W5D3 C25K - Need some support please

Hi all. I'm sure this has been posted a million times before, but I'm greedy and want my own thread :tongue:

Tomorrow is the day of the C25K that everyone seems to dread, the 20 minute continuous run. I got through the second day of week 5 pretty well going about 5 mph (kinda slow but I'm short and a bit overweight), but I'm a bit nervous about such a big jump in time.

I love running so far, and this is the furthest I've ever made it into the program after trying 2 times before. I really don't want to lose that momentum, so any motivation you all can give me would be fantastic.

Thanks so much ahead of time!


  • I started the C25K program three or four times before I really got hooked on it, and I did the 20-minute continuous run for the first time about two weeks ago. The only thing I can say is that yeah, it's tough, but the feeling of accomplishment afterwards is INSANE. I actually texted a number of my friends about it. I would recommend keeping your run as close to your routine as possible (I've been training on the treadmill for a few months because summers here are 100+ degrees, and I'm very sensitive to sunburn so the full sunlight of long days isn't optimal for me haha, and after doing the 20-minute run on the treadmill I'm now transitioning back to outdoors and having trouble getting through the 10-minute runs a few weeks back), run a route you know and don't switch up treadmill/outdoor running unless you're equally comfortable with both.

    This is the biggest hurdle of the program, but you've got this.

    Let us know how it goes! :D
  • unequalstars13
    unequalstars13 Posts: 19 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT! Seriously, I know it seems daunting and scary but you will AMAZE yourself. The best advice I can give is to take it slow. The goal is to finish. I did the program a while ago and love running now. My boyfriend is doing it now and just did W5D3 a few days ago and he was just as nervous as you are. But he did it, and he felt really empowered and strong afterwards. It's pretty exhilarating, especially if you've never been athletic before (like me). Good luck!
  • Jit7
    Jit7 Posts: 75
    You'll do it - just think positive!!

    I am a running beginner too, although I've not done the C25K program. My advice is also to go at a comfortable pace where you are not struggling to breathe, even if that means you are slow as!! I dropped back my speed and I was able to run continuously and more comfortably too. You can build the speed afterwards.

    Just think how awesome you will feel once you've done it!!!
  • If I can do it, YOU can absolutely do it! I completed the c25k program when I weighed 241 pounds. It was exhilarating!! Good luck to you.
  • jessbro1977
    jessbro1977 Posts: 58 Member
    You can totally do it! Just like others said the goal is to finish, so take it at a comfortable pace and remember your mind will give up before your body, I just completed 25 min straight(week 7) and keeping the tunes going and telling myself my body can do it is what got me through it! Remember you can do ANYTHING for 20 minutes including RUN! Good luck and be PROUD!
  • zaclem01
    zaclem01 Posts: 4 Member

    First of all, I just wanted to comment on how great the community is on this site. Thanks for supporting me despite me just being some random guy on the internet :smile:

    So, I attempted to do the run today. Thought about what music would be good for a minute and settled on some Eluveitie. Started my warm-up and dispelled that little voice in my head that said it would be too hard.

    5:00 - Started to run.
    10:00 - Not too bad. Little twinge in calf but it went away after a minute or two.
    15:00 - Am I really halfway already?
    20:00 - Starting to get tired, but an excellent song starts and I'm all good.
    25:00 - Done with my exercise (huge smile on face)? I don't think so silly C25K lady; Imma keep going.
    30:00 - Finally get a bit out of breath and decide to cool it. Final distance 2.5 miles, including warm-up and cool-down distance.

    So in other words, nailed it! And no small thanks to you guys and this website in general. The program really works, and it really is a matter of mind over body.

    See everyone around, probably for more encouragement around my first 5K!
  • Jit7
    Jit7 Posts: 75

    You make it sound so easy with your little bit extra! lol

    Really pleased for you - keep up the good work. You'll be doing 5km's and more in no time
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    You are doing fantastic. Keep it Up. :flowerforyou:

    You should give a 5K a try, races are lots of fun do not be afraid that you may have to walk some, there are walkers at every race.

    I finished C25K and now am continuing with the 10K Trainer App and just finished week 13 which has 2 30 mins I would never have believe that I could have done such a thing before. My first 5K was 11 months ago with a time of 40:10 I just did one this last weekend at a time of 33:18. The program does really work. I have been scared to graduate to a 10K but found out about a 8K that is on my 47th Birthday later this month so am giving that a wirl.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Everyone fears W5D3, I know I did. But trust that the training has prepared you. Take a water bottle, slow down a little if you need to, and crank it out. You can do it.

    Remember - there is no shame in a slower pace. It took me weeks after completing C25K to actually be able to run a 5k, and not just run for 30 minutes. But six months on I'm cranking 5k out in the very low 26 minutes, and getting ready to bust into the 25s.

    Trust the program. It works.
  • zaclem01
    zaclem01 Posts: 4 Member

    You make it sound so easy with your little bit extra! lol

    Really pleased for you - keep up the good work. You'll be doing 5km's and more in no time

    Thanks so much! And I don't mean to make it sound like it was easy. I was just that excited to have finished and ran on adrenaline for a bit.
    You are doing fantastic. Keep it Up. flowerforyou

    You should give a 5K a try, races are lots of fun do not be afraid that you may have to walk some, there are walkers at every race.

    I finished C25K and now am continuing with the 10K Trainer App and just finished week 13 which has 2 30 mins I would never have believe that I could have done such a thing before. My first 5K was 11 months ago with a time of 40:10 I just did one this last weekend at a time of 33:18. The program does really work. I have been scared to graduate to a 10K but found out about a 8K that is on my 47th Birthday later this month so am giving that a wirl.

    I may try to do one soon if I have the time. I was a bit worried about not being able to complete it at a decent time, but I realized I'm not trying to get a 18 minute time. I just need to finish it. I'll look around and see what's scheduled soon.

    As for the 10K program, I already have the app downloaded and can't wait to start on it as soon as I'm done with this one.