How did anyone start lifting without the gym?

I have been advised to start lifting, and recommended NROLFW.. (I havnt bought it yet)

But is this even possible without a gym?
I cant really afford the gym right now as I was laid-off in May, but I also don't have anyone to look after my children right now as I have moved out of state and have pretty much no one!!

How can I do this at home?

Help please? Is there some kind of inexpensive equipment I need or can buy? Or even just for the first phase to get started?


  • firefightergal30
    firefightergal30 Posts: 15 Member
    Oh there are tons of ways! Upi could take an empty milk jug or a pair of them and fill them with water to your desired weight and use those as weights. Your own body weight is also a great weight resistance. I am doing a lot of training with a physical therapyst who uses mostly our body weight for resistance. We warm up with 10 burpies (if you don't know what a burpie is, its where you go from a standing position, get on the ground to do a push-up, hop back into the standing position, then hop up into the air. Thats one) then 10 supermans (you lie on your tummy then have your arms extended straight out in front of you then lift your legs off the floor and rais your arms up from the floor) then 10 flat backs (lye flat on your back and have your arms extended out over your head with your thumbs pointed to the ground and legs flat. Then you bring your body up from the flat position while keeping your arms straight and your knees up until your feet can be placed flat on the ground and return to the begining position. Thats one) then 10 body squats, then 10 dips. Thats the warm up. Then we get into the workout. We mainly do something like 30, 20, 10. so 30 burpies, body squats, flat backs, mountian climbers, dips. Then 20, then 10. We try to get it all done in 20 minutes. If you can't then you do what you can but dont stop moving. I have been doing this kind of stuff and I have gained so much more stregnth. It is amazing to me how much workout you can get with just your own body weight. If you are looking to stregnth train, I would look on line and see if you can't find more workouts like the one I mentioned above. Just make sure it is something you're doing to your own bodies copacity. Make sure you are listening to your body, not your mind. your head is going to tell you, you are tired and you should give up. Your body will keep going if you allow it. Push till the point of pain, if you get there then back off. You never want to push through pain. Thats how people get injured.

    If you just want to lift some weights then I would say take a look around the house and see what resembles equipment around the house. A chair can be used to do dips. There are countless exercises you can do on the floor. When I just had my daughter I used to use her as a curling bar lol....carefully of course. I would be sitting while I did it. Then when she was big enough I used to use her as a benching bar. I would lie on the flor and bench her a few times. She loved it and thought it was fun. I would even go to your local thrift store and see if you cant find some low weight dumbbells. I found some rinky dink 15lb ones but they do the trick when I can't make it to the gym. If you would like more workouts like the one I posted above let me know and I will be happy to share. I have lot's of them. Just make sure if you are going to do the 30, 20, 10 that you are giving yourself about a minute of rest in between.
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    You will need some equipment, at least some dumbbells, but the good news is that used weights work just as well as new ones, and Craigslist and yard sales are good sources for inexpensive weights.

    I started with a set of adjustable dumbbells (essentially two rods with weight plates) and got a book from the library about exercises to do with dumbbells.
  • Look up the book "You are your own gym". It's got a huge encyclopedia of body-weight exercises, and basic routines to get you started.
  • ohmyjiggle
    ohmyjiggle Posts: 71 Member
    Oh there are tons of ways! Upi could take an empty milk jug or a pair of them and fill them with water to your desired weight and use those as weights. Your own body weight is also a great weight resistance. I am doing a lot of training with a physical therapyst who uses mostly our body weight for resistance. We warm up with 10 burpies (if you don't know what a burpie is, its where you go from a standing position, get on the ground to do a push-up, hop back into the standing position, then hop up into the air. Thats one) then 10 supermans (you lie on your tummy then have your arms extended straight out in front of you then lift your legs off the floor and rais your arms up from the floor) then 10 flat backs (lye flat on your back and have your arms extended out over your head with your thumbs pointed to the ground and legs flat. Then you bring your body up from the flat position while keeping your arms straight and your knees up until your feet can be placed flat on the ground and return to the begining position. Thats one) then 10 body squats, then 10 dips. Thats the warm up. Then we get into the workout. We mainly do something like 30, 20, 10. so 30 burpies, body squats, flat backs, mountian climbers, dips. Then 20, then 10. We try to get it all done in 20 minutes. If you can't then you do what you can but dont stop moving. I have been doing this kind of stuff and I have gained so much more stregnth. It is amazing to me how much workout you can get with just your own body weight. If you are looking to stregnth train, I would look on line and see if you can't find more workouts like the one I mentioned above. Just make sure it is something you're doing to your own bodies copacity. Make sure you are listening to your body, not your mind. your head is going to tell you, you are tired and you should give up. Your body will keep going if you allow it. Push till the point of pain, if you get there then back off. You never want to push through pain. Thats how people get injured.

