Any food you refuse to eat?



  • Nicola1944
    Nicola1944 Posts: 348 Member
    This is my kind of thread - I am so fussy! I'll just list a few of them, otherwise I'll be here all night.

    - Mayonnaise. It's probably perfectly nice, but for some reason the texture and colour turn me off.
    - Any creamy/cream-based pasta sauces.
    - Most dairy - I don't mind milk, have finally found a yoghurt I can tolerate and love icecream. Cheese is only hard cheese, and usually in a toasted sandwich or on pizza. Anything else, don't even bother.
    - Seafood, pork, any game meats.
    - Bananas, similar to the OP - must be just ripe enough, but not too ripe.
    - Eggs - won't eat them poached, fried, scrambled, omletted etc. Hate anything 'eggy' tasting.

    We are the same person!! Haha !
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    Lol... You ready for this?

    Fruit - all!
    Veg - all!
    Salad - all!

    Most Indian
    Most Italian
    Meat off a bone (As in a joint of meat/roast)
    Fruit juice with bits
    Yoghurt with bits
    Most cheese
    Sauces (mayo etc!)

    The list is too long to go on!! Haha! I have the worst eating habits, don't like anything "good" or "healthy" yet still managed 49lbs loss so far... woohoo! Haha

    You don't like "healthy" food and you still lose weight? I wanna see your diary and get some tips now LOL
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Lol... You ready for this?

    Fruit - all!
    Veg - all!
    Salad - all!

    Most Indian
    Most Italian
    Meat off a bone (As in a joint of meat/roast)
    Fruit juice with bits
    Yoghurt with bits
    Most cheese
    Sauces (mayo etc!)

    The list is too long to go on!! Haha! I have the worst eating habits, don't like anything "good" or "healthy" yet still managed 49lbs loss so far... woohoo! Haha

    You don't like "healthy" food and you still lose weight? I wanna see your diary and get some tips now LOL

    Losing weight is dependant on the quantity of food, not the health quality of it. You can lose weight eating candy all day everyday if you eat under your TDEE. I wouldn't recommend it though...

    As for the OP: Onions. They are just nasty! I refuse to have them in anything.
  • Nicola1944
    Nicola1944 Posts: 348 Member
    haha i dont eat sweet and chocolate all day long.

    I make my own versions of things, minus the veg etc!

    Managed to do this good, this far! :-)

    Anythings possible, calories in, calories out.. Simple!? :)
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Sweet Potato
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    cabbage (unless cooked in a particular way it gives me pains)
    Indian/chinese food (turmeric and cumin make me literally sick, even just a little contact in passing like in the oil)
    beetroot (unless in chocolate cake)
    Raw peppers/onions
    Ketchup/mustard as a relish (fine in cooked dishes)

    The list used to be longer....
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Fruit. I will eat every vegetable under the sun (except for the ones that are fruit masquerading as vegetables, the filthy liars) but I have almost a phobia of fruit. I don't even like touching or smelling it.
  • katorihanzo
    katorihanzo Posts: 234 Member
    I'll eat anything and try anything and I pride myself on it. I don't have things I won't eat but I do have preferences. I don't like my sushi to have mayo in it, for example, mostly because I love tempura and it makes it not crispy. Nor do I like to have fish roe or wasabi.

    Of all the things I really have a distaste for, it's water chestnuts of all things. They're just crispy tasteless water but they weird me out. Maybe it's because they're all texture, no taste.
  • AccioHotBod
    AccioHotBod Posts: 44 Member
    i hate alfalfa sprouts. It's the only thing I will never eat.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Beans (which includes green beans and peas). I have hated them since I was a child, and while I can stomach them in other dishes, like stew or chili, I still cannot eat them as a side or in large quantities.

    I also cannot bring myself to eat kale, no matter how it is cooked.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Beans (which includes green beans and peas). I have hated them since I was a child, and while I can stomach them in other dishes, like stew or chili, I still cannot eat them as a side or in large quantities.

    I also cannot bring myself to eat kale, no matter how it is cooked.
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    Beans/peas- I hate the texture of them
    Anything made out of corn: including corn, popcorn, cornbreads, etc.
    lobster/shrimp: ewww....
    Bitter lettuce thingies(like red lettuce/dandelion leaves): they taste horrible and make my stomach upset.

    Other than that I have some aversions:
    Soup, not very filling for me, and too salty most of the time, make me feel water logged
    Overripe fruit
    Fruit juices, never really liked them, even when I was a kid, they were too acidy
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    Olives. Anything that requires a treatment with Lye to eat is not something we were ever meant to eat! I do like olive oil though.

    Mayonnaise. I am ok knowing it's in something if I can't taste it at all, but the taste itself is so disgusting.

    Candy corn. May as well eat ear wax.

    That's about it though, not picky at all beyond that, will try just about anything.
  • PositiveBody
    PositiveBody Posts: 43 Member
    I wish I liked brussell sprouts....they make me gag!!!
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    Grape juice! Blech!!

    I'm pretty good with most other things. I've definitely become more adventurous as I've learned to cook.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    Its name says it all.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Raw celery
  • raggleraccoon
    Liquorice, anything from McDonald's, mayonnaise, marmite.
  • weali
    weali Posts: 37 Member
    raw tomatoes, soy (like the protien bars and bolthouse farm style drinks), tofu

    other than that I will try most anything once
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member