Happy to be apart of MyFitnessPal

Hi all,
I'm new to this and so far I have enjoyed everything that I have been reading. I really enjoy how each of you offers so much encouragement to each other. I was introduced to this site by a lady at the health club I attend. She was talking to my god-daughter & we both decided to give this site a try. And I LOVE IT.

I’ve been on other sites before and after a few weeks you lose your support team. I hope this doesn’t happen here. I love meeting new people & talking to them that I will stay in touch as much as possible. I hope I won’t get on your nerves asking for help in my journey to becoming slim, sexy & healthy.

Now about me…… I’m a 48 yrs. young, Nana of about 18 or so grandchildren 9 children & godchildren combined (we won’t separate any of them). I’ve been married to the most wonderful man for almost 30 years and each day he makes me laugh & I’m very blessed to be married to him.

I’m 5’3” tall,
Start Weight: Oct. 2010 212
Mini Goal by Dec. 2010 197
Goal Weight by June 2011 135


  • rebmcg
    rebmcg Posts: 29
    18 grands -- wow congratulations. That's a beautiful couple in the picture. Best of luck with FP. I love it. bmcg
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    I love the support and friendships I am making here too!!! =)
  • ppennington
    Welcome! Don't worry, I've been on here almost two months now and the support, advise and encouragement have been non-stop. I look forward to posting and seeing what my "friends" are up to or errrrrrrrrrrrrrr rather down to. LOL