Focus T25 Starting Today



  • shadowgem13
    shadowgem13 Posts: 29 Member
    Just started T25 today and I hate it. I hate in that "I may not be able to stand...and had to modify....alot......but I'll be back for you tomorrow you &*^%$#$" kind of way.
  • tsimehc2000
    tsimehc2000 Posts: 80 Member
    Question for those of you doing T25. (I posted this in general weightloss area too but not sure if it will get seen.) I'm finishing up the Alpha phase of T25 this week and meant to start Beta next week.

    Concern: I don't feel like I'm where I should be with Alpha let alone move onto Beta. I'm sorry - oblique push-ups?? I don't move as fast Tania, let the alone the rest of the group, for the lunge/squat progression. Pike ups??? Floor sprints? Just stick me in a bag and bury me.

    Questions: 1) Did you guys feel like I do at the end of Alpha? and if so, did you move onto Beta anyway?
    2) If you didn't feel like I do at the end of Alpha - what do you think that I'm doing wrong?

    I finished Alpha and I'm a lot like you. I have done oblique push-ups before, but with this workout, I need to catch my breath first and I never had a chance. Lunge-squat progression is my nemesis, but that is just because of my balance. I walk through it instead of jump. I finally managed the pike-ups at the very end of Alpha, so I was happy with that. However, I barely could do a floor sprint again because of the need to catch my breath (I'm old - 45 - and have asthma so I have to be careful).

    All that being said, I'm moving on to Beta. I've done my best. Beta is interesting, the first workout was harder than I expected, but I enjoyed Speed 2.0 and RipT Circuit (the latter I did today). Its different, to borrow a different workout catchphrase, "Do your best and forget the rest". I think the nice part about these workouts is that once I have completed Beta and Gamma, I can go back to Alpha. I don't believe they progress from easier to harder, I think they all have their challenges in their own way.
  • are822
    are822 Posts: 46 Member
    Just found these posts! I'm in week 7 of T25, in the Beta Phase and loving it. I stopped weighing myself awhile ago, but definitely have been losing inches. Feel free to add me, my diary is open and I'd love to chat with anyone doing the program!
  • are822
    are822 Posts: 46 Member
    Question for those of you doing T25. (I posted this in general weightloss area too but not sure if it will get seen.) I'm finishing up the Alpha phase of T25 this week and meant to start Beta next week.

    Concern: I don't feel like I'm where I should be with Alpha let alone move onto Beta. I'm sorry - oblique push-ups?? I don't move as fast Tania, let the alone the rest of the group, for the lunge/squat progression. Pike ups??? Floor sprints? Just stick me in a bag and bury me.

    Questions: 1) Did you guys feel like I do at the end of Alpha? and if so, did you move onto Beta anyway?
    2) If you didn't feel like I do at the end of Alpha - what do you think that I'm doing wrong?

    I will say that during the Beta Phase, Shaun T says over and over to go at your own speed. I slow a lot of things down because the most important thing is that your form is good and you are focused. I really started noticing changes when I was doing everything he told me to do (abs tight, head up, neck long, spread my feet) rather than just trying to keep up with everyone in the video. It's your workout, make it your own and you'll see results. You definitely build on the moves in Alpha, but it might be worth it to just start Beta when you're done and see what you thing. It's not that things are necessarily harder, they are just different workouts. Some moves are way easier than things we do in Alpha and some are way more challenging. I find that the ab exercises where Tania actually isn't modifying are the ones I need to modify so I just make it work for me.
  • Whoop - had to do a "start over" on my T-25 - just had so much happening even the 25 minutes didn't happen (not to mention the TWO 25 minute workouts you do on Fridays)

    So Day 3 Alpha tonight. Love the program - Shawn T is great. Have done Insanity as well. I am doing Shakeology as well - great nutricianal meal - Between the two, I will be putting on a bikini for the first time in my life when we hit Hawaii in October! woot!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I did workout number two today and I love it! I love that I can push myself and work up such a sweat in 25 minutes! It is fun and goes fast. I am such a workout dropout, I hope this is the first program I FINALLY finish!!!
  • Im in IT/Telecomunications my desk job its killing me

    im going to start insanity(again) next week. also have T25... which one u think its more efective on weight loss?

    BTW great post!!!

  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi all

    I hope you don't mind but I have a question for you doing T25. I would love to give it a go but I have very weak knees. So jumping and all that is not really good for me. Would it still a good program to do even though I would have to modify a lot of the moves?

    Any input would be welcome!

    Thank you!
  • bestkiwi2003
    bestkiwi2003 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi all,

    Love seeing other people out there helping others.. I am doing my day 1 of C25k tomorrow. Just a little about me, been off and on of various diets and have never kept the weight off. I reached my heaviest weight this year at 102kgs and am now sitting at 95kgs,

    This is my accountability statement, I have given myself a challenge of loosing 6-8 kgs before xmas and completing the C25 program using Run Keeper.

    I have also got myself a fitbit and loving the challenge of moving (have a sit on my bum job 9-5 M-F).

    Good luck for all healthy MFP'ers

  • are822
    are822 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi all

    I hope you don't mind but I have a question for you doing T25. I would love to give it a go but I have very weak knees. So jumping and all that is not really good for me. Would it still a good program to do even though I would have to modify a lot of the moves?

    Any input would be welcome!

    Thank you!

