What breed of dog should I get???

Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
Since our German shorthaired pointer had to be put down 2 months ago we've been slooooowly thinking about getting a puppy. Dh wants another GSHP, daughter wants a beagle, and I'm not sure what I want. I definitely want to rescue a dog. I've had cocker spaniels, great danes, and a GSHP in the past. I'd love to have a Belgian Malinois (sp) but have no idea where a rescue would even be. Just kicking around ideas at this point.

What breed do you have and is it good with kids and cats? Thanks so much!


  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    Boxers. Dumb, sweet, so loving, rather high energy. Or, if you want something less dumb, my rescue pit is the sweetest dog on the planet. He's converted so many people over from being afraid of pit's to loving them.
  • MichaelleahciM
    Great Pyrenees are great dogs and very friendly.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Malinois are GSDs on crack.

    I have goldens and adore them and labs, but I really like most of the sporting breeds. You can go to Petfinder.com and search for different breeds there by your zip code and that will give you the names of the rescues in your area.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Mini doxie.
  • aprmay
    aprmay Posts: 216 Member
    I like huskies, lab, and grayhounds to name a few. :)
  • azzkikin
    azzkikin Posts: 458 Member
    Bulldog Shih Tzu mix
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    Go to a shelter and see what dog catches your eye. If they get along with your family, then it's a win! I'm a huge advocate for adoption... So many dogs without homes :cry:
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Bulldog Shih Tzu mix

    bull sh1t
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member

    See ticker.
  • wannabhealthy50
    wannabhealthy50 Posts: 67 Member
    Beagle or scottish terrier!
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    l love my mutt (German Shepard/Lab mix). Intelligent, gentle, cute, and loving with the whole family. :smile:
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I have an APBT, he loves people, other dogs and even cats. However, be prepared if you get one. Stupid, ignorant people everywhere will accuse you of dog fighting, being a criminal and having a "mean" dog. Also, mine just turned 6 and is still wild as can be. I read that they calm down when they turn 2, that was false. If he didn't walk a few miles per day on the treadmill he might drive me completely crazy.
  • fattymcbuttrpants
    I have a french bulldog and she is THE BEST dog we've ever had. Such a great personality. And great with kids. I take her in with me to do speech therapy sometimes and the kids absolutely adore her! She's on my instagram if you want to check out a few of her photos @brifizzle
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    I have a full blooded Lab who is of champion blood lines because she was an oopsie and there were only 2 in the litter. She's pretty.

    I have a full blooded Rott who is of champion blood lines who came to live with us when our other Lab died and the above female was so devastated that our friend would bring the Rott to come play, one day she stayed.

    I have a Brindle Boxer/German Shepherd mix who is a rescue. She came to us when my husband adopted her at a truck stop in CA. The shelter brings the dogs out there which is a smart idea because it give truck drivers companionship and protection and saves the animals life. Coco was literally walking the Green Mile, had she not have been adopted she would have been put down the next day. She's a great dog, and always grateful.

    Of my 3 I will say that I will NEVER not have a Rott again. I love this breed, they're smart, loyal, gentle, loving, dopes. There is nothing I love more than when Sophie comes over to me and lays her head on me and snorts her sigh out while I pet her. While my MIL was here she and Sophie were inseperatable, I almost let Sophie go back with MIL but she decided caring for Sophie might be too hard.

    Coco our Rescue has learned every German command Sophie knows, we did not teach them to her, she just watched and learned. She also, will sit and wait until her food is in her bowl and told to eat, by watching Sophie. Never once did we ever go to train her, she already knew her commands of sit, lay down, stay, and heel but one day we'd told Sophie to seitz (sit in German) and Coco sat also. (Sophie can also take her commands in English) That's pretty dang cool.

    Like I said, Belle, the Lab, is pretty. She's been a challenge to train after her initial commands, but she's a big lovey dope in her way too. She loves to cuddle with the cats and have her face washed by our oldest cat. When we adopted our kitten she was so gentle and patient it was amazing.

    All breeds have great qualities, I will say that after seeing my friends Rotts (he breeds them) around his kids and the one we have and all the people I've spoken to who have Rotts all say they do make really good family dogs. Rescues just usually seem to know and they're just so happy. Any dog can be mean if they're raised to be.

    Good luck with whatever you get. I can't imagine not having a dog in my home, I'd just be lost without one.
  • wildrose53
    wildrose53 Posts: 1,342 Member
    Mini doxie.

    I have a mini who now runs my home, but I can't imagine life without him!
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Wowww....thanks for all the replies! I forgot about greyhounds. LOVE THEM but I don't have a fenced in back yard and we go to the mountains quite frequently and would need a dog that could be off leash. I'd love to rescue one though!
  • verymissk
    verymissk Posts: 262 Member
    Miniature Dachshunds are the best dogs known to man, but they're not particularly fond of children or cats. It's why I love them so.
  • scott_farmer
    scott_farmer Posts: 3 Member
    You can never go wrong with a Golden Retriever. They have the greatest personalities, they love attention, they are great with children of all ages, and they are super easy to train.
  • GTAFrank
    GTAFrank Posts: 730 Member
    I've had a number of breeds but now I am exclusive to GSDs. They are so darn smart
