New Here

Hi all,

New to MYFITNESSPAL, I stumbled upon the site while looking for a weight loss app for my iPhone. I've got a long way to go.

Right now I'm focusing on what I'm eating. I'm still looking for the thing that will make me want to exercise. I've got excuses (work until 7pm 3 nights a week, 2 small children, etc.) but the real reason is that I just don't like it. That's my stumbling block. It makes weight loss a lot harder (and I know that too) but I'm going to work with what I can do now. It's one day at a time.


  • DonnaMaas
    OMG, you are just like me regarding exercise. I do not like to exercise at all. Right now all I am doing is trying to walk 20-30 minutes 3 days a week and I usually don't even do that. All my kids are adults but I work 2 jobs so it makes it hard at times and I know that is why I am losing slower than I want to. But I am keeping good track of my food and I can tell a big difference in how I feel and I know you will too. Lets be friends and support each other.
  • Lulu2929
    Even if you can only do 15 minutes-you're halfway there. And sometimes if I just tell myself I am going to walk 10 minutes - once I get going i usually do more. You can't start the journey without the first step.
  • losergirl78
    Welcome!! It's great that you've started MFP! The exercise will com, too. I absolutely hated anything that had to do with it, and I have some friends that are changing their eating habits along with me. They joined a local gym that has aerobics and yoga classes there and were trying to get me to join with them. For the first week they actually came to my house and wouldn't leave no matter my excuse, they literally had to drag me to the gym. After the first week I found I enjoy it and now I'm the first one there and ready to go. So, try several things and a support group if you can and eventually you'll find something you love to do.
  • Myantek
    Thanks for the welcome. :)

    I'm walking my kids to school the three days that I can. It's about 20-30 minutes there and back (depending on how much they're dragging their feet on the way there). I try to book it when I walk back by myself.
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    Feel the same about the exercise.