Losing 25 pounds or less?


I am slightly overweight (20 pounds). I am naturally a skinny build, so I look only slightly overweight . However, for a healthy me (and I want to go by what is healthy for my body type) I need to lose about 20 pounds.

Are there any other people that are trying lose relatively small amount of weight?

I'd love to chat with you! Perhaps we can give each other encouragement and talk about the things we find difficult. I am on a real diet, but I feel like I am almost not allowed to talk about it because I am not super overweight. However, if I don't start now, I can only see myself getting bigger and bigger--so it is necessary. I also really like food and sometimes used to eat crazy amounts--so I find this hard.

I'm not being the most articulate. But do you guys find it hard to be a moderate weight dieter? Do you feel weird saying you are on a diet? Hopefully some of you are having the same experiences.


  • TaviaLane
    TaviaLane Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, it sounds like we have different diets but have similar goals.

    I've lost 17lbs and have about 20 more to lose. I gained 40 lbs when I moved out a couple years ago and after losing and gaining 5-10 lbs over and over i'm finally sticking with it!
    I do find it weird to talk about, but when I do people are shocked at how much I have lost without them noticing. I guess I carry it well :)
    It also doesn't come up much because I still eat all the same foods but I limit my portions. Im used to eating until i feel stuffed.. but this way i can learn what portions are right for the foods I like so I don't always have to rely on tracking calories.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i had 22 lbs to lose and as of today i have lost 27 total over 2 years. final goal is to hit 30 lbs and that's it! I am short ( 5.2 ft) and was 142 lbs and now 115. i made my new goal to lose 30 lbs so i can bounce around a few lbs up and not be bothered by it. so many used to say i looked fine and why was i trying to lose weight? once i told them that 136 was the cut off for 5.2 ft then they were like " oh ok"... but i always got " you look fine".. bit...... i just decided not to say anything at all and when one would notice a change in my eating or whatever and said " what are you on a diet", i would either ignore the comment or i would reply no, just eating healthy. so i didn't have to hear opinions....
  • Jit7
    Jit7 Posts: 75

    I can relate. I want to lose 20lbs but I haven't said that I'm dieting because I am not really 'overweight'. I just have some wobbly bits that I want to get rid of. I still want to look healthy and have no desire to get super skinny. I have a naturally curvy shape so skinny wouldn't suit me.

    I am trying to cut down on portions as I think that's my biggest weakness and I want to start execising more. I have only just started (2 weeks) so not seeing any results yet, but I will keep going. Happy for you to add me. I usually log on every day so here to support and be supported!!

    I should also put I'm a 5'4 59kg (130lb) female
  • Joebob8
    Joebob8 Posts: 69 Member
    I want to lose about five pounds. I previously lost 70 and have maintained for a very long time. These last five pounds are as tough to lose as the first 70!
  • Hi,

    Feel free to add me - i've got the last 10 lbs to lose, and have lost 18 so far.
    Would love to have people in a similar boat for encouragement, and to give encouragement to!

    Feeling like the last 10 lbs will not budge, partly because I have really lost my willpower this close to goal!
    When I had the 28lbs to lose it was so much easier to be strict, but now its not so far away I can't seem to enforce the same restraint.
    I know its good to have a treat once in a while but I really need to get a healthy food and exercise mindset, so any help would be appreciated!

    Would love to see how you guys are doing it and support your last few weight loss steps!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I don't know how much I need to lose but I am about 13% body fat, looking to get single digits. My advice is, don't worry about weight. Look for only fat loss and maintenance of your muscle. You might find out that you will only need to lose 10 or 15 lbs to get that look.

    My biggest tip, is a small deficit and lift weights. You dont have a lot of fat reserves so you need to fuel your body properly so you don't catabolize lean body mass. Most will suggest a max of 1lb per week and eat at least 50% of your exercise calories or use the TDEE - 20% method (preferred).

    If you want, I can run some numbers if you post your height, weight, age and workout routine. Also, what kind of job do you have?
  • jadedhippo
    jadedhippo Posts: 95 Member
    I'm in the same position.
    I'm slightly overweight so I need to lose around 5-10kg to be in my ideal weight range. It never wants to come off though!

    I don't tell people I'm trying to lose weight because they think i'm insane ("you dont need to lose weight, you're normal size!" "Dont go overboard, you'll end up like a skeleton!). It's like you can't lose weight or strive to be healthier if you're not extremely overweight :l
  • fitnessn00bie
    fitnessn00bie Posts: 20 Member
    I am in this position too, everyone always says I'm being stupid but it's easy for them to say as they are substantially taller and naturally slimmer built than me! I would like to tone up as I am really wobbly - I feel a bit intimidated using the weights machines in the gym though! Must pluck up the courage! Gradually have been using some as I go. What do people think of the classes that many gyms offer? Any classes you think are particularly good for toning up those flabby bits? I become so shy when it comes to these things!
  • alwasierski
    alwasierski Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in exactly that same boat. I'm 6' so my weight gets stretched out and not everyone sees it - except my jeans don't fit very well (muffin top and loose shirts)! I was 165 before I had my first chld 10 years ago and I want to get back there! In the last few weeks I've lost 4 pounds and it's exciting now! I'm jogging, eating better, have some support of friends and my husband - but I tend to start to lose my dedication after the first 5-10 lbs. I'm currently at 190 so I have 20-25 lbs to go. I start to 'cheat' to reward myself for those pounds then the cheating gets more frequent...then all my progress and momentum is lost.

