at goal weight and still not the look im after

I have an issue id like help with. Im at my goal weight but I still have the pot belly im 5'6" 160 what is a good "stalky" weight for my height and how do I loose belly fat ?


  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Maybe lower your carb intake? Do cardio? Drink more water to flush everything out? HIIT Training? Eat more whole foods, lots of high fibre, veggies, fruit? No processed stuff
  • Snugglzz
    so does exercise burn the belly fat or the diet? cuz I did the diet thing to get to my goal and I jog (not religiously) but I only seem to loose weight on the scale not in looking
  • Jolie_K
    Jolie_K Posts: 38 Member
    Maybe you should exercise more and tone your body.

    Good luck!
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    I'm still fat so don't quote me on this. But I always see people on here advising those who are disappointed with their body comp to lift heavy. Makes sense to me.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Lift heavy as you can for 10 reps so you're just about to fail on the last rep x3...lifting helps with lowering body you may stay the same weight, but your body fat will lower.
    A good programme is strong lifts. Or there is some utube videos that will show the form of the most popular compound lifts, dead lifts, bench press, squats and over head press..doing 3 sets of these with a heavy weight with a short rest 30-60 seconds in between each rep will really help.
  • stephiehampshire
    I dont know if girl bodies are different to boy bodies but i find that cardio burns my middle fat (belly and love handles)

    So I focus on eating healthy and cardio until I hit my goal weight and then I start toning exercises and keep up the cardio to keep fitness

    My "then" picture is from when I hit my goal weight before I fell off the band wagon so I am now starting again ....
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    so does exercise burn the belly fat or the diet? cuz I did the diet thing to get to my goal and I jog (not religiously) but I only seem to loose weight on the scale not in looking

    Add in some resistance/strength training if all you do is jog and a small deficit (200 cals) to get rid of fat.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    Yep, add strength/resistance training. The only way to get rid of the belly fat is to continue to lose overall body fat; however, you can start to shape your body with lifting.

    Congratulations on reaching your goal!
  • Snugglzz
    Thank you all for the advice so I guess its come to dusting off the bowflex blaw