    If you just want to lift some weights then I would say take a look around the house and see what resembles equipment around the house. A chair can be used to do dips. There are countless exercises you can do on the floor. When I just had my daughter I used to use her as a curling bar lol....carefully of course. I would be sitting while I did it. Then when she was big enough I used to use her as a benching bar. I would lie on the flor and bench her a few times. She loved it and thought it was fun. I would even go to your local thrift store and see if you cant find some low weight dumbbells. I found some rinky dink 15lb ones but they do the trick when I can't make it to the gym. If you would like more workouts like the one I posted above let me know and I will be happy to share. I have lot's of them. Just make sure if you are going to do the 30, 20, 10 that you are giving yourself about a minute of rest in between.

    WOW thank you so much! I don't quite understand what you mean by the 30, 20, 10? I'm a little illiterate in terms of exercising.
    I want to do what ever possible to get "SOLID" if you will. I'm at a weight that's good for me, but Im super "doughy"

    My overall goal is fill myself with muscle, and NOT lose my butt. ;)

    So I pretty much want to do a transformation, with stronger less flabby arms, stomach, and my thighs.

    Thanks a lot :)
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    I started out with Kettlebells they help improve both your strength and balance then I added weight workouts after I felt a bit stronger I picked up a good set of 3 different sized pair of dumbbells. Then there is always pushups,planks, things of that nature. If you have Netflix DVD service you can get alot of pretty good workouts on there and they will ship you out one and you just send it bk when you are done and they send you the next one. I usually try them on there and if I like them I will go on amazon and buy the workout for at home.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    I started out with Kettlebells they help improve both your strength and balance then I added weight workouts after I felt a bit stronger I picked up a good set of 3 different sized pair of dumbbells. Then there is always pushups,planks, things of that nature. If you have Netflix DVD service you can get alot of pretty good workouts on there and they will ship you out one and you just send it bk when you are done and they send you the next one. I usually try them on there and if I like them I will go on amazon and buy the workout for at home.
  • ohmyjiggle
    ohmyjiggle Posts: 71 Member
    I started out with Kettlebells they help improve both your strength and balance then I added weight workouts after I felt a bit stronger I picked up a good set of 3 different sized pair of dumbbells. Then there is always pushups,planks, things of that nature. If you have Netflix DVD service you can get alot of pretty good workouts on there and they will ship you out one and you just send it bk when you are done and they send you the next one. I usually try them on there and if I like them I will go on amazon and buy the workout for at home.

    Thank you, what exactly do you do with "kettlebells"?
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i second the "you are your own gym." i think there is a website too.
  • Look up the book "You are your own gym". It's got a huge encyclopedia of body-weight exercises, and basic routines to get you started.

    That book looks amazing...125 exercises, wow! Thanks for posting it.
  • lsmsrbls
    lsmsrbls Posts: 232 Member
    Look up the book "You are your own gym". It's got a huge encyclopedia of body-weight exercises, and basic routines to get you started.

    I recommend this as well. There's also a great app (I think it costs $2 for iphone).
  • Saw that my local library has "You are your own gym" and "body by you", both by the same author. The books seem similar, both promote bodyweight exercises, but the "body by you" is geared toward women. Is there really a difference? Is the author just trying to cater to women who don't like to strength train?
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    I also started with Kettlebells. I recommend using a DVD with good instructions to get your form down. Amy Bento's 3 in 1 is made for beginners, as is the Kettlebell Goddess video. I'd recommend checking those out through your library (although Amy Bento DVDs can be found for about $10 on Amazon).

    I bought my first kettlebells from Marshalls/TJMaxx. Expect to pay about $1/lb, and you'll need 5lb and 10lbs to start with. I now have pairs of kettlebells (so 2 5s, 2 10s, etc) and singles of the 20lb+ ones.
  • tonynguyen75
    tonynguyen75 Posts: 418 Member
    Body weight exercises, if you have a suitcase you can stuff that full of heavy stuff, bags of rice, those big water cooler bottles, use your imagination! :D
  • Look up the book "You are your own gym". It's got a huge encyclopedia of body-weight exercises, and basic routines to get you started.