    So far I've stuck with the 3x30 challenge on here doing push ups, crunches, lunges and planks daily (except for the rest day every 3 days) in addition to walk/run/jog three times a week with the Zombie 5K app. It feels GREAT! I need to keep being pushed. I love the effect just these 4 lbs have had on me physically and mentally and I don't want to lose my momentum!

    I'm good at pushing other people but need some pushing myself!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    psulemon: what is the best way to reduce body fat? I am pretty near goal weight, only a few lbs to go and yet it's been 9 months and they are still there,lol but i am only trying to focus on losing body fat currently. I am finding it harder then lbs. I was doing clx and when i was done that i still had a fat layer and body fat still higher then i like, so i am doing t25 to help burn off more fat b/c i thought something more intense would get me there and then re do clx to get more definition and show that muscle more. I am still not losing body fat easy... i have lost maybe 1% but still want to lose 2-3 more. it just seems to be a longer and slower process then it was for me losing weight and trust me that was a SLOW process !
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    I'm currently in the middle of losing some re-gain weight, about 30 lb' worth *grrr* I lost 179 lbs and maintained around 115-120 for about 3.5 years, then it slowly crept back up. I've taken off almost half of my regain by getting strict and logging every bit of food (slacked on MFP for a bit *sigh* ), and now I have about 16.4 lb to go. I'm not even gonna bother with trying to get back to 115-120 anymore, 125-128 is good enough and maybe will help with more successful maintenance. I'm a hair under 5'4, so still reasonable weights.
  • AccioHotBod
    AccioHotBod Posts: 44 Member
    I currently have about 15-20lbs I'd like to lose- but really it depends on my body %. It gets uncomfortable around some people who get offended when I've mentioned in passing that i'm on a diet. I just don't get that.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    psulemon: what is the best way to reduce body fat? I am pretty near goal weight, only a few lbs to go and yet it's been 9 months and they are still there,lol but i am only trying to focus on losing body fat currently. I am finding it harder then lbs. I was doing clx and when i was done that i still had a fat layer and body fat still higher then i like, so i am doing t25 to help burn off more fat b/c i thought something more intense would get me there and then re do clx to get more definition and show that muscle more. I am still not losing body fat easy... i have lost maybe 1% but still want to lose 2-3 more. it just seems to be a longer and slower process then it was for me losing weight and trust me that was a SLOW process !

    Keep in mind, it's going to be a very slow process. When you don't have a lot of body fat, your body will fight to prevent it. Lifting and high protein will help you maintain your lean body mass. Like CLX suggest, failure is good. I love CLX as it incorporates good weight training programs. It's not a huge calorie burner, so adding T25 will just give you the ability to eat more calories. But I suggest getting 1g of protein and .35g of fat per lb of lean body mass and the rest carbs. Ideally, you will only lose about 1% -2 % of your body fat a month (probably on the lower end). When I did CLX, I lost 16 lbs and 3% body fat but that was when I was heavier on 2500 calories. If you want, pm and we can figure out your calories.
  • molligamy
    molligamy Posts: 28 Member
    Hi! I actually probably want to lose closer to 30lb, but I have set roughly 25lb as my "in head" goal, since it seems more achievable! I understand exactly what you mean in terms of not wanting to look like I am dieting, and for the same reason I still eat cake and chocolate etc with my host family, so that no one notices! But I eat less of the things now. It's a stupid stigma, that only slightly overweight people shouldn't want to also lose weight too. Feel free to add me to add to your support network! :)
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I had 20lbs to lose, I'm almost there with 4 more to go. I don't tell people I'm on a diet....I don't consider myself on a "diet". I just make smart food choices and work out.
  • I feel exactly the same way! It's good to know there's others out there in the same situation :)
  • biturner
    biturner Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for this post, I feel the same way. Friends/fam don't feel as though I am overweight, but my Doc believes it's a problem. I'm short, and my goal weight, is still over what is technically "acceptable." I'm just trying to be a healthier me. Feel free to add for motivation, because I know I need it!
  • Hello! I'm trying to lose around 15 lbs. I totally understand when you say that you almost don't feel allowed to talk about it... I'm 132-134 lbs, 5'3'', so I'm quite "pudgy". I want to be slender damn it :grumble:
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    In the same boat. *waves*

    Started off with twenty to lose, nearly halfway there.

    I think sometimes friends/family get a little put out when someone strikes out on their own. Some people like to do everything by committee. Especially if they are the chairperson.

    Perhaps the person's new-found independence threatens them or leads them to feel insecure about the relationship or their own life (food!) choices.
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    I'm 5' 9" and big-framed, so people don't notice the extra weight. Clothes don't lie, though. Since I rank shopping for "fat" clothes just behind having my fingernails pulled out, here I am. I started at 163 and just went below my original 150 target this morning (Yay!). That's not enough to get size 12s fitting properly, so I reset to 140. Like many, I started too fast with a 1 pound a week goal. A half is more realistic when we don't have as much to lose.

    I've told my co-workers I'm "dieting" so they know I'm not being rude turning down the junk in the breakroom. (Unless it's really good junk, then I fit in a bit.) I'm not telling friends, though, because of the usual unhelpful comments.