Here We Go Again! - PCOS, ED, Yo-Yo Diets

24 year old female
Highest weight: 235
Current weight: 200
Lowest weight: 165
Goal weight: 165
Ultimate goal weight: 140

I was down to 165 in April....and shockingly, my weight is back to 200... time to lose again. I'm a serial dieter, and I'm looking for more of a life change. However, very few of my friends are supportive since they're all skinny. I can have support from my family and boyfriend, but at most times, they're too critical. I need a partner, with realistic expectations, to chat with. I need someone to text or email when I want a candy bar (hint - all day every day!!!).

I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which makes weight loss much harder. I've recently gone off my birth control to get my hormones in line after (FAILING) with the birth control implant. My acne and my swelling are somewhat starting to decrease, but definitely not going down quickly.

I have a history of eating disorders, most presently, binge eating. I'm an EXTREMELY impulsive eater. I need to control that.

I also need to curb my carbs (due to the insulin resistance from PCOS), but again... I love sweets, breads, pastas, all that bad stuff. I strongly believe in "cheat days" or meals... and I need to be able to have a glass of wine once/twice a month.

Anyone else looking for a partner to email or something?


  • AbstractAsterism
    AbstractAsterism Posts: 153 Member
    You sound like me! Though granted I have a lot more to lose. :)

    Friend request sent!
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    I also have PCOS and have had quite a bit of success losing weight and have kept it off for two years. You can friend me if you like. But, I'll tell you that the key to keeping my carb cravings under control is eating a ton of protein every day. I don't crave sweets or carbs anymore as long as I eat enough protein.
  • nsponseller
    Sounds like you need to join a Weight Watchers program, or some other sort of positive support weight loss group. They meet once a week, so you always get that boost of motivation to get you through.

    And just a suggestion, your #'s at the top of your post don't make any sense. You may want to correct those.

    Good luck in all your endeavors!!
  • KalieHudson
    KalieHudson Posts: 307 Member
    Hey! My stats have been very similar to yours. I also believe in cheat meals and wine! I actually eat dark chocolate daily but fit into my daily calories. I love to support all fellow MFP friends. Sent you a friend request. Feel free to contact me anytime you would like. Any one feel free to add!
  • daviese89
    Wow! thanks for all the support and comments already. I love women losing weight. They're the best kinds.

    I did try WW and actually GAINED weight because you have unlimited fruits and the type of carbs you can eat. My body lost the most weight on Ideal Protein diet - roughly 35lbs, but as soon as I ate regular food, it came back. I did not follow maintainence and did go a little crazy.

    Thanks for the requests!! I am JUST figuring out this thing, first post and all... so I will accept as soon as I learn how!

    What's been the hardest/easiest part for you? I'm trying to get back into working out, even starting small but the couch just is so much more comfy. Any tips??
  • victoriaemc
    Hi! My tip is set yourself an exercise goal. A race, a sponsored walk or similar.

    If people are sponsoring you, you'll have more motivation to keep up the good work and not let yourself or those sponsoring you down!
  • victoriaemc
    Hi! My tip is set yourself an exercise goal. A race, a sponsored walk or similar.

    If people are sponsoring you, you'll have more motivation to keep up the good work and not let yourself or those sponsoring you down!
  • gettingmeback2013
    gettingmeback2013 Posts: 112 Member
    Girl, you and I are almost IDENTICAL. I'm much older than you, but I was 25 when I initially started my weight loss journey(s). I'm 35 now.

    I'm 5'2", My highest weight was 236, lowest was 143, kept off for a few years, got pregnant, gained 80lbs and am losing all over again! While I don't have your same condition, I do have several "female" problems and that coupled with with being over 30 now, I am having a very tough time losing!

    I currently watch my calories, fat, and somewhat my carbs and sodium. I hit a stall a few months back, let some of my binge-eating habits creep back in, got lazy and now I am on a "shock diet" to get me back into the swing of things.

    Let's be friends!