    And keep an eye on craigslist or if your area has a Sale, Trade, Want Facebook page --- because I've bought expensive weight sets and a body tower, the total retail would be close to 800 bucks for about 100. People have a tendency to buy this kind of stuff and they practically give it away.
  • firefightergal30
    firefightergal30 Posts: 15 Member
    Oh there are tons of ways! Upi could take an empty milk jug or a pair of them and fill them with water to your desired weight and use those as weights. Your own body weight is also a great weight resistance. I am doing a lot of training with a physical therapyst who uses mostly our body weight for resistance. We warm up with 10 burpies (if you don't know what a burpie is, its where you go from a standing position, get on the ground to do a push-up, hop back into the standing position, then hop up into the air. Thats one) then 10 supermans (you lie on your tummy then have your arms extended straight out in front of you then lift your legs off the floor and rais your arms up from the floor) then 10 flat backs (lye flat on your back and have your arms extended out over your head with your thumbs pointed to the ground and legs flat. Then you bring your body up from the flat position while keeping your arms straight and your knees up until your feet can be placed flat on the ground and return to the begining position. Thats one) then 10 body squats, then 10 dips. Thats the warm up. Then we get into the workout. We mainly do something like 30, 20, 10. so 30 burpies, body squats, flat backs, mountian climbers, dips. Then 20, then 10. We try to get it all done in 20 minutes. If you can't then you do what you can but dont stop moving. I have been doing this kind of stuff and I have gained so much more stregnth. It is amazing to me how much workout you can get with just your own body weight. If you are looking to stregnth train, I would look on line and see if you can't find more workouts like the one I mentioned above. Just make sure it is something you're doing to your own bodies copacity. Make sure you are listening to your body, not your mind. your head is going to tell you, you are tired and you should give up. Your body will keep going if you allow it. Push till the point of pain, if you get there then back off. You never want to push through pain. Thats how people get injured.

    If you just want to lift some weights then I would say take a look around the house and see what resembles equipment around the house. A chair can be used to do dips. There are countless exercises you can do on the floor. When I just had my daughter I used to use her as a curling bar lol....carefully of course. I would be sitting while I did it. Then when she was big enough I used to use her as a benching bar. I would lie on the flor and bench her a few times. She loved it and thought it was fun. I would even go to your local thrift store and see if you cant find some low weight dumbbells. I found some rinky dink 15lb ones but they do the trick when I can't make it to the gym. If you would like more workouts like the one I posted above let me know and I will be happy to share. I have lot's of them. Just make sure if you are going to do the 30, 20, 10 that you are giving yourself about a minute of rest in between.

    WOW thank you so much! I don't quite understand what you mean by the 30, 20, 10? I'm a little illiterate in terms of exercising.
    I want to do what ever possible to get "SOLID" if you will. I'm at a weight that's good for me, but Im super "doughy"

    My overall goal is fill myself with muscle, and NOT lose my butt. ;)

    So I pretty much want to do a transformation, with stronger less flabby arms, stomach, and my thighs.

    Thanks a lot :)

