Anyone getting in shape to go on a Cruise or a Vacation ??



  • basslinewild
    basslinewild Posts: 294 Member
    I was maintaining when I went on a cruise in June of this year. After eating the buffet three times a day for a week, plus tons of ice cream, I gained 7lbs. :blushing: It was worth it though!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I'm going on a cruise in October-Nov this year, and I plan on going as a size 4 and weighing under 130 pounds. That's slightly less than 1 pound per week loss, but I am determined to get it done!
  • tnwombles
    tnwombles Posts: 6 Member
    My husband and I are going on a cruise on Jan 1st next year and I am doing everything I can to get into shape! We will be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary and I was about 30lbs heavier when we were married. I would love to knock his socks off wearing a cute swimsuit.

    How are y'all getting into shape?

    What is your exercise routine. What are you eating/limiting from your diet?

    I need all the help I can get!

  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    I'm getting in shape because I want to look fit as fukk ALL the time... I want to be able to look down at my tummy and be like, 3 kids? So what? No excuses!

    I guess I'm just greedy. :laugh: