New friends that only need to drop 5-30lbs.



  • MissyBrears
    MissyBrears Posts: 41 Member
    Started last fall to lose 25-30 lbs. went from 145 to 135 got stuck gave up after a few months at the same weight. Now looking to start again and hope fully get over that hump New starting weight 142.3. Want to break back into the 120's. I am 5 2 and 47.
    Any help on how to get over a hump would be appreciated.
  • vinadity98
    vinadity98 Posts: 26 Member
  • chelsiequijas
    chelsiequijas Posts: 11 Member
    im 24 & in college working two jobs trying lose weight!!!!! feel free add me we can push each other:)
  • LauraElectric
    LauraElectric Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, I'm in the same boat...30 years old, have come to the end of my postgraduate study with 20 unwanted pounds! Have lost 5 in the last 2 weeks through MFP and cardio, but really want to get in tiptop shape and take strength training more seriously. I love cooking and am enjoying the challenge of making healthier choices in the kitchen.

    I have made a promise that by the 31st August 2014 (my 31st Birthday) I will be in the best shape of my life...I am looking for supportive and encouraging friends to keep me motivated :)

    I have felt a bit silly in some threads talking about losing 20lbs when some people are losing 100lbs, but we all face our challenges.

    Anyone please feel free to add me, I have an open diary and appreciate any advice you have.
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    I'm 22 and have lost nearly 25lbs so far. I've got another 30ish to go!
  • kerbyd13
    kerbyd13 Posts: 46 Member
    anyone feel free to add me, im 23 with 25 pounds to go. I am having such a hard time getting motivated and staying motivated. I need real friends, not just people that want a # number of friends but wont even take time to comment or shoot someone a message.
  • I am 30 years old and have a 4 year old son who keeps me busy! I need to get down to 140..... 10 more lbs to go! But it seriously feels like I can not break the barrier in to the 140's.. when that day comes I will being celebrating big time!
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    im 25 and i want to lose about 20lbs its been hard to lose. i am married and we have a 4yr old son. i work full time at a i sit all day it is hard to push myself once i get home i just want to cook dinner and watch tv before bed.
  • felakutlery
    felakutlery Posts: 2 Member

    I'm a guy in my last year of medical school, 175 & 5'10" and would like to ditch about twenty pounds. I worked as a teacher over the summer and we were based at a boarding school, with the usual complement of three-carbs meals that come with those. I have my elective [going to Central America to soak up the sun / potter into hospital] fairly near some beaches; would like to be able to walk out in February and not feel like Moby ****.
  • Hi I am attempting to get back on track again with fitness pal. I have started using app again 2 days ago and hope to loose around 30-36 lbs. We will see what happens... (fingers crossed)
  • cmcbride152
    cmcbride152 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. I'm 45 years old and trying to lost 12-15 lbs. Finding it very hard to drop the weight. For me it is difficult, even with exercise, I'm stuck! But I'm back to tracking all my food and will be upping my activity level. Hard to do at a desk job all day. I try to get up and walk around the office as much as possible!