

  • Nettabee
    Nettabee Posts: 296 Member
    Unless you hold all your weight in your mid-section you'll be fine. I'm 5'9 and a 22 and still fit the seatbelt without an extension. My mom is rounder than me and needs one when she flies, but it's not the end of the world. They discretely pass it to you and then you're on your way. No reason to be embarrassed, it makes your flight more comfortable and is safer.

    I'd be embarrassed if I didn't ask if I needed one and the darn thing popped off or something. Turbulence can be a biach!
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    I'm not afraid to ask for an extension if I was alone, but in front of my bf.......that's the terrible part :( I have flown before but that was like 10 years ago and 30 pounds lighter. I don't think I'm flying a smaller plane. I'm flying Delta from Michigan to Florida.

    BFs aren't stupid. :) They know how big we are. I don't think you should be embarassed about that at all. You'll be fine. Don't let it ruin a trip fo you.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I won't parrot the great advice from above, but I will jump on the "don't worry, you'll be fine" bandwagon, though.
  • cbluna
    I agree with previous posters that you likely won't have a problem, but also to add even if you do need the extender, that it's because the airline took the cheap way out and when the seat belt started looking ratty at the end they cut it and replaced the buckle instead of replacing the whole length of belt...yes, they do don't take it as hard as crying all the way there...your BF is much more likely to notice that than the seat belt extender. :)
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    So I am flying in a week on a 2.5 hour flight to Florida. I'm 5'9 and a size 20. I am making myself sick worrying if the airplane seatbelt is going to fit me. Can anyone give me stories if you recently flew and what I should be expecting???

    I just flew in to DFW last night. What to expect? Well first of all I had to step into one of those "Let me see you naked" machines in security. There's no telling how much the guys in security laughed at me on the inside. Then the flight was delayed nearly an hour due to some storms in the area. Some lady waiting near me kept going on and on about how she was going to miss her connection as if anyone else cared. Everyone finally moved away from her.

    The takeoff was fairly smooth but there was some turbulence as they ascended through the clouds. I fell asleep right after the plane leveled off and didn't wake up till we reached Dallas. It was pretty uneventful actually. I hope yours goes the same as mine.
  • NarneyK
    NarneyK Posts: 264 Member
    For info on the seat sizes, leg room, etc, check out Hope you have a safe and comfortable flight :)