I'm so COLD!!!



  • DapperKay
    DapperKay Posts: 140 Member
    I was until I started doing more exercise and getting my circulation working again....now I'm warmer, especially my fingers, despite missing the fat.

    Pre-raphaelites? Good choice!!
  • ewarlow
    ewarlow Posts: 71 Member
    Im always cold at the office - AC is kept far too cold for my liking and Im literally sitting at my desk wrapped in a blanket right now, and I'm still freezing!

    I dread winter.. yuck!
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    I'm always cold - no matter my weight. If I'm this cold now, I'm going to be frozen when I lose weight, but I'll be a happy little icicle.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I'm cold all the time too. My blood pressure is really low (96/48 last time I had it checked) so I think that may have something to do with it. I get light headed every time I stand up too. I've been to the doctor and she tells me to just stay super hydrated and eat more salt.
    Your symptoms scream low cortisol/low thyroid. You need to do a four point saliva cortisol test and check free and reverse T3
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    Yep, same here. Dr. told me I lost the layer of fat and that is why I'm cold. I can get goose bumps just drinking ice water. But I'd rather be cold than fat. So I can add layers of clothes if I need them. NO problem!!

    My sentiments exactly!

    It's just a bothersome feeling sometime.

    I guess the good thing is that my body fat is decreasing hence the cold feeling.
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    Yes! I ear fingerless gloves jogging. I like being cold better than feeling like a big droopy blob though
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Yep, I've lost 109 lbs so far and I'm quite a bit colder now without the insulation. I'm hoping I'll get used to it otherwise I'll be wearing sweaters year round!
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    Ive started to notice being colder than I used to be, often sat in my living room with my flat mates, they have doors windows open and im sat there in trackies and a hoodie trying to keep warm. Its more than likely down to a decrease layer of fat, your body is used to having X amount to keep you warm now it only has Y. Once you get to your goal weight you're body will start to adjust and it shouldnt (i hope) be a problem.