How do you know you're eating too many carbs or not enough?

So I have a friend that is training to do a figure competition, I have hit a wall with my weight loss. Actually the scale has gone up and the pants don't fit as well as they used to. I recently moved but without my other half and his two daughters. I don't know if it is because I don't have 3 less than cleanly people to clean up after or stress or both! For the last 3 months I haven't changed my diet but I knew my workouts were pretty much non exsistant. I no longer have a daycare center to watch my daughter while I work out and the gym that I go to doesn't provide anything like that either. My house stays pretty clean so I am not busting my butt like I used to until my head hits the pillow at night. I thought okay, since I am not working out like I used to then I need to cut the calories. SO I did...still nothing. Started a great workout program with the hospital to help with my injuries. It's very high intensity so I know I am burning mad calories but weight loss. Then after talking to my yoga instructor whos training to compete she asked what my carb intake was. I said I don't know. So I went back and checked...okay so I am eating about 165ish. She said well I'm not a nutritionest and this is just my advise but I lower my carbs to around 120. She said she heard other competitors lower theirs even lower but when she tried that she gained weight. Once she raised them she started to lose the weight again. I have been trying to keep mine at 12oish but I think it's making me gain weight. How do I know where the right amount is? I'm eating clean foods so I thought for sure after a week of this I should see the scale budge at least a fraction of a number. What do I do?! I'm so frustrated!


  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    Track what you eat on MFP and change your setting to include Carbs in your diary view.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I think you'd eat differently when cutting down to a really low bf% for a figure competition. So, what she does isn't necessarily good for your goals.

    Unless you have a specific metabolic reason (diabetes, etc), there is nothing wrong with 165 g of carbohydrate daily. It's still just calories in<calories out. If your daily activity has dropped significantly, your calories out probably has dropped too. I'd find ways to increase your activity level - walking with your daughter, fitness activities at home, etc. Maybe find a gym "buddy" who has a child a similar age and trade babysitting so you can both still make it to the gym. Also track what you're eating really carefully -- with all those life changes, it's easy for extra calories to sneak in!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i dont think the carbs have as much effect as your suggesting. i mean if your going to the extream of atkins or something then it matters, but just tweeking things here and there shouldn't do much dramatic

    maybe its different for a body thats nearly fat free heading into a competition.

    i'm thinking maybe the house work was burning more calories then you may think? or, if its only been a few weeks, your body might need a little more time to start taking it off.
  • firefightergal30
    firefightergal30 Posts: 15 Member
    I do high intencity workout that is like cross fit 2 times a week. The other 3 days I go to the gym and lift weights. On the weekend I clean the house but nothing to what I was doing for cleaning since it is just my daughter and I. I also take my dog for walks every day unless the weather is crappy. The weather out here in Germany is pretty unpredictable so I havent been able to be consistant with it but I am still working out at least 5 days a week. My caloric intake has dropped a lot since I have started the mfp but still no results. I eat clean and about every 3 hours. I don't take in carbs at night to try and help slowe the fat storage. I eat 2-3 servings of fruit and veggies and drink twice as much water as I used to. So I am pretty perplexed. Perhaps it will take a few weeks to kick in. I have been working out for a long time but have been doing the cross fit training and yoga since the begining of August. I just thought by now I should be seeing either the scale move or something. I swear my pants feel like they are fitting much tighter. I know I have gotten stronger, that was tested today and my numbers doubled. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong?
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I was told my weight loss surgery program nutritionist that a person needs at least 130 grams of carbs a day for healthy brain function. So I get 130 grams or more a day. Sometimes it is 160-170 depending on what I eat. I focus mainly on 80-100 grams of protein a day and at least 80 oz of water or more a day.
    Good luck!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    It doesn't really matter if you eat every 3 hours or just once a day; timing of your carbs doesn't matter either for fat storage. It's just calories in vs calories out. Either you're underestimating your intake or overestimating what your body uses in a day. Sorry! :flowerforyou:

    Your diary is closed, so we can't look there for ideas. How many calories do you eat in a day? How are you coming by your calorie goal? (MFP's standard, TDEE, or something else). Also, how tall are you and what is your current weight; the closer you get to ideal weight, the harder it can be to lose.

    It does sound like you are quite active, and it's been long enough I wouldn't jump to blaming muscles retaining water; there may be something affecting your calories out but it will be more helpful to look at your diary (or at least calorie intake) and see if that needs tweaking before looking to medical testing for metabolic issues.
  • firefightergal30
    firefightergal30 Posts: 15 Member
    I am suppoesed to have my thyroid checked. I will be going in today to get the blood drawn. I know weight has always been an issue for me. I tend to keep my calories at or around 1200. They never stay in the 1200 range, it's just impossible for me. I do a lot of intense workouts so I know my body needs the fuel. I still think there is a science to eating carbs at certian times will benifit you more. Here is a great article about it. I know I have done a lot of reading about when to eat carbs. I have heard it from my physical therapyst as well. He said that within 40 minutes of your workout you should consume carbohydrates because you're body will be more receptive. Thats why I have been trying to cut them down at night. I'm not doing much activity at night so my muscles have no use for it, so it gets stored as fat. I don't mind opening up my diary but don't know how to lol.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I am suppoesed to have my thyroid checked. I will be going in today to get the blood drawn. I know weight has always been an issue for me. I tend to keep my calories at or around 1200. They never stay in the 1200 range, it's just impossible for me. I do a lot of intense workouts so I know my body needs the fuel. I still think there is a science to eating carbs at certian times will benifit you more. Here is a great article about it. I know I have done a lot of reading about when to eat carbs. I have heard it from my physical therapyst as well. He said that within 40 minutes of your workout you should consume carbohydrates because you're body will be more receptive. Thats why I have been trying to cut them down at night. I'm not doing much activity at night so my muscles have no use for it, so it gets stored as fat. I don't mind opening up my diary but don't know how to lol.

    i agree that carbs (with some protein) after a work out is beneficial.

    I don't think it matters otherwise... and if it does, its the difference between losing fat as fast as you can or losing it more slowly, wouldn't imagine it could completely road block you.

    i haven't read any real study suggesting eating before bed is an issue if your still at or under your calorie goal.

    if your doing as well as you say, perhaps it is thyroid. keep us posted.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I am suppoesed to have my thyroid checked. I will be going in today to get the blood drawn. I know weight has always been an issue for me. I tend to keep my calories at or around 1200. They never stay in the 1200 range, it's just impossible for me. I do a lot of intense workouts so I know my body needs the fuel. I still think there is a science to eating carbs at certian times will benifit you more. Here is a great article about it. I know I have done a lot of reading about when to eat carbs. I have heard it from my physical therapyst as well. He said that within 40 minutes of your workout you should consume carbohydrates because you're body will be more receptive. Thats why I have been trying to cut them down at night. I'm not doing much activity at night so my muscles have no use for it, so it gets stored as fat. I don't mind opening up my diary but don't know how to lol.
    If you're in a calorie deficit, nothing gets stored as fat. Nutrient timing has been disproven. It may have a slight effect at extremely low body fat levels, but that's more about water manipulation than anything else.