Working out with lower back injury

Hi everyone, I am new to this but had a question I hope I can get some help with... About a year ago I herniated three discs in my back from the S1 to the L3. I had surgery but it left me with permanent weakness and nerve damage from my lower back down to my left leg... I am only allowed to put a max of 20 lbs of compression on my back but need to rebuild my core. I hope to some day get my six pack back and hope someone may have some suggestions for excercises I might be able to do given my circumstances and limitations. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated, thank you


  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    You don't want to hear this, but I suggest you talk to a doctor. Taking advice from random strangers on the internet could land you in hospital.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    You absolutely need to talk to a doctor. Personally, I think that starting with very light strength training and gradually increasing weights as you get stronger will only HELP you, but it sounds like you had/have a very serious injury. I would not start anything until you've cleared it with your doctor.
  • Jenelle64
    I agree, talk to your doctor. He/she can give you your limitations and suggestions for proper exercises for you condition. Good Luck!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    No actual experience ..... maybe someone can vouch for (or discount) the following suggestion:

    There are seated exercises ..... videos here:

    This one is seated cardio

    This one is seated Abs
  • mom2sons02
    mom2sons02 Posts: 111 Member
    Agree with talking to your Dr. I am trying yoga, I have arthritis and sciatica. Back pain sucks. Best of luck with what you find out.
  • Thank you everyone for all the responses... I have been to the doctors alot but unfortunately they were all work comp docs... Most just gave me enough info to get me by but not enough to teach me... At one point I was told that planking would be a good way to strengthen my core but I was never given any instruction... Im a single father of 2 boys so time for the gym and finances are very limited. If anyone knows how I may learn good planking techniques or anything similar, I would be very thankful... Thanks everyone
  • stacyhaddenham
    stacyhaddenham Posts: 211 Member
    If your dr.'s aren't being helpful I would find a new dr. or ask for a referral to physical therapy. My wife has multiple bulging discs and a small hole in the membrane around her spinal column that allows some fluid to leak. She was told to start with swimming to build up the muscles with little to no impact. So far we are seeing improvement on how far she can walk and how often her back goes out with that. But again I would talk to a professional.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    @travisdennisl - I had the same problem. I used to run between 30 and 60 miles a week. Don't think I'm a fitness nut. I just love to eat dessert. :-) Anyway, I injured my back and when I asked what I could do to strengthen my back so I could run again, I just kept getting told that I would never exercise again, let alone run. My weight was going up and the more it did, the more back problems I had. My core was mush and I couldn't find anyone to help. Then one day on my way home from work I just on a whim stopped in at the exercise equipment shop. There was a certified physical therapist there. We talked about what happened and what I wanted to do. He recommended a doctor that specializes in sports medicine and also recommended several exercises to help strengthen my core. I have to confess, I didn't see the doctor. I started with VERY light weight and the exercises he recommended. He also switched me to a bike. Now I'm dropping weight, strengthening my core and my back doesn't hurt like it used to. It's been several years. Don't think it happens quickly. Also, everyone is different with their back injuries. I could tell you what I did for exercises but that may not help you at all or worse, it could hurt you. There is hope. I'm running again, biking a lot (80miles/week) and my reflux I developed when my weight was up has stopped. See someone trained in sports therapy or sports medicine. They understand that you don't wan't to sit on a couch eating Brussels sprouts for the rest of your life. Don't give up though. It's possible and I'm living proof. You just have to find the right doctor and don't take no for an answer. It's just way too easy for the doctors to tell you that you will never exercise again. They are just being lazy. Even Christopher Reeves had an exercise plan.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    If your dr.'s aren't being helpful I would find a new dr. or ask for a referral to physical therapy. My wife has multiple bulging discs and a small hole in the membrane around her spinal column that allows some fluid to leak. She was told to start with swimming to build up the muscles with little to no impact. So far we are seeing improvement on how far she can walk and how often her back goes out with that. But again I would talk to a professional.

    Couldn't agree more. :-)