    Absolutely! Trust me, the modifications are still a FANTASTIC workout. My knees get sore from a lot of my workouts so I literally feel your pain. Every single jumping move can be modified and you will still burn calories and get stronger. You will build your leg strength up during alpha which will definitely help alleviate some knee pain.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi all

    I hope you don't mind but I have a question for you doing T25. I would love to give it a go but I have very weak knees. So jumping and all that is not really good for me. Would it still a good program to do even though I would have to modify a lot of the moves?

    Any input would be welcome!

    Thank you!

    Absolutely! Trust me, the modifications are still a FANTASTIC workout. My knees get sore from a lot of my workouts so I literally feel your pain. Every single jumping move can be modified and you will still burn calories and get stronger. You will build your leg strength up during alpha which will definitely help alleviate some knee pain.

    Thank you so much for the input! It is such a pain to have weak knees but I will look into it now that you said it is still good with the modifications! Again thank you!
  • tsimehc2000
    tsimehc2000 Posts: 80 Member
    Started week 7 today. Haven't missed a workout yet. Today was Dynamic Core - that is one weird workout. My HRM is acting a little wacky because at one point it said my heart rate was 230 - which then dropped to 110. I know this is a core workout, but some of the moves don't seem to work my core. I'll still do this one, but it is not one of my favorites.
  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    I started Beta yesterday and actually really enjoyed it; the core cardio. I was worried about starting Beta as I don't feel I'm where I should be after Alpha but I am diggin' the new/different workouts! (I get bored of doing the same WO for too long - leading me to just stop working out. This change is good. Plus, I'll be taking the advice of others from this forum and just do what I can with good form.) I stopped doing the Monday through Friday with double DVDs on Friday - I was dreading it too much. I'm assuming that spreading the love between six days won't really be that big of a deal. This morning was Speed 2.0. :laugh: Oh my goodness was THAT a workout! I felt like I had no coordination AT ALL and was glad that we repeated the moves so often. Today's 25 minutes went by really fast.

    I can't believe how quickly the 5 weeks of Alpha went! I was going to measure myself over the weekend but forgot so will need to try do that this coming Saturday. Definitely know that I'm losing inches though (if not weight) as I bought 2 new suits for work on Friday and the skirts were a size 6 (my "current" skirts are a 10.) Also bought jeans a week or two ago that were a size 8 from American Eagle and a size 27 BKEs (again, my "current" jeans are a 10.)
  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    Just finished week one of Beta. Definitely have a long way to go!!
  • Today is my last day of alpha! Thank God! It was good but I am ready for a change and need a small break lol. I am taking next week off and then starting beta the following monday. I lost only one lb doing this, while watching what I ate except for saturdays, but I feel a whole lot better, so trying not to focus on the scale so much.
  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    Today is my last day of alpha! Thank God! It was good but I am ready for a change and need a small break lol. I am taking next week off and then starting beta the following monday. I lost only one lb doing this, while watching what I ate except for saturdays, but I feel a whole lot better, so trying not to focus on the scale so much.

    Great job! Like you, I was SO ready for different exercises by the time Beta rolled around. I was worried that I wouldn't be strong enough to do the exercises but in the end decided, "Screw it! I need a change!" lol. It's going well. I think that you'll like Beta. I'm just about to finish week 2. I thought about taking some time off but then just pushed ahead as I can't wait to be done with the whole program. :-)
  • tsimehc2000
    tsimehc2000 Posts: 80 Member
    FYI - Still plugging away. Missed a week on a business trip, unfortunately. However, I have abandoned Beta. The lunges in Beta were just too hard on my knees and thighs, so I started Gamma. I LOVE GAMMA round! I'm one week down on it and it is great. This will be my workout for a while.
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    Round 2 Day 1 for me today! I loved Round 1. Had some outside issues that put me off track a bit, but I am back in it and refocused. Feel free to add me as a friend...
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    Second week of Gamma.........I heard he is coming out with Delta. But I hope to use T25 until P90x3 comes out.
  • Fabfitgirl5
    Fabfitgirl5 Posts: 91 Member
    Well this is an older post, but I have been a plateau since I started, even when I was eating perfectly. My body was not really loosing anything and I was running, playing tennis, etc. Don't know what else I could do. My weight loss goal was aggressive at 2 lbs a week and the system wanted me to eat 1200 a day, which I would die if I did that so mentally I only opted for 1 lb a week and I eat about 1500 a day, and work out about 4 times a week. Still nothing. I am trying not to let myself believe the argument some people make about weight loss- "maybe you are just one of those people who will never loos weight because your body wants to hold onto what it has"- but it is getting harder to stay motivated. I am 5.6 1/2 and I weighed 178.2 when I started in April, but now I weight 181.2 - yes I have gone UP!!!! WTH! :explode:

    I had some medical issues back in April but they did not make me loose weight so I couldn't even begin to figure out what is wrong with my body and my metabolism. Well with all that said, I need a supercharge workout that will, I hope, shock my body because running, tennis, walking, weights, etc. aren't doing a damn thing. (no I do not always eat back my workout points).:grumble:

    I ordered T25 on Sunday an I am hoping it gets to me by Wednesday so I can get started on it this week. Fingers crossed, I am hoping I have the results some people have by the end of the program and that I can loose at least 10 lbs or if not lbs then at least I can loose 2 inches per thigh, 1 inch on each arm, 2 inches around my chest and 4-6 inches around my tummy.
    I am going to take before and after pics and post them to make myslef accountable so wish me luck.

    Thanks for this tread, nice to know others are out there motivate to change and doing this program as well. :smile: