Bread bloat :-(



  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    Yep, same happens with wraps, rice and pasta

    So I just cut them all out, my waist goes up 2 inches min if i eat bread any of them, then the cramps, the gas etc, so i'd rather not.

    Never liked them anyway, so no big loss, the sauces and fillings where the only thing tasted good to me.
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    Yup, the same thing happens to me! Bread, dairy, and broccoli are the main culprits for me, and of course I enjoy(ed) all of them very much. Dairy is probably the worst, as I can eat one ice cream scoop and a short time after I feel bloated as well as look like I'm preggers. So, I cut out all three :( I do allow myself my one greek yogurt daily, and that doesn't seem to have too big of an impact, but I'm looking into a soy or almond based greek yogurt to switch to so I can cut it out completely. Cutting out my breads was difficult at first, but now I don't even notice, although saying no to a cookie when it is chillin in plain view is quite a challenge... It might be hard to find lunches that don't involve bread, so my main go-to lunches are lettuce wraps, salads, or veggie burgers without the bun. I've noticed that I don't feel gassy and bloated all day when I cut these out, so it does make me feel more comfortable and slimmer throughout the day, which is always nice. Hope this helps! :)

    this...I do soy products and low carb bread and feel MUCH better
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    Yep me too! Although wholemeal isn't half as bad, if I do eat bread I eat good wholemeal, rye, spelt etc. I find the same happens with white pasta so buy wholemeal, also wholemeal is generally more nutritious :)
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    For those of you with ''sensitivity" you may want to try Ezekial Bread. It is extremely dense and makes great toast.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Hey, all you bread haters!!!

    Send me ALL of your leftover/uneaten breads, pasta, and rice IMMEDIATELY. I don't have a gluten allergy (or any other medical issue) and therefore show love to all foods available out there for me to eat, including the ones that attract water molecules in the system and scare people into thinking they are getting fatter when they are not (i.e. carbs). So, to stop further waste of bread, pasta, and rice, just send them all to me so I can stock my cupboard and you can go on reading your Wheat Belly dribble and we'll all be happier people.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    If you keep forcing your pancreas to produce insulin at that pace, it becomes weary, and starts to move you in the direction of Type 2 Diabetes. Start to look for Gluten Free items.

    Something I wanted to note about the statement above, GF items are often higher in carbs than their 'regular' counterparts. As someone who is watching her carbs with a steely resolve, GF does not equate to low carb. Low carb is the only thing that will give your pancreas a break.

    I for one, hope my beta cells appreciate the vacay I've given them and with any luck, the new ones, appreciating the lack of glucotoxicity, will thrive & make my life a wee bit easier.

    OP: it sounds like GF is the way to go for you, at least, this is what I would do if I were you. Wheat Belly was a kind of a tough read for me. The claims sound like propaganda and it's just not a writing style that I respond to. I'm not saying it doesn't have it's points, I just found the whole thing hard to swallow.

    That said, I keep away from grains. They jack up my BG's like nobody's business and I find them kind of a waste of calories for me. Grains also bloat me & make me feel uncomfortable but not to the degree you've described. You cannot outwardly see anything but you can feel my undercurrent of crankiness :blushing: My young adult kids it doesn't seem to bother much :laugh: and it doesn't affect them adversely :blushing:
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    For those of you with ''sensitivity" you may want to try Ezekial Bread. It is extremely dense and makes great toast.

    Also, Ezekial breads are recommended for people watching their carb intake, however, it *also* jacks up my blood sugar :grumble: Not happy about it but I"m firmly in the NO GRAINS camp.:blushing:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    yep, bye, bye bread, I like 12 grain, that is it
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    try making your own bread or buying sourdough loaves.

    I find shop-bought bread can make me feel bloated, and yet the stuff I make myself doesn't. Either I am a superior baker to the manufacturers or what goes into the bread we buy that's the problem.

