Motivational friends losing 70lbs or more

Im not trying to discriminate against people who are trying to lose 5-65lbs im just looking for friends that are in a similar situation to me. Its hard to look at people right now who desparetly want to lose 30lbs when i have so much more to lose.


  • Hiya,

    I have a lot more than that to lose, I need to lose about 210lbs so I understand what your saying. Add me as a friend and we can encourage each other x
  • Add me too! I'm in need of losing 110 pounds.
  • I have a bit more than that to lose myself so I can see where you are coming from. Add me and we can motivate each other. :bigsmile:
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
  • wings651
    wings651 Posts: 15 Member
    I have about 70 pounds to lose, go ahead and add me!
  • I need to lose about 200 lbs to get at my goal weight. Yesterday I attending my first of six doctor appointments for surgery. After talking to the surgeon we came up with a plan from start to finish and then some. I have been thinking about having surgery for a while now maybe two years and finally decided it was time to have a chat and it turned out to be one of the best things I have done for myself thus far. Now I am not saying surgery is right for every person but for myself after trying everything else this is going to be a great new beginning. 90% of this journey is mental and changing my whole life not just for a period of time but for good so surrounding myself with motivated great people is going to help not just myself but them as well. I don't have a facebook but you are more then welcome to email me all of you at if you put "Motivation Friend" in the subject line i'll know what it is for and we can all help each other. I hope to hear from you all good luck with your ventures and God bless.

  • Ndnrosie
    Ndnrosie Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I have 78 lbs to get to my goal. I had lost 52 lbs before and kept it off for 4 years before a whole bunch of life changes saw me add 50 lbs back on in the last year. I'm getting back onto the lifestyle wagon and definitely looking for others who are in a similar situation as me!
  • 73 lbs to lose! More than halfway there :)
  • I also have 70lbs, ok 71lbs, to lose to get to my goal weight. I had shied away from MFP for a year but I'm back on because I WANT to be healthy and I WANT to feel good about my appearance. I just started a bootcamp class to jump start the fitness piece.

    Ladies and Gents, WE CAN DO THIS!
  • shannahay
    shannahay Posts: 4 Member
    Hi :) I have about 80 pounds left to lose. Add me! I log daily. We can motivate each other and maybe even get to our goal around the same time. How exciting :P
  • Yep - I've got a LOT to lose! Doing it the healthy way, one day at a time. My goal weight is around 165 and I'm about 265 right now. I've lost about 18 lbs already though!

    There's a whole different mindset when you've decided to lose a lot of weight. It seems impossible, sometimes hopeless, and the results barely show for a long time. But keep your chin up! Good luck! - M
  • lesley964
    lesley964 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi there, in total I want to lose about 100 but couldn't bring myself to put the full goal on MFP!!!...I've done 24 so far since middle of July this year and I am obsessive now!!! Had nearly a whole lifetime of losing , putting on more, losing again, putting more on again so now it is not a diet, it is a healthy lifestyle I am going for now.
    I'm looking to reach out to some more friends for some mutual confidence boosting so feel free to add me too!
  • MizMimi111
    MizMimi111 Posts: 244 Member
    Add me to the club! :smile:

    I need to lose over 100 lbs. Just started MFP in August and it's going okay so far. But I could definitely use the support of people in similar situations.
  • sukifr
    sukifr Posts: 70 Member
    Yep add me too!!

    I've got another 110 pounds to lose, so I'm gonna be around for a while :smile:
  • xxSkye10xx
    xxSkye10xx Posts: 2 Member
    Add me :) I need motivating and I need to loose 70-90lb !!
  • Add me too :D
    I need to loose 60+ :)
  • You can add me, I have lost 43 pounds so far and I want to lose another 50 pounds.
  • TheRealOrson
    TheRealOrson Posts: 1,415 Member
    Count me in if you would like.

    Going from 350lb to 220lb with muscle gains. Currently 282lb
  • I have 100 pounds to loose so understand how hard it is to stay motivated when much thinner people moan about the work they have to do. As a large tattooed lady i feel like a joke half the time but im slogging away i have already lost 90lbs before starting myfitness pal but the last 100 seem to be even tougher to shift.together we will get there though
  • I need to lose 142 lbs. I'm 48 years and 5'8" tall.