    30, 20, 10 means you do all the exercises 30 times then 20 times, then 10 times. I have seen people that have never worked out a day in their life come in and start the program. They do it 2 days a week for 12 weeks. By the time they are done with the 12th week, they are amazed at how much stronger they were from when they started. I just did my test today to see where I was at when I started and I doubled my numbers. It is amazing what you can do if you stop listening to your mind and let your body do the work! You can do it! Just take your time, don't sacrafice speed for form and keep moving! I will tell you one thing, you cannot "spot treat" it is an over all thing. If you were blessed with a beyonce booty then chances are is it will be proportionate with the rest of your body as it shrinks. I have a lot of junk in the trunk as well and have been down to 139 (im 5'9) so that was a pretty low weight for me. I still had the junk in the trunk. Those things are genetic.
  • fitandgeeky
    fitandgeeky Posts: 232 Member
    I just got a membership to the gym last week and I've been lifting for 8 months. I started with a set of dumbells, 5, 10, 15 lbs. I modified a fullbody lifting program (like Stronglifts or NROLFW) using this website - I ended up getting an Olympic barbell, plates and a bench by searching garage sales and craig's list. Where there's a will, there's a way :)
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    I agree with pp's who said to look on CL or garage see for weights :-) Also, the bar that you can add plates to. I think we already had 5's here and just slowly started buying more sets of dumbbells.
  • ohmyjiggle
    ohmyjiggle Posts: 71 Member
    Oh there are tons of ways! Upi could take an empty milk jug or a pair of them and fill them with water to your desired weight and use those as weights. Your own body weight is also a great weight resistance. I am doing a lot of training with a physical therapyst who uses mostly our body weight for resistance. We warm up with 10 burpies (if you don't know what a burpie is, its where you go from a standing position, get on the ground to do a push-up, hop back into the standing position, then hop up into the air. Thats one) then 10 supermans (you lie on your tummy then have your arms extended straight out in front of you then lift your legs off the floor and rais your arms up from the floor) then 10 flat backs (lye flat on your back and have your arms extended out over your head with your thumbs pointed to the ground and legs flat. Then you bring your body up from the flat position while keeping your arms straight and your knees up until your feet can be placed flat on the ground and return to the begining position. Thats one) then 10 body squats, then 10 dips. Thats the warm up. Then we get into the workout. We mainly do something like 30, 20, 10. so 30 burpies, body squats, flat backs, mountian climbers, dips. Then 20, then 10. We try to get it all done in 20 minutes. If you can't then you do what you can but dont stop moving. I have been doing this kind of stuff and I have gained so much more stregnth. It is amazing to me how much workout you can get with just your own body weight. If you are looking to stregnth train, I would look on line and see if you can't find more workouts like the one I mentioned above. Just make sure it is something you're doing to your own bodies copacity. Make sure you are listening to your body, not your mind. your head is going to tell you, you are tired and you should give up. Your body will keep going if you allow it. Push till the point of pain, if you get there then back off. You never want to push through pain. Thats how people get injured.

    If you just want to lift some weights then I would say take a look around the house and see what resembles equipment around the house. A chair can be used to do dips. There are countless exercises you can do on the floor. When I just had my daughter I used to use her as a curling bar lol....carefully of course. I would be sitting while I did it. Then when she was big enough I used to use her as a benching bar. I would lie on the flor and bench her a few times. She loved it and thought it was fun. I would even go to your local thrift store and see if you cant find some low weight dumbbells. I found some rinky dink 15lb ones but they do the trick when I can't make it to the gym. If you would like more workouts like the one I posted above let me know and I will be happy to share. I have lot's of them. Just make sure if you are going to do the 30, 20, 10 that you are giving yourself about a minute of rest in between.

    WOW thank you so much! I don't quite understand what you mean by the 30, 20, 10? I'm a little illiterate in terms of exercising.
    I want to do what ever possible to get "SOLID" if you will. I'm at a weight that's good for me, but Im super "doughy"

    My overall goal is fill myself with muscle, and NOT lose my butt. ;)

    So I pretty much want to do a transformation, with stronger less flabby arms, stomach, and my thighs.

    Thanks a lot :)

    30, 20, 10 means you do all the exercises 30 times then 20 times, then 10 times. I have seen people that have never worked out a day in their life come in and start the program. They do it 2 days a week for 12 weeks. By the time they are done with the 12th week, they are amazed at how much stronger they were from when they started. I just did my test today to see where I was at when I started and I doubled my numbers. It is amazing what you can do if you stop listening to your mind and let your body do the work! You can do it! Just take your time, don't sacrafice speed for form and keep moving! I will tell you one thing, you cannot "spot treat" it is an over all thing. If you were blessed with a beyonce booty then chances are is it will be proportionate with the rest of your body as it shrinks. I have a lot of junk in the trunk as well and have been down to 139 (im 5'9) so that was a pretty low weight for me. I still had the junk in the trunk. Those things are genetic.

    Oh ok But why do it from high to low?

    And what weight dumbbell should I start off with?
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Seconding Craigslist - the other day I found a complete bench + weights set, new in box, for free to anyone who was willing to haul it away. If I had somewhere to put it, I would have been there in a minute.

    And bodyweight. That's how I started - I used "Never Gymless" but "You Are Your Own Gym" is good too. They will take some equipment, but you can make most of it for pretty cheap. One of those over-the-door (not the spring kind unless you want to make some YouTube Fail videos) chinup bars is a good investment, and you can find them on online deal sites for $10-$15 pretty often, just have to keep an eye out. (That's also where I got my $99 HRM for $20, about 6 years ago.)
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    When I first started lifting, I started out with 3lbs weights. I purchased them from Target. A lot of the DVD's I was using at the time required dumbbells and the ladies always seemed to use 5lbs. I then graduated to 5, 8 and I'm now at 10lb. When I go to the gym I use 15lbs.

    You can get dumbbells from any Target or Walmart for a pretty reasonable price. I always catch them on sale.