New here need help

MaddiesMommy27 Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone, My name is Amanda, I am a stay at home mom and dont have the money really to join a gym. Anybody give me ponters on what I can do. What things would be the best to eat also???


  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I'm a working mom and I don't have money for a gym either. I've started going for long walks after I put my son to bed while my husband watches TV or does homework.
    I've also started looking up healthy alternative recipes for dishes I really like. Some simple substitutes include using whole grain pasta instead of regular, whole grain breads instead of white, and sweetening things with Splenda or Stevia instead of sugar.

    Good luck!
  • bel74
    bel74 Posts: 32 Member
    i walk every day with my dog and that my main form of exercise and its free:happy:
  • Magabarb
    Magabarb Posts: 4 Member
    I do in-home walking with Leslie Sansone. I am up to 4 miles a day. I do 2 in the morning and 2 more in the afternoon. I watch my Grandkids full-time so this fits their schedul also. Good Luck.
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Hi and welcome!

    Exercise DVDs are great! The best foods are the ones that you cook at home with foods that aren't processed. Lean meats, lots of veggies, go easy on the cheese and butter, etc. Make sure you make food that is tasty though or you won't want to eat it and you won't stick with it.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey! I was unemployed and really, really broke when I first started losing weight. Got a decent pair of runners and that was about all I could afford. Spent a LOT of time walking outside, exploring new areas, going on hikes, etc.

    Weight loss is sooo much about what you eat and learning to eat in moderation. Knowing your portion sizes is KEY to success in weight loss/management and making yourself accountable by tracking every bite you consume. Your body's specific needs in terms of carbs/protein/fat/fiber etc will really depend on your activity levels - this site's "goals" are a decent estimate though. There are tons of people on here willing to help and provide support and advice! Make use of what you've got at hand and in the forums, and you'll be shedding weight in no time!

    Best of luck!
  • jkayla
    jkayla Posts: 2
    I have been using a fitness ball since I read the book "Never Say Diet" by Chantel Hobbs. It has really helped me loose inches. The book gets into what to eat also. The book is great way to begin your program.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Agree with Kristiranee, make your own foods where possible, especially sauces...jarred sauces are generally full of gunk that just adds calories.
    Veggies are cheaper than processed foods and sooo much healthier. Toss them in a tablespoon of olive oil and various herbs and spices for a nice change.
    I make my own burgers and pizzas for when I crave "junk". easy, tastier than shop bought, far lower in calories and you KNOW exactly whats in them and I believe a little of what you fancy can be good for you...deprivation is not, it leads to binges, just exercise moderation.

    As for exercise, the stairs can be your stepper. Dance is great for working off a few calories and would probably serve as entertainment for your little one too. Look around and make use of what is around you. I'm limited on what I can do but the wall is great for starting press ups on until youre up to doing proper press ups.

    Take one small step at at time, its when you try giant leaps that you'll be likely to think you're failing

  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    Start in small steps. For example, if you are a soda drinker . . . replace one soda with a glass of water each day. Then the next week focus on snacks. Eat fruits or vegetables instead of chips/cookies, etc. Then the next week try only eating out once or twice a week instead of daily. These are just some examples of how to start making healthier changes in small ways at first. I am NOT all implying that you are consuming only soda/junk food and eating out. LOL

    As far as exercise, many good ideas above. Remember that you can do jogging in place, marching in place, squats, lunges, jumping jacks, sit-ups, push-ups, front kicks, punches, etc. by virtually standing in the same area so you can do them anywhere. Try to do a few reps every day. As you get used to doing the exercises, make it into a 20-30 min. workout.

    Here is an example:

    Warm-up (30 sec per exercise - repeat 2-3 times w/ 30 sec. break in between)

    March in place
    Jog in place
    Jumping Jacks

    Work-out (45 sec - 1 min. each - repeat ____ times as you can)

    Front Kicks

    This Crossfit website: has a lot of videos that show different exercises. Some of them you would need equipment but not all. Also, they have ideas for Crossfit kids so maybe there would be something you could incorporate your children into.

    Bike riding is a great alternative to just walking. Make exercise fun and change it up so it is not boring. Good Luck to you! I hope these ideas help.
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    Sorry . . . I'll post this and then I will shut up! : P

    Here are 2 at home workouts that I designed for my workout group in Gilbert, AZ. Obviously you would need to start a little more basic and then this would be some things to move into. My group uses Russian Kettlebells with our workouts. They sell these at Walmart/Target now but you could also do some of the Kettlebell exercises with a simple weight at first (Suitcase squats/Calf raises/Russian Twists).

    Start-up (30s/15s Active Rest x 3 rounds)
    Mountain Climbers (Demo video:
    Figure 8 to a hold (Demo video:
    Suitcase Squats (Demo video:
    Calf raises w/ KB (Stand up – lift heels off the ground while holding KB at chest)

    Round 1 (30 sec. each exercise x 3)
    Top Half Squats
    Bottom Half Squats
    Full Squats

    Round 2 (x 3)
    1 min. plank
    1 min. jog in place

    Round 1 (30 sec. each exercise x 3)
    Top Half Squats
    Bottom Half Squats
    Full Squats

    Abs (30 sec. each exercise x 2)
    Side crunches (R)
    Double sit-ups (Go up to a crunch position – pause- go to full sit-up position)
    Russian Twists w/ no weight (Demo video:
    Hollow Rock (Demo video:
    Side crunches (L)

    Start-up: (30 seconds x 3 rounds)
    - Forward lunges
    - Reverse lunges
    - High knees (running or marching in place)
    - Rebounds (small jumps with hands in the air)

    Work-out: (Set timer for 4 minutes for each round – Complete 5 rounds)
    *Take a minute of rest between each round

    - 5 push-ups
    - 10 Jumping Jacks
    - 15 body weight squats
    *Repeat all 3 exercises until the 4 minutes is up, take your 1 min. rest and repeat again until all 5 rounds are finished*

    Abs: (Set timer for 4 minutes each round – Complete 2 rounds)
    *Take a minute of rest between each round
    - 10 sit-ups
    - 10 Bicycles
    - 10 count Lead Legs
    - 10 flutter kicks
    - 10 Rope Climbers
    **Repeat all 3 exercises until the 4 minutes is up, take your 1 min. rest and repeat again until both rounds are finished*

    - Stretch arms, legs, hip flexors, and abs (Be sure to hold each stretch at least 30 seconds)
  • baby_lovin_060206
    baby_lovin_060206 Posts: 31 Member
    I am also in a situation similar to yours. I am a stay at home mom not alot of money to spend. I have the 30 Day shred dvd from Jillian Michaels. Its only 10 dollars and it works, I have lost 2 inches from my hips already. Also if you have netflix you can rent dvds from there.
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