sugar level always too high!



  • kayleighlang5
    kayleighlang5 Posts: 34 Member
    But, if Carbohydrates are not used, they turn into sugar, and combined with high sugar levels, will result in weight gain, as sugar is turned into fat.
    So you're telling me that because I ate a bunch of sugar today, I will gain fat overnight? :huh:

    Yes, didn't you know, you can eat as many calories as you want but just don't eat carbs because they magically make you gain weight. Fat and protein don't turn into fat, just carbs. Logic.

    Not everyone necessarily knows that, so it's not complete logic-- and that's okay, too! As long as they learn. But surely some carbs are good for you, right?
  • kayleighlang5
    kayleighlang5 Posts: 34 Member
    I usually stay within my carb and protein limits, but I ALWAYS go over in my sugar limit! It really makes you see how much sugar we consume on a daily basis. It's very hard to pick foods that don't have sugar, as just about everything has sugar in it!

    I really don't like it when people say "just eat less sugary foods." It's not that simple. Like I stated above, you can get sugar in just about anything, even if something isn't seen as a "sugary food." So it's hard to know how to rectify it.

    Agreed! I think that as long as the sugar is coming from something good (and even that's a bit difficult) and not really refined, that might be a good rule of thumb? It's still really hard, though!
  • kayleighlang5
    kayleighlang5 Posts: 34 Member
    But! I took some advice and decided to replace my morning yogurt with some soy milk. Maybe I could have my yogurt sparingly and during dessert? That might be nice!
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    But, if Carbohydrates are not used, they turn into sugar, and combined with high sugar levels, will result in weight gain, as sugar is turned into fat.
    So you're telling me that because I ate a bunch of sugar today, I will gain fat overnight? :huh:

    Yes, didn't you know, you can eat as many calories as you want but just don't eat carbs because they magically make you gain weight. Fat and protein don't turn into fat, just carbs. Logic.

    Not everyone necessarily knows that, so it's not complete logic-- and that's okay, too! As long as they learn. But surely some carbs are good for you, right?

    OK, you're scaring me now... He was being sarcastic!

    Unless you're diabetic you don't need to worry about your sugar. Also, for nutrition and weight loss purposes, sugar is sugar is sugar is sugar is sugar, regardless of whether it comes from fruit or a candy bar or your farmer's market honey. Worry about getting enough protein and fill the rest of your calories up with whatever foods make you feel good.
  • kayleighlang5
    kayleighlang5 Posts: 34 Member
    But, if Carbohydrates are not used, they turn into sugar, and combined with high sugar levels, will result in weight gain, as sugar is turned into fat.
    So you're telling me that because I ate a bunch of sugar today, I will gain fat overnight? :huh:

    Yes, didn't you know, you can eat as many calories as you want but just don't eat carbs because they magically make you gain weight. Fat and protein don't turn into fat, just carbs. Logic.

    Not everyone necessarily knows that, so it's not complete logic-- and that's okay, too! As long as they learn. But surely some carbs are good for you, right?

    OK, you're scaring me now... He was being sarcastic!

    Unless you're diabetic you don't need to worry about your sugar. Also, for nutrition and weight loss purposes, sugar is sugar is sugar is sugar is sugar, regardless of whether it comes from fruit or a candy bar or your farmer's market honey. Worry about getting enough protein and fill the rest of your calories up with whatever foods make you feel good.

    Thanks for the advice, no need to be rude though. This is a forum for help, advice, and inspiration! How was I-- or anyone-- supposed to know that he was being sarcastic?
  • RenshiG
    RenshiG Posts: 71 Member
    It looks like you're doing really well in general. If you're still concerned, look at switching your morning yogurt to something different--my diabetic family likes to call dairy "white Kool-Aid" for its tendency to be a hidden sugar bomb. Also, consider eating more whole fruit and drinking less juice.

    Thanks for the advice! I'll have to start replacing my yogurt (even though I love it oh-so-much) with whole fruit. I was always told that it's good to have the majority of your sugar (GOOD SUGAR) intake in the morning, but perhaps I'm wrong about this? I've also totally learned my lesson on the juice part-- but if I made my own smoothie (with tofu and fruit, for example), would that be okay too? I guess you might need a juice base for that too.... perhaps if I used unsweetened soy milk....

    Anywho, I'll definitely take that advice! Thanks!

    Def agree about the yoghurt. If you really really crave it get the natural (no flavor) kind and add your own sugar (little honey for instance). At least you know what you put into it.

    One thing I really like is cottage cheese. Not everybody's thing but it is amazingly high in protein, low in carbs. I get the 2% small curd (fat free is just gross). It's not yoghurt but you can dress it up really nicely with fruits esp berries just like yoghurt or use it on sweet potatos etc.
  • But, if Carbohydrates are not used, they turn into sugar, and combined with high sugar levels, will result in weight gain, as sugar is turned into fat.
    So you're telling me that because I ate a bunch of sugar today, I will gain fat overnight? :huh:

    Yes, didn't you know, you can eat as many calories as you want but just don't eat carbs because they magically make you gain weight. Fat and protein don't turn into fat, just carbs. Logic.

    I did not know that - well i did, but when i watch my daily report it tells me something different - that is why i am really getting confused :-(
  • But, if Carbohydrates are not used, they turn into sugar, and combined with high sugar levels, will result in weight gain, as sugar is turned into fat.
    So you're telling me that because I ate a bunch of sugar today, I will gain fat overnight? :huh:

    Yes, didn't you know, you can eat as many calories as you want but just don't eat carbs because they magically make you gain weight. Fat and protein don't turn into fat, just carbs. Logic.

    I did not know that - well i did, but when i watch my daily report it tells me something different - that is why i am really getting confused :-(

    Now I'm confused
  • But, if Carbohydrates are not used, they turn into sugar, and combined with high sugar levels, will result in weight gain, as sugar is turned into fat.
    So you're telling me that because I ate a bunch of sugar today, I will gain fat overnight? :huh:

    Yes, didn't you know, you can eat as many calories as you want but just don't eat carbs because they magically make you gain weight. Fat and protein don't turn into fat, just carbs. Logic.

    I did not know that - well i did, but when i watch my daily report it tells me something different - that is why i am really getting confused :-(

    Now I'm confused

    First I'd like to see how many more quotes we can quote in one reply. :) & second, I can't stop giggling. :smile: