Need advice- Wisdom Teeth are coming out

I am scheduled to have my wisdom teeth out tomorrow and am stressing on the impact this will have on my weight loss. I have done a decent job of being active (trying to get at least 45 minutes of moderate to strenuous activity day) and realize that I will be laid up for at least a few days. Any recommendations for low calorie/fat soft foods that will help me not gain over the next few days while I am stationary?


  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    From my experience dealing with wisdom teeth that were impacted, you won't be eating much other broth and water. Stuff that you don't have to chew or think about that just slides right down.
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    I think eating will be so uncomfortable, that you probably don't need to worry.

    I'm getting my first 2 out in a month, so I'm interested in seeing what people say!
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    You would have to be at a significant surplus of calories to gain. Set your calorie intake level to maintenance for sedentary for the next few days until you feel like exercising again. My experience with wisdom teeth is that you won't feel like eating much anyway. Protein shakes, smoothies, yogurt, avocado, applesauce, and bananas should be fairly easy to eat. When you're sick or recovering from illness or surgery, you need to focus on nourishing your body for healing instead of worrying about weight loss. You can't get that far off track in the few days it will take to recover from getting your wisdom teeth out.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    I had no problems with mine coming out in December. I ate ice cream, cooled off soup (so I wouldn't burn myself), scrambled eggs, and lots of water for a couple days. Slowly moved back to things like noodles and such. The only problem I had was dribbling on myself because my mouth was still numb. I'm not sure I lost any weight, but I wasn't eating very much and wasn't moving around much anyways so it worked out.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    When you're sick, or post-surgery... just take care of yourself. No need to restrict your diet for the 2 days you'll be hurting. I ate a lot of peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. I was in bootcamp though, and we didn't have soups... bananas are probably good too. Boiled sweet potatoes... scrambled eggs... protein shakes...
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    Don't stress! I know some people that were in pain, but I was back to normal pretty much as soon as the drugs from the surgery wore off. I was eating normal food the next day and had no problems at all. I think that's kinda the exception since most people do have some sort of pain, but there's no use in worrying about it beforehand and stressing over it. My sister couldn't eat solid food for a few days, so she ate things like soup, applesauce, yogurt and mashed potatoes. Don't worry about exercising and just listen to how your body feels. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I'm a mutant and don't have wisdom teeth. But I can tell you when my wife had hers taken out, she was in so much discomfort that she wasn't thinking about food. Focus on getting better.

    If you want something to try, my mother in law made an egg soup that was amazing. Beat one egg with a cup of chicken broth out of a can. Whip it into a even/smooth consistency. Pour it into a bowl and boil/steam the bowl (almost like a double boiler). It makes for a watery gelatin like egg mixture that goes down really easy. Slurp it down with a straw or spoon. My kids love this and will fight over it.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Nothing with a straw! Don't worry about it, a couple days and you'll be back to normal. Even if you eat at maintenance you won't be gaining. Your whole diet won't be blown by a couple days off.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    lol, if anything you'll lose weight. you can't eat solid food for a while. at least i couldn't.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    From my experience dealing with wisdom teeth that were impacted, you won't be eating much other broth and water. Stuff that you don't have to chew or think about that just slides right down.

    ^^^ This. Don't sweat a few days of not feeling well even if you eat a little bit of comfort food to get you through it. I'll bet you didn't gain all the weight you want to lose in three or four days. You aren't going to gain that much if any in a few days of not working out, eating perfectly, ect.
  • TClarkNGU
    TClarkNGU Posts: 2 Member
    Experiment on healthy, high protein smoothies - Try greek yogurt, berries, and twist it up with kale or spinach. You could also add whey protein to increase protein and satiety. Use PB2 + banana, a little honey and plain yogurt. Soups work well - you could puree them is you are afraid of particles getting in your gums. Soups can be low calorie and filling! cottage cheese with chopped tomatoes might be helpful. Hope this helps.
  • Hi lovely, I had my impacted wisdom teeth out, all 4 of them, last year. In all honesty, please DON'T worry about weight during this time. You have to focus on getting better. Most of your time will be spent exhausted. I had a lot of soups, frozen yoghurt/ice cream (in small portions just to ease pain/swelling while tasting yummy) and I also had over cooked pasta a few times when I was sick of liquid food! Mushed up sweet potato is also nice and not too bad.

    Seriously just focus on getting better, you'll be back to usual soon but your health is more important and your body needs to repair itself!
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    You would have to be at a significant surplus of calories to gain. Set your calorie intake level to maintenance for sedentary for the next few days until you feel like exercising again. My experience with wisdom teeth is that you won't feel like eating much anyway. Protein shakes, smoothies, yogurt, avocado, applesauce, and bananas should be fairly easy to eat. When you're sick or recovering from illness or surgery, you need to focus on nourishing your body for healing instead of worrying about weight loss. You can't get that far off track in the few days it will take to recover from getting your wisdom teeth out.


    i lived off fruit and protein smoothies (eaten with a spoon because a straw was a no-no) for two days. its all i wanted. then i graduated to soft foods and soups. just take care of yourself.
  • tafournier
    tafournier Posts: 13 Member
    I wouldn't stress about it because of a couple of, as everyone pretty much agrees on, is you won't feel like eating....two, your body will be using your metabolism to heal itself from the surgery.....let your body do what it has to. It's only for a few days....good luck with the procedure & your journey.
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    All 4 of mine were impacted and I had no problem at all. No pain. I was eating chips the next day (even though you are not supposed too and that is likely why I am on this site Buy some ensure or a drink like that so you are getting all your nutrients. Good luck!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Who is your dentist and how backwards are their methods? I have had my wisdom teeth out and except for the first day I was eating just fine. Also a day or two of not eating as much as you normally do or eating softer foods isnt going to derail your plan if its a good plan.
  • hep26000
    hep26000 Posts: 156 Member
    I only have two wisdom teeth and I am actually getting them out TODAY. After work! I'm nervous too but my dentist offered to do them since they are out of the gums and my roots are clean. It should be quick and easy. I do not want to be put under.
    Like previous posters said- just take care of yourself and try not to worry about weight loss.

    :drinker: Here's to me and you having easy extractions and a quick recovery. CHEERS!!! :drinker:
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    Don't stress! I know some people that were in pain, but I was back to normal pretty much as soon as the drugs from the surgery wore off. I was eating normal food the next day and had no problems at all. I think that's kinda the exception since most people do have some sort of pain, but there's no use in worrying about it beforehand and stressing over it. My sister couldn't eat solid food for a few days, so she ate things like soup, applesauce, yogurt and mashed potatoes. Don't worry about exercising and just listen to how your body feels. Good luck :flowerforyou:

    Everyone reacts differently to having their wisdom teeth out. Me, I was up and around again that night, though my parents wouldn't let me drive because I was on Vicodin, which I stopped taking after the second day with no problems other than some tenderness when I would bite into something tough, oh and I got a piece of rice stuck in the hole where one tooth use to be. I think I even went running a couple days later. My college roommate on the other hand was sick for a week and was still blah when she came back to school. So do what your body will allow.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    Who is your dentist and how backwards are their methods? I have had my wisdom teeth out and except for the first day I was eating just fine. Also a day or two of not eating as much as you normally do or eating softer foods isnt going to derail your plan if its a good plan.

    were yours impacted? its a lot more invasive when they're impacted, you're sore, and you have to be very careful of your stitches until they disolve. all 4 of mine were and they had to shave off some of my jaw bone in all 4 locations.

    granted, this was 14 years ago for me.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    My wisdom teeth were VERY impacted and they had to crack the lower ones up into pieces. I was pretty much eating apple sauce and mashed bananas for a while.

    That being said, I didn't have to touch my vicadin at all. Over-the-counter Ibruprofen was enough