding 100 calories or so a week until you get to your goal. Eat foods with higher calories, but that are still healthy for you. Forget the macros for now. Just focus on your intake. Once you've gotten that down, then focus on your macros.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    The doctor said, nothing to worry about in my bloodwork last month, a few things to watch here and there:

    So, I'll be eating 1,700 but NOT eating back my burned calories. Right?

    According to this, there shouldn't be an issue with carbs. What a lot of people dont realize, is most doctors do not know anything about nutrition . My friend is a pediatric cardiologist and she didn't even take one class in nutrition. She knows which foods to help young children gain weight because they are high in calories, but that is the extent. You can do lower carbs, but it may make it difficult to get enough calories since protein and fats are much greater for satiety. Or in the end, you can just eat peanut butter out of a jar or some ice cream.
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    This is harder than I thought. I feel so sick from eating so much I can't get myself to workout... This morning I even woke up dizzy. And I had to break my intermittent fast because I didn't have enough hours in the day to eat the 1,700 calories.

    I hope this works... now my macros are super crazy, because I'm so intent in getting the calories in that I just focus on high-calorie things that end up being really fatty. Won't that affect my cholesterol?

    How do you guys do it? Do you plan your meals for the whole week, to be able to hit your macros?
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    Back on track... the force-feeding paid off! I've finally moved out of the "first 20 pounds"...
  • hendrixm59

    I was stuck at 20 LBS, 25 LBS and 30 LBS. Now I'm at 34 LBS lost but 30 was the longest period of being stuck. I think it's just something your body goes through, I also started in middle of April. Believe it or not sometimes it helps to eat more (100 to 200 calories) for a day or two and then go back to your goal calories. I ate Mc Donalds, Wendy's and Culvers food this weekend and now I lost 2 Lbs because I was very careful last week. It's strange but don't worry about it just keep trying and it will eventually change. Good Luck!