    Possibly irrationally I blame the Chorleywood Process. fast rising and proving of gluten prevents the process taking place in a natural way. I don't blame the wheat

    Having said that, I just prefer my own stuff.
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    That's the problem with dodgy "scientific" claims, fear mongering books and all the rubbish that gets churned out about various categories of food. It leads to genuinely experienced phenomena being grouped in with the imaginary bollocks, and the dismissed by people who don't experience it.

    A lot of people do get gastric issues after bread consumption. I'm not sure why though I'm sure there are some reputable studies into it somewhere. I doubt that its a conspiracy by the wheat industry though. I for one get awful cramps if I have more than a couple of slices of bread, and then I spend the rest of the night farting like a navvy.
  • gbrundagebrunker
    I am 55. I love, love, love bread, cereal, pasta - anything wheat - had to cut all that stuff out in order to lose weight as I found absinence a whole lot easier than moderation. Weight loss happened, but the REALLY good thing was that the hot flashes stopped altogether within a couple of days. Now, anything with wheat triggers a day following of hot flashes. No more wheat for me and I've found that I don't miss it at all.
  • TLwineguzzler
    TLwineguzzler Posts: 289 Member
    Don't think it's bread causing the farting sis! its a family thing :)
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    Don't think it's bread causing the farting sis! its a family thing :)
    Ha ha strong first post:tongue:
  • suerop
    suerop Posts: 8 Member
    @ Whierd: Why the sarcasm? Just say it if you disagree, but you don't have to insinuate that the people posting here need to *kitten* and get it out of their systems. :frown:
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    @ Whierd: Why the sarcasm? Just say it if you disagree, but you don't have to insinuate that the people posting here need to *kitten* and get it out of their systems. :frown:

    on the job :huh:
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    For those of you with ''sensitivity" you may want to try Ezekial Bread. It is extremely dense and makes great toast.

    Also, Ezekial breads are recommended for people watching their carb intake, however, it *also* jacks up my blood sugar :grumble: Not happy about it but I"m firmly in the NO GRAINS camp.:blushing:

    Sorry for you. While I don't really enjoy it much, at times, it is better than nothing. For many of us, it is tolerable, and some folks, even really like it. Like the true "addict" I am, I want soft and squishy:wink:

    edited for quotations around addict: for the MFP Police I am not literally addicted to carbohydrates.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Hey, all you bread haters!!!

    Send me ALL of your leftover/uneaten breads, pasta, and rice IMMEDIATELY. I don't have a gluten allergy (or any other medical issue) and therefore show love to all foods available out there for me to eat, including the ones that attract water molecules in the system and scare people into thinking they are getting fatter when they are not (i.e. carbs). So, to stop further waste of bread, pasta, and rice, just send them all to me so I can stock my cupboard and you can go on reading your Wheat Belly dribble and we'll all be happier people.

    Lucky you. Really. And self-satisfaction looks amazingly good on you.
  • itsfruitcake
    itsfruitcake Posts: 146 Member
    I never thought I was sensitive to bread (although white bread would always give me a pretty bad heartburn...since I was in my teens really) but I cut down on my bread consumption since watching what I eat and had a single white roll the other day - half an hour later I could feel getting bloated like a balloon, not had that in a while.

    The only thing I had that night apart from the bread was a small glass of diet coke, so I'm not 100% sure whether it was the bread or the soda, but I'll experiment a little more.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    For those of you with ''sensitivity" you may want to try Ezekial Bread. It is extremely dense and makes great toast.

    Also, Ezekial breads are recommended for people watching their carb intake, however, it *also* jacks up my blood sugar :grumble: Not happy about it but I"m firmly in the NO GRAINS camp.:blushing:

    Sorry for you. While I don't really enjoy it much, at times, it is better than nothing. For many of us, it is tolerable, and some folks, even really like it. Like the true "addict" I am, I want soft and squishy:wink:

    edited for quotations around addict: for the MFP Police I am not literally addicted to carbohydrates.
    yeah :blushing: it sucks :laugh:
    meh. I'm learning to live with it :wink:

    eta:quotes for context